Bruxelles, 1950 viii + 404pp.+ 9 bl/w plates out of text & 1 map, text in German, 31cm., in the series "Institut Royal Colonial Belge. Sections des sciences morales et politiques. Mémoires collection in-4" tome V, Good condition, C100635
".: 10. Bruxelles, Librairie Falk, 1949, 2 vols in-4°, vol. I ; x pp + 509 pp + XXX black/white plates + 1 map ; vol.II viii pp + 1 map + 404 pp + IX black/white plates. Sewn, original printed wrapper. (Wrapper dustsoiled , spine with traces of adhesive tape, interior fine). Unopened copy. Text in German with a short resume in French. Published by the '' Institut Royal Colonial Belge - Mémoire Tome ''."
Taschen America Llc; 1er édition (1 mai 1999)
Relié, jaquette illustrée, nombreuses illustrations, comme neuf.