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Reference : 60086


‎The Principles of Mathematics. Vol I (all). - [""RUSSELL'S PARADOX""]‎

‎Cambridge, at the University Press, 1903. Royal 8vo. Original blue full cloth binding, all edges uncut. Capitals and upper front hinge with a bit of wear and corners a little bumped. But otherwise a very nice copy. Internally fresh and clean. XXIX, (1), 534 pp.‎

‎The uncommon first edition of Russell's landmark work in mathematical logic, in which theory of logicism is put forth and in which Russell introduces that which is now known as ""Russell's Paradox"". The work constitutes the forerunner of Russell and Whitehead's monumental ""Principia Mathematica"", and it seminally influenced logical thought and theories of the foundations of mathematics at this most crucial time for the development of modern mathematical and philosophical logic.""The present work has two main objects. One of these, the proof that all pure mathematics deals exclusively with concepts definable in terms of a very small number of fundamental logical concepts, and that its propositions are deducible from a very small number of fundamental logical principles, is undertaken in Parts II. - VI. Of this Volume, and will be established by strict symbolic reasoning in Volume II. ... The other object of the work, which occupies Part I., is the explanation of the fundamental concepts which mathematics accepts as indefinable. ..."" (Russell, Preface, p. (III)).At the age of 27, in 1898, Russell began working on the book that became ""The Principles of Mathematics"". He originally set out to investigate the contradiction that is inherent in the nature of number, and he originally imagined doing this from a Hegelian standpoint. However, after having read Whitehead's ""Universal Algebra"", Russell gave up his Hegelian approach and began working on a book that was to be entitled ""An Analysis of Mathematical Reasoning"". This book never appeared, as he gave it up in 1900, but much of it is what lies at the foundation of ""The Principles of Mathematics"". After having attended a congress in Paris in 1899, where Peano was present, Russell began rewriting large parts of the work, now with the aim of proving that all of mathematics could be reduced to a few logical concepts, that that which is called mathematics is in reality nothing but later deductions from logical premises. And thus he had developed his landmark thesis that mathematics and logic are identical"" a thesis that came to have a profound influence on logic and the foundations of mathematics throughout the 20th century.Since the congress, Russell had worked with the greatest of enthusiasm, and he finished the manuscript on the 31st of December 1900. However, in the spring of 1901, he discovered ""The Contradiction"", or as it is now called, ""Russell's Paradox"". Russell had been studying Cantor's proof, and in his own words, the paradox emerged thus: ""Before taking leave of fundamental questions, it is necessary to examine more in detail the singular contradiction, already mentioned, with regard to predicates not predictable of themselves. Before attempting to solve this puzzle, it will be well to make some deductions connected with it, and to state it in various different forms. I may mention that I was led to endeavour to reconcile Cantor's proof that there can be no greatest cardinal number with the very plausible supposition that the class of all termes (which we have seen to be essential to all formal propositions) has necessarily the greatest possible number of members."" (p. 101). The class of all classes that are not members of themselves, is this class a member of itself or not? The question was unanswerable (if it is, then it isn't, and if it isn't, then it is) and thus a paradox, and not just any paradox, this was a paradox of the greatest importance. Since, when using classical logic, all sentences are entailed by contradiction, this discovery naturally sparked a huge number of works within logic, set theory, foundations of mathematics, philosophy of mathematics, etc. Russell's own solution to the problem was his ""theory of types"", also developed in 1903.In December 1902 Russell had come to the point where he could write a preface, and the book finally appeared in May 1903. It was printed in merely 1.000 copies, and although it was well received, it was not a bestseller at its appearance. By 1909 the last copies of the first run were at the bookbinders. However, the book did play an enormous role in the development of mathematical and philosophical logic as well as the foundation of mathematics throughout the 20th century. Wittgentein's immense interest in the philosophy of logic stems from his reading of the present work and from Frege's ""Foundations of Arithmetic"", and no logician could neglect the impact of this seminal work, which still counts as one of the most important philosophical and logical works of the 20th century. The book also played an important part in spreading the works of Cantor and Frege to the English-speaking world. In 1903 the Spectator wrote ""we should say that Mr. Russell has an inherited place in literature or statesmanship waiting for him if he will condescend to come down to the common day."" Shearman's review in Mind hailed it as the most important work since Boole's ""Laws of Thought"". ""Bertrand Arthur William Russell (b.1872 - d.1970) was a British philosopher, logician, essayist, and social critic, best known for his work in mathematical logic and analytic philosophy. His most influential contributions include his defense of logicism (the view that mathematics is in some important sense reducible to logic), and his theories of definite descriptions and logical atomism. Along with G.E. Moore, Russell is generally recognized as one of the founders of analytic philosophy. Along with Kurt Gödel, he is also regularly credited with being one of the two most important logicians of the twentieth century."" (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy).Russell had actually planned to write a second volume of the work, but as the contents of this further development would overlap considerably with the further research that Whitehead had undertaken after his ""Universal Algebra"", which he also planned two write a second volume of, the two great logicians decided to collaborate on that which became the ""Principia Mathematica"", which appeared 1910-13. ‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK24,000.00 (€3,218.93 )

