Raphael Sadeler I°, Monaco di Baviera, 1594 ca. Bellissima immagine allegorica che rappresenta la Francia, incisa all'acquaforte da Raphael Sadeler I° (l'Ancien) su disegno di Hans von Aachen, di mm. 203 x 262 (al vivo), sotto passepartout. Fa parte di una serie di 4 incisioni, due di Raphael e due del fratello Johann, raffiguranti le quattro nazioni più potenti d'Europa.Cfr. Hollstein Dutch,XXI, n. 497 - Benezit.XII, p. 167: L'oeuvre gravé de l'artiste flamand Raphael Sadeler l'ancien, est très important. Con aloni marginali, ma buon esemplare.
LIMENTANI VIRDIS Caterina - Franca PELLEGRINI - Gemma PICCIN (authors ) - Jan Sadeler - Raphael Sadeler - Aegidius Sadeler :
Reference : 41489
.: Padova, Editoriale Programma, 1992, in-4°, 120 pp, bibliography, index, black/white illustrations. Softcover. Text in Italian. Describes the holdings of the museum of prints made by the dutch engraver-and publisher family de Sadeler.
SADELER Raphael ( engraver ) - Maarten De VOS ( designer ) - SADLER (printer ) :
Reference : 53938
".: S;l. s.d. ( Antwerpen, end of 16th c.). Engraving size 205 x 262 mm ( portrait ), paper size 370 x 270 mm. The engraving represents a scene from the bible: Jacob asleep against a tree while angels descend from heaven via a ladder. The engraving has a triple signature in the plate : Martin de Vos figuravit . (M. de Vos - Antwerpen 1532 -1603). Raphael Sadler sculp. (Raphael Sadeler Antwerpen 1561 - Münich 1628); and another ''Sadleri excud.''. Printed on thick unwatermarked paper. Some marginal dustsoiling but finely preserved."
.: 2. Monachij ( München ) Raphael Sadeler excudit, 1605, in-plano, paper size 36 x 25 cm, print size 26,5 x 17,2 cm, paper dustsoiled and with creases, margins frayed and with tears, not a good copy of this print.
SADELER Raphael ( engraver ) - Maarten De VOS ( designer ) - SADLER (printer ) :
Reference : 53939
".: S;l. s.d. ( Antwerpen, end of 16th c.). Engraving size 198 x 246 mm ( portrait ), paper size 370 x 270 mm. The engraving represents a scene from the bible: Noach constructs an altar for a burnt offering. The engraving has a triple signature in the plate : Martin de Vos figuravit . (M. de Vos - Antwerpen 1532 -1603). R. Sadler sculp. (Raphael Sadeler Antwerpen 1561 - Münich 1628); and another ''Sadleri excud.''. Printed on thick unwatermarked paper. Some marginal dustsoiling but finely preserved."
1615 1615. '25. S. CORBINIANUS EPISCOPUS FRISINGENSIS.'Copperplate engraving on hand laid (verge) paper. Watermark: not visible on sheet . Sheet size: 19,5 x 27,5 cm. (7,7 x 10,8 inch). Image size: 15 x 21,5 cm. (5,9 x 8,5 inch).From 'Bavaria Sancta .', by Matthäus Rader, published in Munich. Condition: good, given age.
This hagiography work was commissioned by Maximilian I (1598-1651) to memorize the holy dead and highlight the power of their relics and devotion as an attempt to rewrite Catholic hagiography in light of Humanist criticism and Counter Reformation. I was also a piece of propaganda to glorify Maximilian and his confessional, political and territorial ambitions. Ref: Brunet IV, 1085; Lentner II, 4095; De Backer VI ao. 1376-1377; H. 239-298, 299-342 (Sadeler I); H. 157-201 (Sadeler II).Made by 'Raphael Sadeler' after 'Johann Matthias Kager or Peter Candid'. Author: Matthäus Rader, a Jesuit from Tyrol, Professor of Rhetoric in Augsburg and later Munich. Engraved by Raphael Sadeler I (1560-1632) and his son Raphael Sadeler II (1584-1632) after Johann Matthias Kager (1566-1634) and Peter Candid.