Sander, Jochen and Bodo Brinkmann: NiederlÀndische GemÀlde vor 1800 in bedeutenden Sammlungen. vol. 1: StÀdel, Frankfurt. Frankfurt: Blick in die Welt, 1995. Series: NiederlÀndische GemÀlde vor 1800 in bedeutenden Sa. 82pp plus 175 colour and 1 monochrome plates, 8 colour and 147 monochrome illustrations. Cloth. 30.5x24.5cms. Complete illustrated catalogue comprising 327 pre-1800 paintings of the Early Netherlandish, Flemish and Dutch Schools, including reserve collections from the StÀdelsche Kunstinstitut, StÀdelsche Museums-Verein, StÀdtische Galerie and permanent loans of the Historische Museum, Frankfurt. Introduction in German, bibliographies for each artist, concordance, subject index.
Complete illustrated catalogue comprising 327 pre-1800 paintings of the Early Netherlandish, Flemish and Dutch Schools, including reserve collections from the StÀdelsche Kunstinstitut, StÀdelsche Museums-Verein, StÀdtische Galerie and permanent loans of the Historische Museum, Frankfurt. Introduction in German, bibliographies for each artist, concordance, subject index.