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‎SEBASTIANUS A SANCTO PAULO - Bishop John Jebb of Limerick ( provenance ) :‎

Reference : 43786

‎"Exhibitio Errorum quos P. Daniel Papebrochius Societatis Jesu, Suis in notis ad Acta Sanctorum commisit contra Christi Domini Paupertatem; Aetatem, &c Summorum Pontificum Acta & Gesta, Bullas, Brevia & Decreta ; Concilia; S. Scripturam..[...] ..Haereticis allisque Authoribus ab Ecclesia damnatis. Oblata Sanctissimo Domino Nostro Innocentio XII. [1] ( BOUND with ) Idem , Motivum Juris pro Libro cui titulus ; Exhibitio Errorum,.[...] [2]. (Bound with) (Idem) Appendix ad Motivum Juris.[...]. [3]."‎

‎".: 14. Collection of four imprints bound in one contemporary volume. [1] Coloniae Agrippinae ( Köln ) , apud Servatium Noethen, 1693, (68)nn pp + 650 pp (i.e. 647 ; pagination jumps from 576 to 579), in-4°, 19,5 x 14,5 cm, Bound in contemporary full calf, raised gilt spine. Binding with wear at extremities, with some loss of leather, gilt decoration worn and hardly visible, lower joint partially split. Notwithstanding these defects still a good copy in a technically sound binding. [2] Bound with '' Motivum Juris...'' . Antverpiae ( Antwerpen ) , in Officina Knobbariana, Apud Franciscum Muller ( Frans Muller ), 1693, 36 pp. [3] Bound with '' Appendix ad Motivum Juris...''. Antverpiae ( Antwerpen ) , in Officina Knobbariana, Apud Franciscum Muller ( Frans Muller ), 1694, 43 pp + (1)(bl). [4] Bound with ; '' Decreta de la Inquisicion de Toledo, contra los Libros de los RR. Padres Godefrido Henchenio, y Daniel Papebrochio de la Compagina de Jesus. (Idem) same text in Latin, (4)nn pp, s.l. s.d. [imprimatur ; Lovanii ( Leuven) 18. dec. 1695]. With the engraved armorial ex-libris of bishop John Jebb of Limerick (1775-1833). Very interesting collection of 4 publications pertaining to the so called Carmelite Controversy , the worst incident in the history of the ''Société des Bollandistes''. These 4 publications attack the writings of Daniel Papebrochius (one of the founding members of the Bollandistes) on the subject of the history of the Carmelite Order. Item [4] consists of the decree which fully proscribed all the publications of the Bollandist Society. The dispute was never solved but ended on 20th November 1698 when Pope Innocent XII issued a brief whereby, on pain of excummunication, all discussion should stop. All publications on the subject where put on the ''Index Librorum Prohibitorum''."‎

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