, Brepols, 2022 Hardback, iv + 370 pages, Size:220 x 280 mm, Illustrations:20 b/w, 76 col., 8 tables b/w., 10 maps b/w, Language: English. ISBN 9782503587844.
Summary Monasteries contributed to every aspect of life during the middle ages, from the structures monks built, to land management, craft production to the intellectual and spiritual life of the medieval world. There were more than 300 orders or congregations in existence during the middle ages, yet scholarship considers only a small number of them (notably Cistercians and Cluniacs), and privileges selected sites, such as Mont Saint-Michel, San Francesco in Assisi or Christ Church in Canterbury. This volume considers the history and architecture of other congregations that are essential to a more complete understanding of monasticism in the European middle ages: Augustinians, lesser known Benedictines, Carthusians, Celestines, Clarissans, and Tironensians in France, as well as the Camaldolese and Vallombrosans in Italy. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction: Other Monasticisms and the Question of Representivity Sheila Bonde (Brown University) and Clark Maines (Wesleyan University) 2. The French Celestine "network" (ca. 1350-1450): cross-order and lay collaboration in late medieval monastic reform. Robert Shaw (Independent Scholar) 3. Sainte-Croix-sous-Offémont:?An archaeological and architectural perspective on the Celestine order. Arthur Panier (University of Paris I and Free University of Brussels) 4. The abbey of Tiron in the later middle ages: some observations Kathleen Thompson (University of Sheffield) 5. La Sainte-Trinité de Tiron in the Context of Eremitism in Western France Sheila Bonde (Brown University) and Clark Maines (Wesleyan University) 6. The Illumination of the Eye, and the Rhetoric of Sanctity and Contemplative Prayer in the Early to Central Middle Ages. Susan Wade (Keene State University) 7. The Archdiocese of Reims: Tradition, and Benedictine Reform in the Twelfth Century. Kyle Killian (Florida State University) 8. Overlapping Space and Temporal Access in the Chartreuse de Champmol. Laura Chilson-Parks (Brown University) 9. Reconstructing an Order: The Architecture of Isabelle of France's Abbey at Longchamp. Erica Kinias (Brown University) 10. Vallombrosan and Camaldolese: Architecture and Identity in Two Italian Reform Orders. Erik Gustafson, (Washington and Lee University) 11. Augustinian Architecture in France: Aesthetic Restraint within a Regional Frame. Sheila Bonde (Brown University) and Clark Maines (Wesleyan University)