(London, W. Bulmer and Co., 1819). 4to. No wrappers as issued in ""Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London for the Year MDCCCXIX"", pp. 161-208 and 2 engraved plates, showing his invention of the samplin bottle aimd at getting samples from the depth of the oceans.
First printing. Marcet undertook some of the first measurements of the concentration of different salts in sea water. He was an early marine chemist and a allround scientist and performed some of the first measures of the concentrations of the major salts in sea water. He found that all sea water contains the same salts in nearly the same concentrations. He invented the ""Sampling Bottle""
London, Printed for the Hydrographic Office, Admiralty and sold by J.D. Potter for the sale of Admiralty Charts, 1894, third edition. 1 volume in-8, XXIV-704 pp., rebound in modern brown leather, with a map, a very good copy.
This volume comprising The Coast of China from HongKong to the Korea - North Coast of Luzon, Formosa Island and Strait - The Babuyan and Bashi groups and Pratas Island, Yellow Sea, Gulfs of Pe Chili and Liau Tung, also the Rivers Canton, West, Min, Yung, Yang Tse, Yellow Pei Ho and Liau Ho.
Hydrographer of the Navy reliure Rigide Décorative London 1958 468 pages en format 14 - 23 cm - reliure rigide en percaline - supplément N°7 de 1970
Bon État
London, Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1885. Folio. In contemporary half cloth with the blue printed front wrapper pasted on to front board. Light wear to extremities, internally fine and clean. X, 164 pp. + 6 folded coloured plates.
Rare first edition of the official British report on sea casualties in United Kingdom's waters for the year 1883-84.
London, Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1884. Folio. In contemporary half cloth with the blue printed front wrapper pasted on to front board. Light wear to extremities, internally fine and clean. X, 167, (1) pp. + 6 folded coloured plates.
Rare first edition of the official British report on sea casualties in United Kingdom's waters for the year 1882-83.
A Be Sea - A Visual Paper - BOYLE, Sebastian (Publisher and Editor) - JAMES, David (Art Direction)
Reference : 115684
sd Issue H - Sans date (1993 ?) - In-folio, broché couverture illustrée - Sans pagination (65 pages) - Très nombreuses reproductions photographiques en N&B in et hors texte - Texte en anglais
Bon état - Menus frottements sur la couverture
SEA. 1967. In-4. Broché. Etat passable, Plats abîmés, Dos abîmé, Pliures. 62 pages de roman-photos. Papier jauni.. . . . Classification Dewey : 70.49-Presse illustrée, magazines, revues
N°4, 20 décembre 1967. Roman-photos policier. Sommaire : La mort joue à la roulette - Justine (bande-dessinée). Classification Dewey : 70.49-Presse illustrée, magazines, revues
SEA. 1968. In-4. Broché. Etat d'usage, Plats abîmés, Dos abîmé, Intérieur frais. 62 pages. Nombreuses illustrations en noir et blanc, dans et hors texte.. . . . Classification Dewey : 70.49-Presse illustrée, magazines, revues
N°1, janvier 1968. Roman-photos policier. Sommaire : Opération bikini - Justine (bande-dessinée). Classification Dewey : 70.49-Presse illustrée, magazines, revues
.: London, Edward Stanford Ltd, 1923, 23 x15 cm, mounted on cloth, in 30 folding sections, coloured map 67.5 x 140 cm, in publisher's cloth with a printed label on front cover. (One pen marking on map).
Chambre Syndicale Nationale des Electriciens Spécialistes de l'Automobile (SEA)
Reference : 300008904
Chambre Syndicale Nationale des Electriciens Spécialistes de l'Automobile (SEA)
Reference : 300009239
Sydney (Australie), Ford & Son Press, septembre 1944 ; in-8 agrafé. 72pp. Couverture illustrée présentant des rousseurs.
Avec un bel envoi autographe à ses parents daté du 9 mai 1945, par le rédacteur et éditorialiste de la revue : Alan Rowland Chisholm (professeur de français et animateur de "L'Ecole de Melbourne" ; il était critique et mémorialiste, spécialiste de la poésie française, Rimbaud, Baudelaire, Mallarmé, Valéry...). Outre des articles sur la littérature française : Gides, Anatole France, Romain Rolland, Aragon, Colette... on trouve dans cet opuscule des essais sur les arts, la philosophie, la situation de Paris dans la guerre.. et surtout la première publication australienne de la traduction anglaise du "Silence de la mer". Elle occupe les pages 26 à 39, et comme l'indique une note à la fin, a été établie d'après le texte anglais paru dans le magazine "Life" du 13 octobre 1943 à New-York (page 102). On y retrouve les mêmes coupures des pages 51 à 54, 61, et 64 à 66 de l'édition française de 1942 ou 43.
ST. PÉTERSBOURG, De l'imprimerie de Pluchart et Cie, 1811; petit in-4, XIX-288-3, cartonnage de l'éditeur. Tampons génie garde impérial etc - complet avec planches - rousseurs - rare demi-basane usagé exemplaire de travail.
Tampons génie garde impérial etc - complet avec planches - rousseurs - rare demi-basane usagé exemplaire de travail.
Reference : 16118
Very large engraved seechart, measuring 61 x 87,5 cm. in original outline colouring with large inset view of the harbour of Kinsal and Kinsal River. The chart showing the Westcoast of Ireland from Bay of Roonstahound to Kiriec (in lower left corner C. Berey scr.) A fine impression on good thick paper with the watermark: BYCOLUMBIER. fOLDED DOWN THE CENTER.
