Hamburg, Friedrich Perthes, 1798. 8vo. Cont. marbled cardboardbdg. w. title-label to spine, gilding almost worn off. Some traces of wear to extremities. Internally nice and clean w. only minor and faint waterstaining to margin of some leaves. XIV, 327, (1, -errata) pp.
First edition of Schelling's influential ""On the Soul of the World"", which was the work that made Schelling famous in the university city of Jena. The work was widely noticed and highly regarded.In his early works (1795-1800), Schelling sets out to give a new account of nature. At the basis of his philosophy of nature is the status that Kant had given nature, but Schelling tries to avoid some of the consequences that come with it. He is also largely inspired by Fichte's transcendental philosophy, and in the last five years of the 19th century, Schelling is thus occupied with the relationship of the subject to the object world, -a theme that comes to found the basis for his so famous philosophy of nature. At first Fichte and Schelling stood on good terms, but as their different conceptions of nature became evident, the divergences between them became too great. As Fichte regarded nature as Not-Self, this could not be a valid subject of philosophy, and he refused to understand Schelling's philosophy of nature as complementary to his own transcendental philosophy. Schelling's philosophy of nature presents us with a modern hermeneutic view of nature, allowing nature to be of significance beyond what can be scientifically established about it. Schelling was a tutor of two boys from an aristocratic family. With them he went to Leipzic and had a chance to attend lectures at the university there. He here occupied himself with physical studies, also chemistry and biology. After having taught these two aristocrats for a couple of years, he was called to Jena as an extraordinary professor of philosophy at the mere age of 23. He stayed in Jena for five years (1798-1803), where he found himself at the centre of the German Romanticism. Goethe, for instance, highly regarded his philosophy of nature, which he got acquainted with through his ""Von der Weltseele"", which presents us with the fruits of his studies of physical sciences.Along with J.G. Fichte and Hegel, Schelling ranks as the most influential thinker of German Idealism. He stands in the centre of this most important and influential of philosophical traditions, and with his philosophy of nature, his anti-Cartesian view of subjectivity and his later critique of Hegelian Idealism, Schelling continues to be of the utmost importance to the development of continental philosophy to this day.
Stuttgart und Tübingen, 1815. 8vo. Cont. marbled cardboardbinding w. handwritten paper title to spine. A bit of wear to extremities. Internally some brownspotting. 117, (1, -Nachschrift), (6, Druckfehler) pp.
First edition of Schelling's ""The Deities of Samothrace"", which constitutes his earliest printed contribution to the mythic tradition. Schelling accepts Hegel's conception of the absolute as that which is finite to the extent that it becomes nothing but negative relation to itself, and as such, for Schelling, this becomes a way of constructing a negative system of philosophy. This system explains the logic of change within a world that is subject to explanation, but it cannot explain why there is a world that is changing in the first place. Thus, Schelling sets out to explain the historical and ontological actuality of the world, and it is this attempt that leads him to his philosophical mythology and theology. For Schelling, the treatment of mythology and religion becomes the positive complement to the negative speculative philosophy. The work was supposed to be a part of the great work that Schelling planned for years ""Die Weltalter"" (""The Ages of the World"")"" of this, however, he only ever wrote a small portion and published even less. According to Schelling, this work is meant as both an introduction and an transition to the rest of this planned cyclus of works. ""Nicht an sich, nur der Intention des Verfassers nach Baylage eines andern Werks, ist sie zuglaich Anfang und Uebergang zu mehreren andern, deren Absicht ist, das eigentliche Ursystem der Menschheit, nach wissenschaftlicher Entwickelung, wo möglich auf geschichtlichem Weg, aus langer Verdunkelung an's Licht zu bringen."" (Nachschrift). Along with J.G. Fichte and Hegel, Schelling ranks as the most influential thinker of German Idealism. He stands in the centre of this most important and influential of philosophical traditions, and he continues to be of the utmost importance to the development of continental philosophy to this day.
Landshut, 1806. 8vo. Cont. marbled boards. Title label on spine missing. Wear to capitals w. some loss, corners bumped. Internally minor brownspotting. XXXIV, 178, (1, -Verbesserungen) pp.
