".: Antwerpen ( Berchem), Les Editions de la Serfouette; 1969, in-folio, 38 cm x 28 cm, 22 in-folio quires of (4)nn pp. With inserted in the last 10 quires a full page engraving of Roger van de Wouwer. Printed in 150 numbered copies on ''Vélin d'Arches'' paper. This is copy nr. 17. All the engravings are numbered (75/150) and signed in pencil by the artist. The quires are kept in a blind green coloured paper portfolio (as published). Added to this copy is an extra suite of the 10 engravings, numbered (74/150) and signed by the artist in pencil. This extra suite is coloured by the artist with colour pencil. It is kept in a similar blind green paper portfolio. Both portfolio's are kept in publisher's green cloth sliding box with large gilt title lettering on spine. All perfectly preserved. Rare and interesting copy of this surrelist poetry collection by Louis Scutenaire ( Ollignies-Hainaut 1905 - Bruxelles 1987). Together wiith his wife Irène Hamoir, Paul Nougé and René Magritte he formed the kernel of belgian surrealism. The work is illustrated with a double suite ( one coloured) of surrelist engravings by Roger van de Wouwer ( Hoboken -Antwerpen 1933 - Wilrijk 2005).."
".: Antwerpen ( Berchem), Les Editions de la Serfouette; 1969, in-folio, 38 cm x 28 cm, 22 in-folio quires of (4)nn pp. With inserted in the last 10 quires a full page engraving of Roger van de Wouwer. Printed in 150 numbered copies on ''Vélin d'Arches'' paper. This is copy nr. 150. All the engravings are numbered (150/150) and signed in pencil by the artist. The quires are kept in a blind green coloured paper portfolio (as published). The portfolio is kept in a publisher's green cloth sliding box with large gilt title lettering on spine. Perfectly preserved. Nice copy of this surrelist poetry collection by Louis Scutenaire ( Ollignies-Hainaut 1905 - Bruxelles 1987). Together wiith his wife Irène Hamoir, Paul Nougé and René Magritte he formed the kernel of belgian surrealism. The work is illustrated with surrealist engravings by Roger van de Wouwer ( Hoboken -Antwerpen 1933 - Wilrijk 2005).."