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‎Andrews Russell‎

Reference : 400016003


‎Russell andrews L'affaire gideon France loisirs‎

‎ 2000 2000. Russell Andrews: L'affaire Gideon/ France Loisirs 2000 . Russell Andrews: L'affaire Gideon/ France Loisirs 2000‎

‎Très bon état‎

Démons et Merveilles - Joinville

Phone number : 07 54 32 44 40

EUR3.00 (€3.00 )


Reference : 60086


‎The Principles of Mathematics. Vol I (all). - [""RUSSELL'S PARADOX""]‎

‎Cambridge, at the University Press, 1903. Royal 8vo. Original blue full cloth binding, all edges uncut. Capitals and upper front hinge with a bit of wear and corners a little bumped. But otherwise a very nice copy. Internally fresh and clean. XXIX, (1), 534 pp.‎

‎The uncommon first edition of Russell's landmark work in mathematical logic, in which theory of logicism is put forth and in which Russell introduces that which is now known as ""Russell's Paradox"". The work constitutes the forerunner of Russell and Whitehead's monumental ""Principia Mathematica"", and it seminally influenced logical thought and theories of the foundations of mathematics at this most crucial time for the development of modern mathematical and philosophical logic.""The present work has two main objects. One of these, the proof that all pure mathematics deals exclusively with concepts definable in terms of a very small number of fundamental logical concepts, and that its propositions are deducible from a very small number of fundamental logical principles, is undertaken in Parts II. - VI. Of this Volume, and will be established by strict symbolic reasoning in Volume II. ... The other object of the work, which occupies Part I., is the explanation of the fundamental concepts which mathematics accepts as indefinable. ..."" (Russell, Preface, p. (III)).At the age of 27, in 1898, Russell began working on the book that became ""The Principles of Mathematics"". He originally set out to investigate the contradiction that is inherent in the nature of number, and he originally imagined doing this from a Hegelian standpoint. However, after having read Whitehead's ""Universal Algebra"", Russell gave up his Hegelian approach and began working on a book that was to be entitled ""An Analysis of Mathematical Reasoning"". This book never appeared, as he gave it up in 1900, but much of it is what lies at the foundation of ""The Principles of Mathematics"". After having attended a congress in Paris in 1899, where Peano was present, Russell began rewriting large parts of the work, now with the aim of proving that all of mathematics could be reduced to a few logical concepts, that that which is called mathematics is in reality nothing but later deductions from logical premises. And thus he had developed his landmark thesis that mathematics and logic are identical"" a thesis that came to have a profound influence on logic and the foundations of mathematics throughout the 20th century.Since the congress, Russell had worked with the greatest of enthusiasm, and he finished the manuscript on the 31st of December 1900. However, in the spring of 1901, he discovered ""The Contradiction"", or as it is now called, ""Russell's Paradox"". Russell had been studying Cantor's proof, and in his own words, the paradox emerged thus: ""Before taking leave of fundamental questions, it is necessary to examine more in detail the singular contradiction, already mentioned, with regard to predicates not predictable of themselves. Before attempting to solve this puzzle, it will be well to make some deductions connected with it, and to state it in various different forms. I may mention that I was led to endeavour to reconcile Cantor's proof that there can be no greatest cardinal number with the very plausible supposition that the class of all termes (which we have seen to be essential to all formal propositions) has necessarily the greatest possible number of members."" (p. 101). The class of all classes that are not members of themselves, is this class a member of itself or not? The question was unanswerable (if it is, then it isn't, and if it isn't, then it is) and thus a paradox, and not just any paradox, this was a paradox of the greatest importance. Since, when using classical logic, all sentences are entailed by contradiction, this discovery naturally sparked a huge number of works within logic, set theory, foundations of mathematics, philosophy of mathematics, etc. Russell's own solution to the problem was his ""theory of types"", also developed in 1903.In December 1902 Russell had come to the point where he could write a preface, and the book finally appeared in May 1903. It was printed in merely 1.000 copies, and although it was well received, it was not a bestseller at its appearance. By 1909 the last copies of the first run were at the bookbinders. However, the book did play an enormous role in the development of mathematical and philosophical logic as well as the foundation of mathematics throughout the 20th century. Wittgentein's immense interest in the philosophy of logic stems from his reading of the present work and from Frege's ""Foundations of Arithmetic"", and no logician could neglect the impact of this seminal work, which still counts as one of the most important philosophical and logical works of the 20th century. The book also played an important part in spreading the works of Cantor and Frege to the English-speaking world. In 1903 the Spectator wrote ""we should say that Mr. Russell has an inherited place in literature or statesmanship waiting for him if he will condescend to come down to the common day."" Shearman's review in Mind hailed it as the most important work since Boole's ""Laws of Thought"". ""Bertrand Arthur William Russell (b.1872 - d.1970) was a British philosopher, logician, essayist, and social critic, best known for his work in mathematical logic and analytic philosophy. His most influential contributions include his defense of logicism (the view that mathematics is in some important sense reducible to logic), and his theories of definite descriptions and logical atomism. Along with G.E. Moore, Russell is generally recognized as one of the founders of analytic philosophy. Along with Kurt Gödel, he is also regularly credited with being one of the two most important logicians of the twentieth century."" (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy).Russell had actually planned to write a second volume of the work, but as the contents of this further development would overlap considerably with the further research that Whitehead had undertaken after his ""Universal Algebra"", which he also planned two write a second volume of, the two great logicians decided to collaborate on that which became the ""Principia Mathematica"", which appeared 1910-13. ‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK24,000.00 (€3,218.93 )

