SANCHEZ Pierre - Xavier SEYDOUX - Véronique DUFIEF ( introduction ) - Le Salon des Beaux-Arts (à Paris ) :
Reference : 56906
".: Paris, éditions L'échelle de Jacob, 1999 - 2007, 13 volumes format in-4° (26 x 18 cm, ) en total ca. 7000 pp. Couverture souple d'origine. L'ouvrage montre chaque page des catalogues en question (parfois 4 pages sur une feuile - selon le format du catalogue originale). Le tout est redu accesible par un index fouillé sur le nom des artistes exposants qui dévoile le nombre des participations et le nombres des objets exposés. Primery source for this series of French Salon catalogues. The entire set of catalogues is reproduced in facsimile. Fully indexed with the names of the participating artists;with their years of particpation and the exact indication of their contributions. This series covers nearly the complete 19th c. of the official French Salon catalogues. The set in fine condition (no library markings). The publication was continued upon at least until volume 23 (XXIII ) (Salon de 1911-1913). Some of the volumes may still be had from the publisher. Price for the set of the first 13 volumes."