‎"RUSSELL, BERTRAND (In collaboration with DORA RUSSELL).‎

Reference : 32414


‎The Prospects of Industrial Civilization.‎

‎London, G. Allen & Unwin, (1959). 8vo. Orig. full cloth in orig. dust jacket. Internally fine. 283 pp.‎

‎Second edition.Besides his philosophical work - both his in-depth analysis of the logically principles of mathematics and his more popular attempts to make philosophy understandable for a broader audience - Bertrand Russell (1872-1970) was, in his whole life, a dedicated voice about social matters. The present book - written in collaboration with one of Russell's many wives, Dora Russell (1894-1986) - is an example of this engagement, being printed first in 1923 and again in 1959. In the Preface Russell writes: ""Especially relevant to the present-day problems is the book's contention that industrial organization, by its nature, gives rise to oligarchy or dictatorship, thus tending to destroy democracy as traditionally understood, and to impose upon the individual pressures and restraints that prevent his full life as a human being, thus leading to trivial pursuits and passivity combined with collective rage and hysteria"". ‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK300.00 (€40.24 )


Reference : 47441


‎Obituary: Ludwig Wittgenstein. - [RUSSELL'S OBITUARY OF WITTGENTSTEIN]‎

‎Edinburgh, Thomas Nelson & Sons, 1951. 8vo. In the original printed wrappers. In ""Mind. A Quarterly Journal"", Vol. LX, No. 239, July, 1951. With some nicks to margins of wrappers, internally very fine and clean. Pp. 297-8. [Entire issue: (2), 297-440, (2) pp.].‎

‎First printing of Russell's obituary of Wittgentstein. Russell described him as ""the most perfect example I have ever known of genius as traditionally conceived, passionate, profound, intense, and dominating"".The two meet in 1910 at the University of Cambridge where Russell was approached by the Austrian engineering student Ludwig Wittgenstein, who became his PhD student. Russell viewed Wittgenstein as a genius and a successor who would continue his work on logic. He spent hours dealing with Wittgenstein's various phobias and his frequent bouts of despair. This was often a drain on Russell's energy, but Russell continued to be fascinated by him and encouraged his academic development, including the publication of Wittgenstein's Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus in 1922: From the present obituary: ""I naturally lost sight of him during the 1914-1918 war, but I got a letter from him soon after the armistice, written from Monte Casino. He told me that he had been taken prisoner, but fortunately with his manuscript, which was the 'Tractatus'. I pulled strings to get him released by the Italian Government and we met at the Hague, where we discussed 'Tractatus' line by line.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK4,800.00 (€643.79 )

‎Russell, Bertrand :‎

Reference : 8239


‎Conquête (La) du bonheur. Traduit de l’anglais par N. Rabinot. ‎

‎Paris, Payot (Bibliothèque Scientifique), 1949 ; in-8, broché ; 156, (2) pp. de catalogue de l’éditeur. ‎

‎Une photographie extraite d'un journal a été collée en dessous de la préface de Bertrand Russell. Exemplaire en bel état. ‎

Librairie Ancienne Clagahé - Saint Symphorien d’Ozon

Phone number : 06 60 22 21 35

EUR30.00 (€30.00 )

‎Russell (Bertrand) ‎

Reference : 5198


‎Les problèmes de philosophie, traduit de l'anglais par Mlle J.F. Renauld ‎

‎ 1923 Félix Alcan, Bibliothèque de Philosophie Contemporaine 1923 In-8 broché 1 vol. - 176 pp. état moyen couverture défraichie, dos jauni avec légers manques - intérieur frais,1er tirage, ‎

‎eo anglais = 1912 apparence et réalité - existence de la matière - nature de la matière - idéalisme - connaissance personnelle ou directe, et connaissance par définition ou signalement - induction - notre connaissance des principes généraux - comment la connaissance a priori est possible - monde des universaux - de notre connaissance des universaux - connaissance intuitive - vrai et faux - connaissance, erreur et intuition probable - limites de la connaissance philosophique - valeur de la philosophie ‎

Livres Anciens Komar - Meounes les Montrieux

Phone number : 33 04 94 63 34 56

EUR20.00 (€20.00 )

‎RUSSELL (Bertrand) ‎

Reference : 59622


‎Histoire des idées au 19 ème siècle liberté et organisation‎

‎ 1951 Paris, gallimard, 1951, in huit ,396 pp, bon état, ‎

‎Traduit de l'anglais par A-M.Petitjean, collection : "bibliothèque des Idées". ‎