‎Jim Russell‎

Reference : 300009052

‎Jim Russell's British Academy Of MotorSport‎

‎ 42 pages Sans date. 42 pages.‎

Démons et Merveilles - Joinville

Phone number : 07 54 32 44 40

EUR19.00 (€19.00 )

‎Russell Braddon‎

Reference : 400019323


‎Ultime Forfait Gallimard Série Noire n1695‎

‎Editions Gallimard 1974 1974. Russell Braddon: Ultime Forfait / Gallimard Série Noire N°1695 1974‎

‎Très bon état‎

Démons et Merveilles - Joinville

Phone number : 07 54 32 44 40

EUR3.00 (€3.00 )

‎Russell Braddon‎

Reference : 400025248


‎Ultime Forfait Gallimard Série Noire n1695‎

‎Editions Gallimard 1982 1982. Russell Braddon: Ultime Forfait / Gallimard Série Noire N°1695 1982‎

‎Très bon état‎

Démons et Merveilles - Joinville

Phone number : 07 54 32 44 40

EUR3.00 (€3.00 )

‎Francis Russell‎

Reference : 400051917



‎Très bon état‎

Démons et Merveilles - Joinville

Phone number : 07 54 32 44 40

EUR3.50 (€3.50 )


Reference : 47441


‎Obituary: Ludwig Wittgenstein. - [RUSSELL'S OBITUARY OF WITTGENTSTEIN]‎

‎Edinburgh, Thomas Nelson & Sons, 1951. 8vo. In the original printed wrappers. In ""Mind. A Quarterly Journal"", Vol. LX, No. 239, July, 1951. With some nicks to margins of wrappers, internally very fine and clean. Pp. 297-8. [Entire issue: (2), 297-440, (2) pp.].‎

‎First printing of Russell's obituary of Wittgentstein. Russell described him as ""the most perfect example I have ever known of genius as traditionally conceived, passionate, profound, intense, and dominating"".The two meet in 1910 at the University of Cambridge where Russell was approached by the Austrian engineering student Ludwig Wittgenstein, who became his PhD student. Russell viewed Wittgenstein as a genius and a successor who would continue his work on logic. He spent hours dealing with Wittgenstein's various phobias and his frequent bouts of despair. This was often a drain on Russell's energy, but Russell continued to be fascinated by him and encouraged his academic development, including the publication of Wittgenstein's Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus in 1922: From the present obituary: ""I naturally lost sight of him during the 1914-1918 war, but I got a letter from him soon after the armistice, written from Monte Casino. He told me that he had been taken prisoner, but fortunately with his manuscript, which was the 'Tractatus'. I pulled strings to get him released by the Italian Government and we met at the Hague, where we discussed 'Tractatus' line by line.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK4,800.00 (€643.79 )

‎"RUSSELL, BERTRAND (In collaboration with DORA RUSSELL).‎

Reference : 32414


‎The Prospects of Industrial Civilization.‎

‎London, G. Allen & Unwin, (1959). 8vo. Orig. full cloth in orig. dust jacket. Internally fine. 283 pp.‎

