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Reference : 60860


‎Grundtræk til en almindelig Plantegeographie.‎

‎Kjøbenhavn, Gyldendalske Boghandels Forlag, 1822 (1823). 8vo. In contemporary half calf with gilt lettering and ornamentation to spine. Ex-libris (Niels Fabritius Buchwald) pasted on to pasted down front end-paper. Light occassional brownspotting throughout. A nice copy. VIII, 463, (3) pp. + folded plates. ‎

‎First edition of Schouw's main work, the first systematic expostion and general survey of this new science, Plant-geography, whose main lines were laid out by Willdenow and A.v. Humboldt. ""Schouws Plantegeographie er et af den botaniske Litteraturs Hovedværker"" i Danmark udkom intet Værk i denne Periode, der kan stilles ved Siden af det, og vi skal helt op til Warmings ""Plantesamfund"", før vi i dansk-botanisk Litteratur træffer et Værk, der i Betydning kan maale sif med det."" (Carl Christensen). (i.e. English: ""Schouw's Plant Geography is one of the main works in botanical literature"" in Denmark, no work was published during this period that can be compared to it, and we must go all the way up to Warming's 'Plant Communities' before we encounter a work in Danish botanical literature that can measure up to it in significance."") From the library of Niels Fabritius Buchwald (1898-1986) was a Danish mycologist and plant pathologist, born in Aalborg. He served as a professor at the Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University from 1944 to 1968. Buchwald authored numerous works in mycology and plant pathology, including both scientific papers and popular science books like ""Spise- og Giftsvampe"" (1937) and ""Land- og havebrugsplanternes svampesygdomme"" (1980). He was also a co-editor of the mycological journal Friesia from 1932 and Naturhistorisk Tidende from 1937. In recognition of his contributions, he became a member of the Danish Academy of Technical Sciences in 1956.‎


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