Kopenhagen, Friedrich Brummer, 1801. 4to. Bound uncut in a nice recent half calf binding with gilt lettering to spine. With a few occassional brownspots but otherwise a nice copy. VIII, 172 pp.
Rare first edition of the first 'modern' Nowegian work on mineralogy containing a list of minerals found in Denmark and Norway with tables of fossils listed by their componentscontaining including a survey of sites and minerals and an important source of early sites. Heinrich Christian Friedrich Schumacher (1757 - 1830) was a Danish surgeon, botanist and professor of anatomy at the University of Copenhagen. Schumacher made noteworthy contributions to malacology, specifically focusing on molluscs, and provided descriptions for several taxa through his extensive research.
Berlin, 1994 216pp., 21cm., softcover, text in German, Doctoral dissertation (Inaugural-Dissertation zur Erlangung des Doktorgrades am Fachbereich Philosophie und Sozialwissenschaften I der Freien Universität Berlin), stamp at verso of title page, text is clean and bright, good condition, F108789