, Brepols, 2006 Paperback VI+184 p., 60 b/w ill. + 20 colour ill., 210 x 297 mm, Languages: German, English. ISBN 9782503515069.
Sylvia Ferino-Pagden, Einleitung; Alfred Kohler, Karls V. zweite Reise nach Bologna 1532/33; Diane H. Bodart, Frederic Gonzague et Charles Quint, Enjeux politiques et artistiques des premiers portraits imperiaux par Titien; Fernando Checa, Carlos V con un perro, de Tiziano. Problemas de una imagen; Karl Schutz, Jakob Seiseneggers Bildnis Kaiser Karls V. Die Geschichte einer Entdeckung; Elke Oberthaler, Jakob Seiseneggers Portrait Karls V. mit HundAnmerkungen zu Technik, Erhaltungszustand und Restaurierung; Kurt Locher, Jakob Seiseneggers Bildnisse Kaiser Karls V. in ganzer Figur; Ludwig Igalffy-Igaly, Herkommen und Nachfahren des Malers Jakob Seisenegger und eine Neubewertung seines Ganzportraits Karls V.Eine Studie zur Lebenszeit Ferdinands I; Charles Hope, Titian and some Portraits of Charles V; Christian Beaufort-Spontin, Des Kaisers bevorzugte Kleidung. Zur Bekleidung Kaiser Karls V. in den Portraits von Tizian und Seisenegger; Till-Holger Borchert, Auf den Hund gekommen. Das Portrait Karls V. mit Hund von Tizian und Seisenegger; Gabriele Goffriller, Tizians ?Mann mit Hund? -- im Widerspruch zur Tradition des ganzfigurigen Herrscherportraits am Kaiserhof; Matteo Mancini, L?uso della copia de trivial pennello e l?attualita cronologica nella ritrattistica di Tiziano; Karl Rudolf, Karl V. in der politisch-dynastischen Ikonographie des Historismus der Habsburgermonarchie. Tizian oder Seisenegger; Karin Zeleny, Chloridis Epigrammata. Zwei zeitgenossische (?) lateinische Gedichte zu Tizians Portrait Karls V. mit englischem Wasserhund; Andreas Beyer, Tizian versus Seisenegger: Ein Holbeinstreit. Der Wiener Bilderstreit; Gabriele Goffriller, Zugelaufen!
, Brepols, 2008 Paperback VIII+211 p., 100 b/w ill. + 23 colour ill., 210 x 297 mm, Languages: English, Italian, German. ISBN 9782503518091.
Vorwort Sylvia Ferino-Pagden, Einleitung; Charles Hope, Giorgione in Vasari?s Vite.; Salvatore Settis, Esercizi di stile: una Vecchia e un Bambino.; Paul Holberton, Giorgione?s sfumato.; Alessandro Nova, Giorgione e Tiziano al Fondaco dei Tedeschi.; Augusto Gentili, A proposito di Giorgione: aspirazioni, esiti e miti dell?iconologia.; Mauro Lucco, Uscito dalla scuola del Bellino. Qualche nota tecnica sugli inizi di Giorgione.; David Alan Brown, Giorgione's Man in Armor.; Jaynie Anderson,The Giorgionesque Portrait II: Representation of Homosociality, or the Representation of Friendship, in Renaissance Venice.; Bernard Aikema, Giorgione and the Seicento or How a Star was Born
, Brepols - Harvey Miller, 2019 Paperback,196 pages ., 11 b/w ill. + 98 colour ill., 240 x 280 mm, Languages: German, English, Italian. ISBN 9783990201558.
A thematically and methodologically diverse collection of papers on the work of Diego Velazquez presented on occasion of the seminal exhibition of the artist?s oeuvre at the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna. Encompassing a broad spectrum of methodological approaches and aims, the scholars contributing to this volume offer renewed perspectives on the multifaceted oeuvre of Diego Velazquez. The seventeenth-century artist?s exceptional religious works as well as his numerous portraits are examined within the social and historical context of Velazquez?s milieu which included both the Spanish court as well as circles comprising important intellectual figures of his time. Following a close investigation of his works, which also includes the results of recent technological examinations on his paintings, the contributors to this volume offer new, exciting findings and discussions on the inspirations, sources and possible intentions of Velazquez