‎Second edition.Besides his philosophical work - both his in-depth analysis of the logically principles of mathematics and his more popular attempts to make philosophy understandable for a broader audience - Bertrand Russell (1872-1970) was, in his whole life, a dedicated voice about social matters. The present book - written in collaboration with one of Russell's many wives, Dora Russell (1894-1986) - is an example of this engagement, being printed first in 1923 and again in 1959. In the Preface Russell writes: ""Especially relevant to the present-day problems is the book's contention that industrial organization, by its nature, gives rise to oligarchy or dictatorship, thus tending to destroy democracy as traditionally understood, and to impose upon the individual pressures and restraints that prevent his full life as a human being, thus leading to trivial pursuits and passivity combined with collective rage and hysteria"". ‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK300.00 (€40.24 )

‎Koyré (Alexandre) on Bertrand Russell‎

Reference : Cyb-7296


‎Manifold and Category - Offprint Reprinted from Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, volume IX, n° 1, Sepetmber 1948 , (about the Russellian Paraxodes of Impredicable)‎

‎Philosophy and Phenomenological Research Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1948 Book condition, Etat : Bon paperback, original editor's yellow printed stapled wrappers, with specific title In-8 1 vol. - 20 pages‎

‎ 1st edition, 1948 Contents, Chapitres : About the so-called Russellian paraxodes of impredicable (Not predicable of one's self), and of the class of all classes that do not contain themselves as their own elements (Bertrand Russell, Principles of Mathematics) - Le paradoxe de Russell, ou antinomie de Russell, est un paradoxe très simple de la théorie des ensembles (Russell lui-même parle de théorie des classes, en un sens équivalent), qui a joué un rôle important dans la formalisation de celle-ci. Il fut découvert par Bertrand Russell vers 1901 et publié en 1903. Il était en fait déjà connu à Göttingen, où il avait été découvert indépendamment par Ernst Zermelo, à la même époque, mais ce dernier ne l'a pas publié. - On peut formuler le paradoxe ainsi : l'ensemble des ensembles n'appartenant pas à eux-mêmes appartient-il à lui-même ? Si on répond oui, alors, comme par définition les membres de cet ensemble n'appartiennent pas à eux-mêmes, il n'appartient pas à lui-même : contradiction. Mais si on répond non, alors il a la propriété requise pour appartenir à lui-même : contradiction à nouveau. On a donc une contradiction dans les deux cas, ce qui rend paradoxale l'existence d'un tel ensemble. (source : Wikipedia) near fine copy , offprint paginated 1 to 20, no markings, paper very lightly yellowing, a rather nice copy‎

Librairie Internet Philoscience - Malicorne-sur-Sarthe
EUR12.00 (€12.00 )


Reference : 55204


‎Principia mathematica. Volume I. - [THE BIBLE OF MODERN LOGIC]‎

‎Cambridge, 1910. Royal 8vo. In a recent half calf with four raised bands and green leather title-label with gilt lettering to spine. Repair to half title, not affecting text. Title-page with repair to outer margin, not affecting text. Previous-owner's name on whilte paper label pasted on to verso of title-page, not affecting text. Errata-leaf with repairs to lower margin. Otherwise, fine and clean. XIII, (3), 666 pp.‎

‎The seminal first edition of the first volume of the landmark work that founded modern mathematical logic and came to define research in the foundations of mathematics throughout the 20th century. ""Principia Mathematica"" proved to be remarkably influential in at least three ways. First, it popularized modern mathematical logic to an extent undreamt of by its authors. By using a notation superior to that used by Frege, Whitehead and Russell managed to convey the remarkable expressive power of modern predicate logic in a way that previous writers had been unable to achieve. Second, by exhibiting so clearly the deductive power of the new logic, Whitehead and Russell were able to show how powerful the idea of a modern formal system could be, thus opening up new work in what soon was to be called metalogic. Third, Principia Mathematica re-affirmed clear and interesting connections between logicism and two of the main branches of traditional philosophy, namely metaphysics and epistemology, thereby initiating new and interesting work in both of these areas.As a result, not only did Principia introduce a wide range of philosophically rich notions (including propositional function, logical construction, and type theory), it also set the stage for the discovery of crucial metatheoretic results (including those of Kurt Gödel, Alonzo Church, Alan Turing and others). Just as importantly, it initiated a tradition of common technical work in fields as diverse as philosophy, mathematics, linguistics, economics and computer science."" (SEP)""""Principia Mathematica"", the landmark work in formal logic written by Alfred North Whitehead and Bertrand Russell, was first published in three volumes in 1910, 1912 and 1913. A second edition appeared in 1925 (Volume 1) and 1927 (Volumes 2 and 3). In 1962 an abbreviated issue (containing only the first 56 chapters) appeared in paperback. In 2011 a digest of the book's main definitions and theorems, originally transcribed by Russell for Rudolf Carnap, was reprinted in The Evolution of Principia Mathematica, edited by Bernard Linsky.Written as a defense of logicism (the thesis that mathematics is in some significant sense reducible to logic), the book was instrumental in developing and popularizing modern mathematical logic. It also served as a major impetus for research in the foundations of mathematics throughout the twentieth century. Along with Aristotle's Organon and Gottlob Frege's Grundgesetze der Arithmetik, it remains one of the most influential books on logic ever written."" (SEP). ‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK30,000.00 (€4,023.66 )