The ""Neptune Francois"" was published in 1693, and its charts are larger and more lavishly decorated than those of any preceding book of its kind. The chart is without year, place and ""par Ordre du Roi"", pointing to a later issue, but issued from the original copperplate. It is also without ""Imprimerie Royale"" belonging to the imprints from 1792. Koeman IV,425:11.
Reference : 16120
Large engraved seechart, measuring 46 x 89 cm. in original outline colouring. The chart showing the South-east coast of England from Sandwich to Clay. With inset view of The Thames between London and Greane Island. A fine impression on good thick paper with watermark: BYCOLUMBIER. Folded down the center.
The ""Neptune Francois"" was published in 1693, and its charts are larger and more lavishly decorated than those of any preceding book of its kind. This chart is without year, place and ""par Ordre du Roi"", pointing to a later issue, but issued from the original copperplate. It is also without ""Imprimerie Royale"" belonging to the imprints from 1792. Koeman IV,425:8.
(Paris, L'Imprimerie Royale, 1750). 4to. Extract from ""Mémoires fe Mathematique et de Physique, Présentés à l'Academie des Sciences par divers Savans"", Tome I. Pp. 80-94 a. 3 engraved plates showing the machinery of the sand-timer.
Describing the construction of his advanced sand-timer to measure both minutes and hours mainly to be used at see.
Reference : 46430
(Berlin, Haude et Spener, 1769). 4to. No wrappers as issued in ""Mémoires de l'Academie Royale des Sciences et Belles-Lettres"", tome XXIII, 1767, pp., 1 folded engraved worldmap in the Lambert projection.
First appearance of the paper in which Lambert set forth his theory of how ocean Waves devellops.
St.-Petersbourg, Pluchart et Cie, 1811. 4to. a. folio. 2 contemp. hcalf. Gilt spines. A paperlabel pasted on upper part of spines. Stamps on title-pages. (12),XIX,284,(4) pp. and 3 folded engraved plates. Atlas: (2) pp. and 20 engraved plates (7 folded in double-folio). A few faint brownspots.
First edition. - Klaus Jordan, 3481.
Riobamba Imprenta Del Seminario 1889 In-12 Broché Moyen
Brochure à la couverture de papier jauni défraichi, titre imprimé en noir encadré, cachet de poste avec légère déchirure ; 28pp ; cette notice (en espagnol) est un résumé de la vie de la vénérable mère Chappuis publiée en français par un père oblat de Saint François de Sales
Reference : 16114
(No date, no place, (1693). Very large engraved seechart, measuring 60,5 x 85,5 cm. in original outline colouring with inset view of the River Dee at Chester. The chart showing the whole of Ireland and the Westcoast of England from Cornwall to Cuningham in the north. A fine impression on good thick paper, bearing the watermark: BYCOLUMBIER. Folded down the center.
The ""Neptune Francois"" was published in 1693, and its charts are larger and more lavishly decorated then those of any preceding book of its kind.This cart is without year, place and ""par ordre du Roi"", pointing to a later print, but issued from the original copperplate. It is also without ""Imprimerie Royale"" belonging to the most recent impression from 1792. Koeman IV,425:10.
Reference : 16116
(No place, no date(1693)). Very large engraved seechart, measuring 60 x 86,5 cm. in original outline colouring. The chart showing the Northern part of England from Lancaster to Banf, of Ireland from Blackrock to Carlingford and all the Islands to the north: Shetland, Orkney, Faroe etc. etc. A fine impression on good thick paper with the watermark: BYCOLUMBIER. Folded down the center.
The ""Neptune Francois"" was published in 1693, and its charts are larger and more lavishly decorated than those of any preceding book of its kind. The chart is without year, place and ""par Ordre du Roi"", pointing to a later impression, but issued from the original copperplate. It is also without ""Imprimerie Royale"" belonging to the imprints from 1792. Koeman IV,425:9.
Paris, Imprimerie Administrative de Paul Dupont, 1863. 8vo. Clothbacked boards. Orig. blue printed frontwrapper pasted on upper board. Stamp on title-page. 28 pp. Offprint/Extrait from ""Annales hydrographiques. 1863"". On thick paper. Clean and fine.
(Depot des Cartes et Plans de la Marine. No 359).
Jacques Haumont.. 1931.. In-12. Broché. Etat d'usage, Couv. légèrement passée, Dos abîmé, Quelques rousseurs. 266 pages. Couverture détachée. Rousseurs sur les plats de couverture. Coiffes abîmées.. . . . Classification Dewey : 820-Littératures anglaise et anglo-saxonne
Traduit par Suzanne Flour. Classification Dewey : 820-Littératures anglaise et anglo-saxonne
ANTWERP SEA PILOT RULES 1844 - [ ] Pilot A.J.P. HUILMAND - N° 497 :
Reference : 57167
.: S.l. (Brussel), Département de la Marine (pour les agents du Pilotage Belge aux Bouches de l'Escaut ,format small in-8°, 14,5 x 9 cm, 176 pp, bilingual, Dutch-French. The title is preceded with a printed leaf which states that this book is stricktly personal and has to be carried by the Scheldt pilot at all times: it may not be lend out or sold. The owner is named as A.J.P. Huilmand, loods der 2e classe. This last remark has been corrected in red ink with ''Patron Pilote''.Bound in original full supple vellum with a large overlapping. With traces of use but still an acceptable copy. Very rare.