In folio, relié d'ép. pl. peau, rel à 5 nerfs, deux pièces de titre, un filet d'encadrement sur les plats, fleuron central repoussé sur chaque plat, coiffes bonnes, mors solides. Ouvrage peu manié, bien conservé, intérieur trés frais. 32 pp ; Impression du dictionnaire sur 2 col. (1 à 1624) ; Notes de David Hoeschel : 2 col. : 1 à 104 ; Index Rerum... 23 pp ; 2 p
Excellent exemplaire de la célèbre édition de Photius donnée par Andréas Schott à Genève en 1601. Ce livre devenu légendaire est d'une insigne rareté.Un ouvrage central de l'Humanisme de la Renaissance Européenne, de la Réforme et de la Contre-Réforme.
Antverpiae, ex Officina Plantiniana, 1610. 8 feuillets. 383 pages. 14 feuillets. (17,5x11,5 Cm). Plein veau brun. Dos à nerfs orné. Reliure de l'époque. Charnière supérieure en partie fendue et petit manque à la coiffe inférieure. Ouvrage du philologue humaniste jésuite originaire d'Anvers Andreas Schott. Professeur, entre autre, de rhétorique et grand admirateur de Ciceron, Schott signe ici un traité sur la composition latine de style cicéronien, composé en grande partie de nombreuses études de textes d'auteurs divers, reproduits ici in extenso. Rares taches et petites traces d'humidité. Bon exemplaire.
[Apud Elzevirios (Ex officina Elseviriana)] - SENECA, Lucius et Marcus ; [ SENEQUE ] ; GRONOVIUS [GRONOW, Johann Friedrich ] ; SCOTTUS, Andrea [ SCHOTT, Andreas ]
Reference : 65597
3 vol. petit in-12 reliés plein veau, dos à 3 nerfs, Lugd. Batav., Apud Elzevirios (Ex officina Elseviriana), 1649, I : 24 ff. , 552 pp. ; II : 718 pp. ; III : 442 pp., 77 ff. n. ch.
Il s'agit de la "réimpression ligne pour ligne du Sénèque de 1640, à l'exception des pièces liminaires du tome Ier qui occupent 24 ff. au lieu de 12, à cause d'une longue épître de Gronovius à la reine de Suède" (Willems, 672). On ajoute normalement à cette édition le volume de notes de Gronovius. "Quoique fort belle, cette édition est moins recherchée que la précédente". Etat très satisfaisant (reliure un peu frottée avec petits mq. en coiffes et plats, passée au vernis, bon état par ailleurs, ex-libris en garde)
".: (Tournai), Apud Nicolaum Laurentium, 1611, in-8°, 16 x 10 cm, (16) + 557 pp + (11)(A.Schotti Notationes) + 79 pp (B.Ennodii Hymni et Epigrammata) + (13)(not.) + (39)(indices), contemporary full overlapping vellum, slightly loose in binding. Incomplete. Lacks probably some pages at the beginning; title is ++(1) - ++(8), A(1)-A(8), B(1).... Tournai imprint by the Antwerp Jesuit Andreas Schott (1552-1629). Magnus Felix Ennodius (473 - Padua 521) one of the Roman Catholic Church Fathers became bischop of Padua. He is chiefly remembered for his panegyric on King Theodoric of the Ostrogoths."
.: Antverpiae (Antwerpen), Ex Officina Plantiniana, Apud Viduam & Filios Ioannis Moreti, 1612, small in-folio, 26 x 17,5 cm, title with copper engraved printer's mark + (18) + 702 pp + (1)(woodengraved printer's mark) + (1)(bl), contemporary vellum, endpapers renewed. (Greek proverbs, Zenobius, Diogenes). (De Backer & Sommervogel VII, 885, 33). Fine copy.