‎RUSSELL-KILLOUGH, Henry ( Patrice Marie, Comte Russell-Killough ) ‎

Reference : 36577

‎SEIZE MILLE LIEUES A TRAVERS L'ASIE ET L'OCEANIE. Voyages exécutés pendant les années 1858-1861. Sibérie, Désert de Gobi, Péking, Fleuve Amour, Japon, Australie, Nouvelle-Zélande, Inde, Himalaya. Tomes 1-2 ‎

‎Paris Librairie de L. Hachette et Cie 1864 in 12 (18,5x12) 2 volumes reliures demi chagrin rouge de l'époque, dos à nerfs ornés de filets dorés, [1] 428 pages avec une carte gravée dépliante, et 427 pages, avec une grande planche gravée dépliante de panorama de l'Himalaya, rousseurs éparses (some moderate foxing). Henry Patrice Marie, Comte Russell-Killough, 1834-1909. Edition originale. Bon exemplaire ( Photographies sur demande / We can send pictures of this book on simple request ) ‎

‎Bon Couverture rigide Ed. originale ‎

Librairie Rouchaléou - Saint André de Sangonis

Phone number : 06 86 01 78 28

EUR350.00 (€350.00 )


Reference : 15864

‎Monument Henry Russell. Souvenir du 5 Septembre 1911.‎

‎Bergerac, Imprimerie Générale du Sud-Ouest, 1911.‎

‎ Exemplaire de Mathilde Béraldi, épouse d'Henri Béraldi, avec son ex-libris sur cuir bleu. Béraldi était vice président du Comité du Monument Russell. Madame Béraldi figure dans la liste des souscripteurs en fin d'ouvrage, ainsi que ses fils, André et Pierre, en compagnie naturellement d'Henri. Bel exemplaire. La reliure est signée P. Affolter, un des relieurs habituels des Béraldi. Bel exemplaire. Labarère 1392. Labarère, Henry Russell 60. /// In-8 de portrait, 51 pp. Demi-veau beige. (Reliure de l'époque.) //// /// PLUS DE PHOTOS SUR WWW.LATUDE.NET‎

Hugues de Latude - Villefranche de Lauragais

Phone number : 06 09 57 17 07

EUR600.00 (€600.00 )

‎( Bandes Dessinées ) - Ray Bradbury - Dave Gibbons - Kent Williams - P.Craig Russell - John van Fleet - Chuck Roblin - Ray Zone - Ralph Reese - Al Williamson.‎

Reference : 28721


‎The Ray Bradbury Chronicles, Volume 1. ( Tirage spécial à 1200 exemplaires numérotés, signés par Ray Bradbury, Kent Williams, P.Craig Russell, John van Fleet, Chuck Roblin, Ray Zone, Ralph Reese et Al Williamson ).‎

‎ A Byron Preiss Visual Publications, Inc.Boook 1992. In-4 cartonnage éditeur pleine toile violette non paginé au format 26,5 x 18 cm. Couverture avec titre embossé. Dos carré avec titre. Plats et intérieur frais. Complet de la belle jaquette illustrée par Dave Gibbons. 6 nouvelles de Ray Bradbury adaptées par WKent Williams, P.Craig Russell, John van Fleet, Chuck Roblin, Ray Zone, Ralph Reese, Al Williamson, préfacées par Ray Bradbury. Edition originale en état proche du neuf. Rarissime exemplaire tiré spécialement à 1200 exemplaires numérotés ( n° 273 ), signés par Ray Bradbury, Kent Williams, P.Craig Russell, John van Fleet, Chuck Roblin, Ray Zone, Ralph Reese et Al Williamson.‎

