1916 (6th ed.) 2 volumes (complete). 88, 1390 p., 250 figures, 51 (48 coloured) plates, publisher’s half calf with labels on spine. Library stamps. Volume two has the upper corner of spine repaired. The beautiful plates clean.
1870 240 p., paperbound (original printed covers). Deals mainly with Coleoptera (of which the most important paper is ''Beiträge zur Chrysomelinen-Fauna von Mittel- und Süd-Afrika''), but there is also one paper on Lepidoptera (Exotischen Lepidoptera heterocera der früher Kaden'schen Sammlung), and a paper on archaeology (Das Gräberfeld bei Gauernitz). In all three volumes were published which are all quite rare. Partly unopened and uncut copy. With author's dedication to F.M. van der Wulp (1818-1899) the Dutch dipterologist.
1870 240 p., paperbound (original printed covers). Deals mainly with Coleoptera (of which the most important paper is ''Beiträge zur Chrysomelinen-Fauna von Mittel- und Süd-Afrika''), but there is also one paper on Lepidoptera (Exotischen Lepidoptera heterocera der früher Kaden'schen Sammlung), and a paper on archaeology (Das Gräberfeld bei Gauernitz). In all three volumes were published which are all quite rare. Uncut copy. Covers and spine chipped. Some slight foxing.
1863 10, 4 p., 1 lithographed plate, disbound (no covers). Published in: Verhandlungen der k.k. zoologisch-botanischen Gesellschaft.