Editions d'art Aurora, Léningrad, 1987, 271 pp., relié, jaquette un peu défraîchie avec manque, état correct.
Phone number : 0033 (0)1 42 23 30 39
1900 1 Encre de Chine et lavis, signé du monogramme de l'artiste en bas à droite (1900), 26.5 x 18 cm.
Ce nu représente un homme debout, les bras croisés sur sa poitrine. Il semble appuyé à son ombre. Valentin SEROV (1865-1911) fréquente tôt les artistes. Paysagiste et portraitiste, il réalise de nombreux portraits de personnalités en vogue, Ida Rubinstein, Diaghilev, ainsi que des illustrations pour le théâtre. Pacifiste, il est classé parmi les impressionnistes russes.
In Russian. Short description: Valentin Serov. Paintings Graphic Works Scenography. Aurora Art Publisher. Leningrad. 1982. The album is dedicated to the creativity of one of the most interesting Russian artists of the late XIX - early XX century Valentin Alexandrovich Serov (1865-1911). A disciple of I.E. Repin a member of the Society of Itinerant Art Exhibitions and the World of Art association Serov largely predetermined the main trends in the development of Russian painting in his work enriching it with new artistic means. He opened new paths connected one period in the history of Russian painting with another. In his art tradition and innovation were extraordinarily organically combined. For those who cherished the traditions of past Russian painting Serov delighted with deep realism in portrait characteristics and for innovators he was close with a constant search for the yet unattained. Serov is multifaceted because in the complex era of the late XIX - early XX century he sought to forget nothing that was bequeathed by predecessors to use revive and give a new interpretation to what was bequeathed. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUMS002139