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Reference : 16188


‎Histoire secrette (secrète) de la Reine Zarah, ou la Duchesse de Malborough démasquée.‎

‎Traduite de l'Original Anglois. 3 parties en 1 volume Complet.A Oxford, chez Alexandre le Vertueux, à la Pierre de Touche - 1713 - 6 ff et 264 pages (2 parties).Reliure plein veau de l'époque. Dos à nerfs orné et doré. Tranches jaspées. Pales rousseurs sur les 30 derniers feuillets. Étiquette collée en pied du dos. Bon état. Format in-12°(15x9).Henry Sacheverell (1674-1724) est un prêtre de la Haute Église et un homme politique anglais, qui fut mis en accusation devant le Parlement à la suite de sermons anti-whigs particulièrement virulents.Sarah Churchill, duchesse de Marlborough (1660-1744) est la femme de John Churchill, premier duc de Marlborough. Elle est considérée comme l'une des femmes les plus influentes de l'histoire des îles Britanniques, du fait de sa proximité avec la reine Anne de Grande-Bretagne.‎

Phone number : 09 67 04 07 48

EUR114.00 (€114.00 )


Reference : 92683

‎"Histoire secrette (secrète) de la Reine Zarah, ou la Duchesse de Marlborough démasquée; traduite de l'original anglois."‎

‎Oxford, Chez Alexandre Le Vertueux, 1711. "8 x 15, 295 pp., bandeaux et lettrines, reliure d'époque plein cuir à 5 nerfs, dos : 1 pièce de titre et 5 caissons ornés de motifs floraux, pages de garde papier marbré, état moyen (reliure état d'usage, 1 mors partiellement fendu; très peu de rousseurs; 1 légère mouillure en haut de pages (1 à 12), ratures sur la page de titre)."‎

‎"3 parties réunies en 1 volume; prix en fonction de l'état."‎

Librairie Ausone - Bruxelles

Phone number : 32 (0)2 410 33 27

EUR60.00 (€60.00 )

‎EARL of DANBY - Stephen DUGDALE - Richard LANGHORN - John WILLIAMS 1636-1709) - John SMITH of WALWORTH - five JESUITS - William BEDLOE (1650 - 1680) - Henry SACHEVERELL ( 1674 - 1724) - William Lord RUSSELL ( 1639 -1683) :‎

Reference : 45379

‎"Contemporary collection of in-folio printed texts on the Popish Plot ; the Henry Sacheverell impeachment trial and the Rye House plot of 1683."‎

‎.: A contemporary collection of 8 complete and 10 incomplete publications on the Popish Plot and other English trials at the end of the 17th and the beginning of the 18th century. Bound in a contemporary full leather binding. Binding with some traces of wear but the whole in relatively good order. We only list the complete items in the collection. [1] An impatial state of the case of the Earl of Danby.... London 1679. Complete. ESTC R205902. [2] The information of Stephen Dugdale, Gent. delivered at the Bar of the House of Commons...London, 1680 . Complete . ESTC R235169 . [3] An Answer to Mr. Langhorn's Speech...(London, 1679). Complete . ESTC R16400. [4] No faith of credit to be given to Papists.. London, Tho. Cockerill, 1681. (title soiled, upper marg. last lves cropped) ESTC 12871. [5] An impartial consideration of those speeches which pass under the Name of the five jesuits. Lately executed...London, Chiswell, 1679. Complete. ESTC R2046. [6] The true speeches of Thomas Whitebread , William Harcourt , John Fenwick , John Gavan, A. Turner, before their execution at Tyburn. London, H.Hills, 1679. Complete. ESTC R5077. [7] A narrative and impartial discovery of the horrid Popish Plot...(by W. Bedloe), London, R. Boulter, 1679. Complete but for the portait. (lacks the portrait). ESTC R11047 [8] The last speech & Behaviour of William late Lord Russel....London, J.C. and Thomas Fox, 1683. Complete. ESTC R9946. Most of the publications are in good order allthough some leaves are dustsoiled or inkstained. Of the incomplete trials which form part of this collection we only mention the important '' The Tryal of Doctor Henry Sacheverell, before the house of Peers...'' London, J. Tonson, 1710. ESTC N474309. Our copy lacks the title and the last pages 329-335.. We think it a pity to split up this collection formed immediately upon publication of these trials. The book shows no provenance marking except for a name ''P. Parston'', perhaps not contemporary, written in the corner of the first fly leaf.‎

Phone number : 0032 496 381 439

EUR1,800.00 (€1,800.00 )

‎MANLEY Mary DeLaRivière ( 1663 - 1724 ) ( presumed author ) - Henry SACHEVERELL - Sarah Jennings Churchill of Marlborough [ ] :‎

Reference : 47006

‎"Histoire secrete de la Reine Zarah , et des Zaraziens ; pour servir de Miroir aux ---------- Au Royaume D'Albigion, Fidellement Traduite de l'original Italiën , qui se trouve à present dans le Vatican de Rome. Divisez en deux Parties."‎

‎".: S.l. s.d. ( London, 1705-1708 ? ) , printed by John Sprint , in-12°, ( 14 cm ) , (24) nn pp + 110 pp ; 122 pp + (5)nn pp (livres imprimée pour John Sprint, & autres) + (1)(blank) , title printed in red and black. Bound in somewhat later vellum, smooth spine with black leather title label, top edge painted red, Tipped on the first fly leaf is a printed ex-libris designed by J. de Andrada. Small worm gallery at the inner margin , not affecting the text. A fine copy. This edition, without a printer's name and undated is identical to one of the digitalised Google copies ( /books?id=CNIgAAAAcAAJ - editions:DyO6dBsGumYC ). Allthough this edition does not bear a year of imprint it is announced as a 1712 edition. The attribution to John Sprint follows from the booklist which he printed at the end of this book."‎

Phone number : 0032 496 381 439

EUR300.00 (€300.00 )
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