The scarce first edition on Karl Schelling's rare work on ""Life and its Appearance"".Karl Eberhard Schelling (1783-1854) was the younger brother of Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von Schelling (1775-1854), together with Fichte and Hegel the central thinker of German Idealism. Karl Schelling was a trained physician, who studied in Jena and there attended some of Hegel's lectures (1801-2). He later settled in Stuttgart (1805), as a general practicioner, where he wrote his main, though now forgotten, main work ""Über das Leben und seine Erscheinung"". In a letter to Hegel, F.W.v. Schelling suggests him to read an article by his brother the physician concerning animal magnetism (in Jahrbücher für Medizin als Wissenschaft, 1807), and it is this topic that is developed in his ""On Life and the Appearance of it"". Karl Schelling here advances a theory of life that involves a World Soul, in which induvidual souls participate. His theories of aether, sleep and death bear many resemblances to Hegel's philosophy of spirit.It is also Karl Schelling who treats Hegel's sister Christianne, when she falls ill, and it is likely that the treatments (which he is said to have undertaken for free) involved ""magnetic"" therapy. Hegel himself was very interested in animal magnetism, as his Philosophy of nature also bears witness to. There is no doubt about the fact that Hegel was quite impressed and intrigued with Karl Schelling's now scarcely known but interesting work.
Jena und Leipzig, Christian Ernst Gabler, 1799. 8vo. Bound in one cont. marbled cardboardbdg. Spine soiled and worn at hinges and capitals, w. a bit of loss. Cont annotations to fly leaf. Old discrete owner's name to title-page, dated 1809. Four leaves w. cont. marginal annotations and underlinings. Internally well-preserved. (2), 83, (1, errata), (2, -blank) + (4), 321, (1, -Verbesserungen) pp.
Scarce first editions of these two fundamental works of Shelling's philosophy of nature. In his early works (1795-1800), Schelling sets out to give a new account of nature, and his ""Erster Entwurf..."" together with the ""Einleitung..."" for it are placed at the centre of this attempt. At the basis of his philosophy of nature is the status that Kant had given nature, but Schelling tries to avoid some of the consequences that come with Kant's notion. He is also largely inspired by Fichte's transcendental philosophy, and in the last five years of the 19th century, Schelling is thus occupied with the relationship of the subject to the object world, -a theme that comes to found the basis for his so famous philosophy of nature. At first Fichte and Schelling stood on good terms, but as their different conceptions of nature became evident, the divergences between them became too great. As Fichte regarded nature as Not-Self, this could not be a valid subject of philosophy, and he refused to understand Schelling's philosophy of nature as complementary to his own transcendental philosophy.Schelling's philosophy of nature presents us with a modern hermeneutic view of nature, allowing nature to be of significance beyond what can be scientifically established about it. Along with J.G. Fichte and Hegel, Schelling ranks as the most influential thinker of German Idealism. He stands in the centre of this most important and influential of philosophical traditions, and with his philosophy of nature, his anti-Cartesian view of subjectivity and his later critique of Hegelian Idealism, Schelling continues to be of the utmost importance to the development of continental philosophy to this day.
Tübingen, Heerbrandt, 1795. 8vo. Bound with later blank blue wrapper in recent marbled paper covered boards. Original wrappers or blanks pasted on to the blue wrappers, heavily annotated in contemporary hand. Title-page reinforced and with misolouring to inner margin. Dampstain to upper margin of last two leaves, otherwise internally fine. 62 pp.
Rare first edition of Schelling first published work. ""When he was 19 years old Schelling wrote his first philosophical work, Über die Möglichkeit einer Form der Philosophie überhaupt (1795" On the Possibility and Form of Philosophy in General), which he sent to Fichte, who expressed strong approval.” (Encyclopedia Britannica). Schelling’s tract was a manifesto for Fichte’s foundationalist programme, an argument for the necessity of founding philosophy of the basis of a single selfevident first principle. There must be one first principle, Schelling argued, because if there were two such principles, there would have to be some higher synthesis of them, which would then be the first principle. Along with J.G. Fichte and Hegel, Schelling ranks as the most influential thinker of German Idealism. He stands in the centre of this most important and influential of philosophical traditions, and with his philosophy of nature, his anti-Cartesian view of subjectivity and his later critique of Hegelian Idealism, Schelling continues to be of the utmost importance to the development of continental philosophy to this day.
Tübingen, Cotta'schen Buchhandlung, 1803. 8vo. Uncut in the original wrappers. Most of spine-paper missing, but cords tight. Internally nice and clean, and with a few light pencilmarks. Old owner's name to title-page (dated 1900). IV, 326, (1) pp.