‎ Site Internet : Http://librairie-victor-sevilla.fr.Vente exclusivement par correspondance. Le libraire ne reçoit, exceptionnellement que sur rendez-vous. Il est préférable de téléphoner avant tout déplacement.Forfait de port pour un livre 7 €, sauf si épaisseur supérieure à 3 cm ou valeur supérieure ou égale à 100 €, dans ce cas expédition obligatoire au tarif Colissimo en vigueur. A partir de 2 livres envoi en colissimo obligatoire. Port à la charge de l'acheteur pour le reste du monde.Les Chèques ne sont plus acceptés.Pour destinations extra-planétaire s'adresser à la NASA.Membre du Syndicat Lusitanien Amateurs Morues‎

Phone number : 06 80 26 72 20

EUR250.00 (€250.00 )

‎Belgion (Montgomery) sur Bernard Shaw - André Gide - Sigmund Freud - Bertrand Russell‎

Reference : 191


‎Notre foi contemporaine - Bernard Shaw - André Gide - Sigmund Freud - Bertrand Russell‎

‎Gallimard , Documents Bleus Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1934 Book condition, Etat : Bon broché, sous couverture imprimée éditeur blanche grand In-8 1 vol. - 312 pages‎

‎ Contents, Chapitres : 1. Introduction : La question qui se pose - Le propagandiste inconscient - 2. D'après Bernard Shaw : Le socialisme et le surhomme - L'évangile de l'empoigne - Le crime - Le mariage - La force vitale ou l'évolution créatrice - La prétention d'être inspiré - 3. D'après André Gide : Les cas déconcertants - Le maquis épais de l'homme - L'appel au bonheur - Non pas le christianisme mais le Christ - Le bien et le mal - La fatalité - Le corydon - La preuve par expérience - 4. D'après le docteur Sigmund Freud : La naissance des dieux - Morale et désirs - Bonheur et intelligence - Faire face à la réalité - Pourquoi réduire le nombre des règles - 5. D'après le comte Bertrand Russell : Un message - Modification de la nature humaine - La théorie de la connaissance de M. Russell - L'harmonie dans les désirs - 6. Conclusion : Les croyances d'après lesquelles nous agissons - La personnalité - L'éternel devenu temporel - Post-scriptum sur André Gide ‎

Librairie Internet Philoscience - Malicorne-sur-Sarthe
EUR7.00 (€7.00 )

‎[Pyrénées] LABARERE Jacques - [Russell-Killough Henry] ‎

Reference : 21



‎ 2003 Serres-Castet Edition du Gave 2003 Deux volumes grand in-8 broché couv rempliée 218 et 202 pp Avec 81 illustrations et reproductions de documents sur fond teinté. Tirage à 293 exemplaires : 33 ex de tête sur Rivoli blanc de 160 g et 260 ex su Rivoli blanc 120g numéroté. Celui ci n°73 sur Rivoli blanc 120g Conçu comme une suite des Cent Ans aux Pyrénées d'Henri Béraldi et de l'essai de Bibliographie Pyréneiste, cette étude de Jacques Labarère présente sous un jour nouveau la personnalité d'Henry Russell, en corrélation avec son oeuvre imprimée. Fruit de dix ans de patie,tes recherches, de nombreux documents inédits provenant de sources privées enrichissent la biographie d'élément majeurs et fournissent à la bibliographie de précieuses informations. Une partie de ces documents est reproduit dans le texte. Voici restitué presque cent ans après sa mort, un vrai portrait du comte Henry Russell, suivi d'une imposante et complète bibliographie de l'écrivain phare du pyrénéisme. Ouvrage indispensable aux amoureux des pyrénées en général, aux bibliophiles amateurs, libraires et bibliothécaires en particulier aui auront en main un véritable outil de travail, un manuel de référence, un beau livre que le temps rendra précieux. (B. Hauvette) TRES BON ETAT exemplaire non-coupé‎

‎ Envoi en Mondial Relay pour la France Métropolitaine, l'Allemagne, l'Autriche, Belgique, Espagne, Italie, Luxembourg, Pays-Bas et PortugalPour l'étranger, envoi en tarif "livres et brochures" pour les commandes inférieures à 50 , au dessus en colissimo international.‎

