Schrader O. Indo-Europeans. Parts I and II in one cover. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Shrader O. Indo-evropeytsy. Chasti: I i II v odnom pereplete.. With a foreword and addition of the author to the Russian edition. Edited and with an introductory article by A. L. Pogodin. S.Pb.P. P. Soikin. 1913. 212 4 p. SKUalb4b41f523d2e07a87.
Schrader O. Indo-Europeans. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Shrader O. Indoevropeytsy.. Translation of F.I. Pavlov. Edited and introductory article by A.L. Pogodin. With 6 tables of figures. Edition by P.P. Soikin. 1913. 212 p. SKUalbc37ff6110d30219f.
Keller K. Weile K. Zander R. Schrader O. Kassner K. Convolutee series The Knowledge Library: The Origins of Our Pets. Culture of Inculturally Intellectual Peoples. Exercise Hygiene. Indo-Europeans. Weather its Prediction and its Implications for Practical Life. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Keller K. Veyle K. Tsander R. Shrader O. Kassner K. Konvolyut serii Biblioteka znaniy: Proiskhozhdenie nashikh domashnikh zhivotnykh. Kultura beskulturnykh narodov. Gigiena fizicheskikh uprazhneniy. Indo-evropeytsy. Pogoda ee predskazanie i znachenie dlya prakticheskoy zhizni.Series: Library of Knowledge. With a foreword and additions by the author to the Russian edition. Translated by F. Pavlov. Edited and with an introductory article by A.L. Pogodin We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalb6322319033046a5b