First edition of Schelling's important treatise, in which he in 14 lectures put forward his thoughts about the academic education in the differenrt subjects at the universities. He also gives a synopsis of his own philosophy. Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von Schelling (1775 - 1854), German philosopher and educator and a major figure of German idealism in the post-Kantian development in German philosophy. Living in Tübingen he became a friend of Hegel and Hölderlin. During his professorship at Jena in 1798 he was in close contact with leading figures of Romanticism and was also co-editor with Hegel of the Critical Journal of Philosophy. ""Vorlesungen über die Methode des akademischen Studiums"" is Schelling's Encyclopedia of philosophical sciences, according to which philosophy is the presupposition for all the special sciences. In it he argues that the task of the university is to properly hold the balancing relationship between the absolute knowledge and special knowledge.Schelling's lectures from 1803 give no didactic statements, but discuss, justify and emphasize the role and importance of the methodical scientific thinking for the free and general social education. Wilhelm Von Humboldt's model concerning education, Prussian education system, which is based on the idea of freedom and the principle of unity, instituted compulsory attendance, specific training for teachers, national testing for all students, national curriculum set for each grade and mandatory kindergarten, is large built upon Schelling's ideas presented in the present work.
Paris, Ladrange 1842 lxxxii + 420 + [1] pp., 1e édition française, 22cm., brochure originale (sauf plat inférieur: remplacé par une br.muette), quelques rousseurs, bon exemplaire de cette rare première édition française, dans "Oeuvres choisies de m. de Schelling" tome I, F82584
Paris, Ladrange 1842 lxxxii + 420 + [1] pp., 1e édition française, 22cm., brochure originale, quelques rousseurs, exemplaire de bibliothèque (quelques cachets, traces de deux etiquettes enlevées du dos, brochure peu défraichie), rare première édition française, dans "Oeuvres choisies de m. de Schelling" tome I, F90654
Cunningham (Andrew) and Jardine (Nicholas), eds. - 'D. Knight on Schelling - S.R. Morgan - E.S. Shaffer - D. von Engelhardt - F. Gregory - S. Schaffer - N. Tsouyopoulos -T. Lenoir - E. Richards - P.F. Rehbock - L.S. Jacyna on Alexander von Humboldt - M. Nicholson - D.L. Sepper on Goethe- Johan Wilhelm Ritter - W.D. Wetzels - Humphry Davy by C. Lawrence - Oersted by H.A.M. Snelders - N.A. Rupke - J. Adler - Kleist's Bedlam and Heinrich von Kleist - Coleridge by T.H. Levere - David van Leer - Georg Büchner by J. Reddick
Reference : 101404
Cambridge University Press Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1990 Book condition, Etat : Bon paperback, editor's brow printed wrappers, illustrated by a colored painting, Aimé Bonpland and Alexander von Humboldt grand In-8 1 vol. - 367 pages
26 black and white illustrations 1st edition, 1990, paperback Contents, Chapitres : Contents, List of illustrations, Notes on contributors, Preface, Short list of introductory reading, xxii, Text, 345 pages - 1. Romanticism : Romanticism and the sciences, by D. Knight) - Schelling and the origins of his Naturphilosophie, by S.R. Morgan - Romantic philosophy and the organization of the disciplines, the founding of the Humboldt University of Berlin, by E.S. Shaffer - Historical consciousness in the German romantic Naturforschung, by D. von Engelhardt - Theology and the sciences in the German Romantic period, by F. Gregory - Genius in Romantic Natural Philosophy, by S. Schaffer - 2. Sciences of the Organic : Doctors contra clysters and feudalism : The consequences of the Romantic Revolution, by N. Tsouyopoulos - Morphotype and historical-genetic method in Romantic biology, by T. Lenoir - Metaphorical mystifications : The Romantic gestation of nature in British biology, by E. Richards - Transcendental anatomy, by P.F. Rehbock - Romantic thought and the origins of cell theory, by L.S. Jacyna - Alexander von Humboldt and the geography of vegetation, M. Nicholson - 3. Sciences of the Inorganic : Goethe, colour and the science of seeing, by D.L. Sepper - Johan Wilhelm Ritter, Romantic physics in Germany, by W.D. Wetzels - The power and the glory of Humphry Davy and Romanticism, by C. Lawrence - Oersted's dicovery of electromagnetism, by H.A.M. Snelders - Caves, fossils and the history of the Earth, by N.A. Rupke - 4. Literature and science : Goethe's use of chemical theory and his Elective Affinities, by J. Adler - Kleist's Bedlam : Abnormal osychology and psychiatry in the work of Heinrich von Kleist - Coleridge and the sciences, by T.H. Levere - Nature's book : The language of science in the American Renaissance, by David van Leer - The shattered whole : Georg Büchner and Naturphilosophie, by J. Reddick - Index near fine copy, no markings
Paris, Librairie Philosophique de Ladrange, 1845, in-8 demi-basane, III + 259 pp. Signature du traducteur. Cachets. Relié avec: JUGEMENT DE SCHELLING SUR LA PHILOSOPHIE DE M. COUSIN, précédé d'un Essai sur la Nationalité des Philosophies par J. WILLM: Paris/Strasbourg, Levrault, 1835, XLIII + 40 pp. Cachets. RARE. Couverture en mauvais état (fentes, usures, dos en partie manquant), intérieur en état d'usage (cachets, mouillures , rousseurs, notes). En l'état.
