Copenhague, Claude Philibert, 1777. 4to. Bound in a fine much later full morocco. Raised bands. Gilt lettering on spine. All edges gilt. Stamp on foot of title-page. Engraved titlevignette. (4),XVI,(8),440,(1) pp., 6 folded tables and 30 large folded engraved plates. Probably a gift copy as it is a copy on large paper and printed on thick fine paper. Further it has an additional engraved plate numb. XXX.
First edition. Having very detailled descriptions and illustrations of all kinds of gunnery for the reformed French Army. -Sloos. Warfare and the Age of Printing, 7125.
Copenhague, Claude Philibert, 1777. 4to. Contemp. hcalf. Richly gilt spine. Titlelabel with gilt lettering. Some repairs to upper compartment of spine. Engraved titlevignette. (4),XVI,(8),440,(1) pp., 6 folded tables and 30 large folded engraved plates. Some marginal dampstaining, mainly to the first ca. 20 leaves, decreasing towards end and a few at end. On good paper.
First edition. Having very detailled descriptions and illustrations of all kinds of gunnery for the reformed French Army. -Sloos. Warfare and the Age of Printing, 7125.