RIBADEYNERA ( Ribadeneira ) Pedro - Andreas SCHOTT ( translator - editor ) :
Reference : 55858
".: Antverpiae, (Antwerpen), Typographeio Ioach. Trognaesij, 1598, format in-8°, (16) nn pp ( with copper engraved title vignet and full page copper engraved portrait of Borgia ) + 462 pp + (2)nn pp (privilegium) (complete). Bound in a contemporary German (Swiss) binding of alum-tawed pigskin over beech boards, with Spes panel-stamp and roll decoration. Hinged solid brass clasps (in functioning order).Front panel ''Impetrat alma fidescri / Sto. Quam Dante Salute : / M. Expectare soror Spes''. Back panel ''Veritas Deterraortaes / Tueritas Deterraortae .''. Edges painted red. Back cover with some tiny perpendicula wormholes, affecting the blank margin of just 1 printed leaf (the last one). The impression of the panel on back cover a bit faded. Further condition of the binding is superb, very attractive and the front cover in near perfect state of preservation. With the dated (1599 ) manuscript ex-libris on the title page of the Cistercian Abbey of Saint Urban in Pfaffnau (near Luzern, Switserland). Tipped on to the inside of the front cover: a large woodcut ex-libris of Ulrich abbott of Sankt Urban. This could be either Ulrich Amstein (1588 - 1627) or Ulrich Glutz-Ruchti (1687 - 1701). The author Pedro de Ribadeneira was one of the first jesuits to follow the founder Ignatius of Loyola of whom he wrote the first biography. He was also involved in the foundation of the Jesuit order in the Southern Netherlands. He resided in Antwerp during longer periods. The Borgia biography was first published in Spanish (Madrid 1592). This translation into Latin by the Antwerp jesuit Schott contains also another work by Ribadaneire: his Pia Opuscula. The translator Schott must have met Ribadaneira at the university of Gandia (Valencia) where he teached theology during several years. This edition is rare and unknown to De Backer-Sommervogel. Belgica Typographica 6635. The finely preserved binding,can be assigned; thanks to the datable manuscript ex-libris , to a binder working for ; or a bookdealer selling to the Pfaffnau abbey ; or a binder working for the second abott Ulrichj (after 1687)..."
.: 2. Bruxelles, Hayez, 1849, published as a 'Mémoire in the yearbook of the Académie Royale de Belgique', volume XXIII, in-4°, 49 pp, removed from the binding.
ROSINUS Iohannes - Johann ROSZFELD - Paulus MANUTIUS - Andreas SCHOTT :
Reference : 29750
".: 14. Amstelodami (Amsterdam), Ex Typographia Blaviana, 1685, thick in-4°, 24 x 18.5 cm, engraved title-page + (iv) + 934 + (30) pp, index, 7 engr. plates (by P. Philippe), some folding, cont. vellum, ties missing, raised back, gilt supralibros on front and back cover, speckled edges, small stamp neatly cut from title-page (no loss of text), small text loss at p. 32 due to a missing corner. Still a fine copy. The text is sometimes in 2 columns, printed in roman and italic with occasional Greek quotations The engrav. title bears the inscription; ""Romanarum antiquitatum corpus absolutissimum cum notis doctissimis Thomae Dempsteri I.C. et oeneis figuris accuratissimis."" Johann Roszfeld, 1551- 1626, a Lutheran preacher from Saxony. This first compilation of Roman ""antiquities"" (religion, law, literature, customs) was first published at Basel in 1583; Thomas Dempster, 1579? - 1625, a Scotsman, expanded it. Bound in at the end (with continous pagination) ; Pauli Manutii Antiquitatum Romanorum Libri Duo, de Legibus ed de And. Schotti."
ROSINUS Iohannes - Johann ROSZFELD - Paulus MANUTIUS - Andreas SCHOTT :
Reference : 29751
".: Trajecti ad Rhenum (Utrecht), Apud Guilielmum vande Water, 1701, thick in-4°, 24 x 19 cm, (xii) + 956 + (30) pp, index, with 7 engr. plates (by P. Philippe), cont. vellum, ties missing, smooth spine, gilt supralibros with coat of arms on front and back cover. The text is sometimes in 2 columns, printed in roman and italic with occasional Greek quotations The engrav. half-title bears the inscription; ""Romanarum antiquitatum corpus absolutissimum cum notis doctissimis Thomae Dempsteri I.C. et oeneis figuris accuratissimis."" Johann Roszfeld, 1551- 1626, a Lutheran preacher from Saxony. This first compilation of Roman ""antiquities"" (religion, law, literature, customs) was first published at Basel in 1583; Thomas Dempster, 1579 - 1625, a Scots historian and humanist, publ. an expanded edition (Paris, 1613). Bound in at the end (with continous pagination) ; Pauli Manutii Antiquitatum Romanorum Libri Duo, de Legibus ed de And. Schotti."