Nombreux titres disponibles en Philosophie.
Schelling, Grosos P. Lalloz J.-P., Longunesse B.
Reference : RO30317743
ISBN : 270731434X
Les Editions de Minuit. 1992. In-8. Broché. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 92 pages.. . . . Classification Dewey : 100-PHILOSOPHIE ET DISCIPLINES CONNEXES
Sommaire: Schelling: De la valeur et de la portée des sociétés bibliques- Philippe Grosos: Charles Péguy et l'esprit de système: la résolution poétique- Jean-Pierre Lalloz: Le savoir personnel- Béatrice Longuenesse: Hegel, Lecteur de Kant sur le jugment, Christophe Génin: l'oei et l'oreille: l'analogie esthético-logique chez Baumgarten. Classification Dewey : 100-PHILOSOPHIE ET DISCIPLINES CONNEXES
L'Herne, 1984. In-8 br. Coll. " Bibliothèque de philosophie et d'esthétique ". Traduit par E. Kessler. Avant-propos de J.-F. Marquet. E.O.
VAL-de-TRAVERS par Otto SCHELLING (photographies) et Maurice EVARD (textes).
Reference : AUB-8962
Presses du Belvédère 2007. Bel exemplaire broché, couverture ornée avec rabats, in-4, 174 pages avec index.
Hamburg, Friedrich Perthes, 1798. 8vo. Later modest paperbdg. Back somewhat worn, occationally brownspotted. XIV, 327, (1) pp.
First edition, not common. In the late 18th century. Schelling dealt with the natural sciences and in that respect was especially interested in the objective side of knowledge. ""Von der Weltseele"" was widely noticed and it was this work that made Scelling famous in the university city of Jena. Goethe was especially interested in and fascinated by this work.
Tübingen, Cotta'schen Buchhandlung, 1803. Contemp. marbled boards. Light wear to edges. IV,326,(1) pp.
First edition of Schelling's important treatise , in which he in 14 lectures put forward his thoughts about the academic education in the differenrt subjects at the universities. He also gives a synopsis of his own philosophy
Jena und Leipzig, Chr. Ernst Gabler, 1799. Bound together in one cont. boards. Richly gilt back, gilt titlelabel. The marbled covers with a gilt frame. Back a little rubbed and with a few scratches. (2),84 pp. and (4),X,322 pp. A few brownspots.
Both works first edition and both main works of Schelling to expose his ""Naturphilosophie"".
Aubier.1950.Petit in-8 br.165 p.non coupées.Intérieur frais.Couv.tachée.
HGJ Schelling (propriétaire) ; W J Rozendaal (artiste), Ex-libris.
Reference : 008589
HGJ Schelling (propriétaire) ; W J Rozendaal (artiste), Ex-libris. Ex-libris (151*85mm). [283-4]
Paris F. Rieder et Cie, éditeurs 1926 in 8 (20,5x13) 1 volume broché, 343 pages. Introduction, traduction, notes et commentaires de Marc Richir. Collection ''Critique de la politique''. Bel exemplaire
Très bon Broché
Rusconi Libri 1997 1570 pages 10 67x2 39x17 17cm. 1997. Cartonné jaquette. 1570 pages.
Très bon état de conservation intérieur propre bonne tenue avec sa jaquette haut de tranche un peu jauni
Presses Universitaires de France Couverture souple Paris 1989
Très bon In-8. 203 pages. Coll. "Épiméthée".
Reutlingen, Ensslin, 1834. Klein-8°. 129 S. Originalbroschur.
Unaufgeschnittenes Exemplar der Neuausgabe nach 1809. - Schnitt stockfleckig, sonst sehr gutes Exemplar.
American Book Company New York 1903 186 pages en format petit -12 - frontispice de Shakespeare - reliure rigide en percaline rouge avec motif et titres en dorures
Très Bon État