, Brepols, 2019 Hardback, cxlii + 89 pages, Size:155 x 245 mm, Languages: Latin, English. ISBN 9782503580395.
Summary This volume brings together four works on the doctrine of predestination penned by Lupus of Ferri res during the predestination contest that unfolded in the Carolingian kingdoms of the mid-ninth century. While Lupus has earned a reputation among students of medieval manuscripts and learning as a collector of books and as a scholar of the classics, this critical edition reveals Lupus's work as a theologian and polemicist. His "dossier" comprises two letters, a treatise-pr cis and a florilegium of patristic sources. The introduction of this edition situates the works in their historical, material and intellectual contexts. It furthermore traces the development of Lupus's research and thinking throughout his several contributions. TABLE OF CONTENTS Lupus Servatus - Opuscula de praedestinatione - ed. J.C. Thompson