Le Roi Lire - Pau

Phone number : 07 77 03 09 94

EUR260.00 (€260.00 )

‎Lambert Christophe Connery Sean Madsen Virginia Ironside Michael McGinley John Rich Allan Grives Stephen Mulcahy Russell Lambert Christophe‎

Reference : 500176511

ISBN : 3294333016631

‎Highlander 2 le retour‎

‎Une vidéo 13 76x1 48x18 03cm. Sans date. dvd.‎

‎Bon état‎

Démons et Merveilles - Joinville

Phone number : 07 54 32 44 40

EUR11.71 (€11.71 )

‎Lorène Russell‎

Reference : 500129076

‎Le silence des coups‎

‎ Sans date.‎

‎Bon état‎

Démons et Merveilles - Joinville

Phone number : 07 54 32 44 40

EUR4.85 (€4.85 )

‎Banks Russell‎

Reference : 500124356


ISBN : 9782742714445

‎De beaux lendemains‎

‎Actes Sud 1997 336 pages poche. 1997. broché. 336 pages.‎

‎Bon état‎

Démons et Merveilles - Joinville

Phone number : 07 54 32 44 40

EUR18.00 (€18.00 )

‎Russell Chris CARRIÈRE Anne-Marie‎

Reference : 500099725


ISBN : 9782747063524

‎Songs about... Tome 02: Fire & lights‎

‎Bayard Jeunesse 2020 416 pages 14x3x21cm. 2020. Broché. 416 pages.‎

‎Comme neuf - livre issu de destockage - pouvant présenter d'infimes traces de stockage - Expédié soigneusement dans emballage adapté‎

Démons et Merveilles - Joinville

Phone number : 07 54 32 44 40

EUR4.90 (€4.90 )

‎Russell Braddon‎

Reference : 500074849

‎Le Bidasse inspiré‎

‎ Sans date.‎

‎Bon état‎

Démons et Merveilles - Joinville

Phone number : 07 54 32 44 40

EUR2.50 (€2.50 )

‎Bertrand Russell‎

Reference : 500065167


‎Ma conception du monde‎

‎ 1963 1963.‎

‎Etat correct‎

Démons et Merveilles - Joinville

Phone number : 07 54 32 44 40

EUR2.50 (€2.50 )

‎Russell Mary-Doria Guitry Aurore‎

Reference : 500053533


ISBN : 9782754013277

‎L'aube des rêveurs‎

‎Editions First 2009 22x1 8x14 4cm. 2009. Broché.‎

‎Bon état‎

Démons et Merveilles - Joinville

Phone number : 07 54 32 44 40

EUR4.00 (€4.00 )


Reference : 500038568


ISBN : 9782720600364


‎Hier et Demain 1977 1977. Relié.‎

‎Bon état - . quelques marques de lecture et/ou de stodckage sur couverture et coins mais du reste en bon état - envoi rapide et soigné dans enveloppe à bulles depuis france‎

Démons et Merveilles - Joinville

Phone number : 07 54 32 44 40

EUR15.00 (€15.00 )

‎Russell Chris CARRIÈRE Anne-Marie‎

Reference : 500030760


ISBN : 9782747063524

‎Songs about... Tome 02: Fire & lights‎

‎Bayard Jeunesse 2020 416 pages 14x3x21cm. 2020. Broché. 416 pages.‎

‎Très bon état - L'ouvrage qui n'a jamais été lu peut présenter de légères traces de stockage mais est du reste en très bon état. envoi rapide et soigné dans un emballage adapté depuis France‎

Démons et Merveilles - Joinville

Phone number : 07 54 32 44 40

EUR5.00 (€5.00 )

‎Russell Chris CARRIÈRE Anne-Marie‎

Reference : 500024572


ISBN : 9782747063524

‎Songs about... Tome 02: Fire & lights‎

‎Bayard Jeunesse 2020 416 pages 14x3x21cm. 2020. Broché. 416 pages.‎

‎Très bon état- ouvrage issu de destockage jamais lu mais pouvant présenter d'infimes marques de stockage et/ou de manipulation.expédié soigneusement dans emballage adapté‎

Démons et Merveilles - Joinville

Phone number : 07 54 32 44 40

EUR4.50 (€4.50 )
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