, Brepols - Harvey Miller, 2006 Hardcover. IX 532 p., 244 b/w ill., 210 x 275 mm, Languages: English, French, Italian, Including an index. Fine copy. ISBN 9781872501475.
Part One: Artists and Scribes Lilian Armstrong, A North Italian Drawing of Hercules and Antaeus in a German Incunable : Marco Zoppo(?) and Drawings in Renaissance Books ; Benjamin David, Sites of Confluence: The Master of the Yates Thompson Divine Comedy ; Albinia C. de la Mare with Xavier van Binnebeke, A List of Books from the Florentine Braccio Martelli ; Susan L'Engle, Outside the Canon: Graphic and Pictorial Digressions by Artists and Scribes ; Lawrence Nees, The Jonathan Gospels (Bibliotheca Apostolica Vaticana, Cod. Pal. lat. 46) ; Kathleen L. Scott, The Decorated Letters of Two Cotton Manuscripts ; Federica Toniolo and Gennaro Toscano, Per l'attivita giovanile di Girolamo da Cremona Part Two: Methods of Work and Production Francois Avril, Les copies a repetition. A propos de la circulation et de la dissimenation des modeles ; Bezalel Narkiss, Scribes and Artists of the Ashburnham Pentateuch ; Margot McIlwain Nishimura, The Grey Gospels : A Frankish Curiosity in Cape Town ; Myra Dickman Orth, The English Great Bible of 1539 and the French Connection ; Jane Rosenthal and Patrick McGurk, Author, Symbol and Word: The Inspired Evangelists in Judith of Flanders's Anglo-Saxon Gospelbooks ; Marina Vidas, Norway's French Connection: The Intended Reader and Subsequent Owners of the Christina Psalter Part Three: Marginalia Madeline H. Caviness, Unnatural Spectacles, Aristotelian Precepts and the Construction of Gender around 1300 ; Ruth Mellinkoff, Break a Leg ! ; Lilian M.C. Randall, Frontal Heads in the Borders of Parisian and South Netherlandish Books of Hours, ca. 1415-60 ; Lucy Freeman Sandler, Bared: The Writing Bear in the British Library Bohun Psalter Part Four: Text and Image Walter Cahn, An Illuminated Manuscript of Caesarius of Heisterbach's Dialogus miraculorum ; C. M. Kauffmann, The Iconography of the Judgement of Solomon in the Middle Ages ; Giordana Mariana Canova, L'antico nella miniatura padovana del Rinascimento: Un Plutarco alla Stiftsbibliothek di Linkoping ; Nigel Morgan, Pictured Sermons in Thirteenth-Century England ; Nancy Freeman Regalado, Picturing the Story of Chivalry in Jacques Bretel's Tournoi de Chauvency (Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Douce 308) ; Kathryn A. Smith, Accident, Play and Invention: Three Infancy Miracles in the Holkham Bible Picture Book ; Alison Stones, The ?Terrier de l'Eveque? and Some Reflections of Daily Life in the Second Half of the Thirteenth Century Part Five: Cultural Context Paul Binski, John the Smith?s Grave ; Martha Easton, The Wound of Christ, the Mouth of Hell: Appropriations and Inversions of Female Anatomy in the Later Middle Ages ; Desiree Koslin, Under the Influence: Copying the Revelationes of St. Birgitta of Sweden ; Mary and Richard Rouse, A Cat Can Look at a King: an Illustrated Episode in the Grandes Chroniques ; Evelyn Birge Vitz, Liturgical versus Biblical Citation in Medieval Vernacular Literature ; William M. Voelkle, Liberale da Verona's North Wind Unraveled Part Six: Afterlives - Receptions Janet Backhouse, The Case of Queen Melisende's Psalter: An Historical Investigation; Paul Crossley, Anglia Perdita. English Medieval Architecture and Neo-Romanticism ; Karen Eileen Overbey, Locating the Book: The Domnach Airgid Shrine in Medieval Ireland ; Roger S. Wieck, Papal Fragments at Rosenbach