Phone number : 01 42 96 06 24

EUR26.00 (€26.00 )

‎RUSSELL (Bertrand) ‎

Reference : 60955


‎Ethique et politique‎

‎ 2014 Paris, Payot, 2014 , in huit , 262 pp, come neuf, car service de presse, ‎

‎Traduit de l'anglais par C.Jeanmougin. ‎


Phone number : 01 42 96 06 24

EUR15.00 (€15.00 )

‎RUSSELL (Bertrand).‎

Reference : 118663


‎Introduction à la philosophie mathématique.‎

‎Paris Payot, "Bibliothèque scientifique" 1928 1 vol. broché in-8, broché, 244 pp. Edition originale française de premier tirage. Traduit de l'anglais par G. Moreau. Léger choc au dos, en tête, et signature sur la couverture. Sinon bon exemplaire.‎

Vignes Online - Eymoutiers

Phone number : 05 55 14 44 53

EUR20.00 (€20.00 )


Reference : BEH76CC


‎La chine 1922-1968.‎

‎Editions planète Broché D'occasion bon état 01/01/1968 150 pages ‎

Phone number : 01 43 29 11 00

EUR14.00 (€14.00 )

‎Russell Bertrand Bergeron Régis‎

Reference : BTF61GM


‎La Chine‎

‎Editions planète Broché D'occasion état correct 01/01/1968 150 pages ‎

Phone number : 01 43 29 11 00

EUR20.00 (€20.00 )

‎Russell (Bertrand)‎

Reference : DPE59AP


Phone number : 01 43 29 11 00

EUR10.00 (€10.00 )

‎Russell (Bertrand)‎

Reference : CHC116AP

ISBN : B000M49352

‎An Inquiry into Meaning and Truth - The William James Lectures for 1940 Delivered at Harvard University‎

‎Penguin Books Pelican Books Broché D'occasion bon état 01/01/1965 150 pages ‎

Phone number : 01 43 29 11 00

EUR10.00 (€10.00 )

‎Russell (Bertrand)‎

Reference : CWA19RT


‎Les dernières chances de l'homme‎

‎Horay Pierre Flore Broché D'occasion bon état 01/01/1952 150 pages ‎

Phone number : 01 43 29 11 00

EUR10.00 (€10.00 )

‎Russell Bertrand‎

Reference : CWE84CC


‎Pourquoi Je Ne Suis Pas Chretien - Collection Liberte N°11‎

‎Jean-Jacques Pauvert Broché D'occasion bon état 01/01/1966 150 pages ‎

Phone number : 01 43 29 11 00

EUR20.00 (€20.00 )

‎Russell (Bertrand)‎

Reference : DGD93AP


‎Les dernières chances de l'homme‎

‎Horay Pierre Flore Broché D'occasion bon état 01/01/1952 150 pages ‎

Phone number : 01 43 29 11 00

EUR10.00 (€10.00 )

‎Russell Bertrand: ‎

Reference : 11339


‎Essais sceptiques. ‎

‎ Rombaldi, collection des Prix Nobel de littérature, 1973. Grand in-8, cartonnage orné d'une composition de Picasso, titre doré au dos. Toutes petites taches au premier plat. Illustrations hors-texte en couleurs de Jau K. Scob, portrait de l'auteur et ornements par Michel Cauvet. ‎

‎Texte précédé de "La petite histoire de l'attribution du prix Nobel de littérature à Bertrand Russell", par le Dr. Kjell Strömberg. ‎

La Bergerie - Le Locle
CHF25.00 (€26.80 )


Reference : 32412


‎The ABC of Atoms.‎

‎London, Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co., 1927. 8vo. Orig. full cloth. A few underlinings, otherwise fine. 176 pp.‎

‎Fourth revised impression of the first edition.Outside of his strictly philosophical pursuits, the famous English philosopher Bertrand Russell (1872-1970) was always fascinated by science, particularly physics, and he even authored several popular science books, the present 'The ABC of Atoms' (1923) and later 'The ABC of Relativity (1925)'.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK275.00 (€36.88 )


Reference : 37613


‎The Philosophy of Bertrand Russell. Edited by Paul Arthur Schilpp.‎

‎New York, Tudor Publishing Comp., (1951). Royal8vo. Orig. full cloth. XVI,829 pp.‎

‎(Library of Living Philosophers).‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK300.00 (€40.24 )

‎RUSSELL Bertrand‎

Reference : RO60112782



‎George Allen and Unwin Ltd.. 1967. In-8. Relié. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur acceptable. 230 pages. Photo en noir et blanc en frontispice (portrait). Jaquette très abîmée. 1re page de garde légèrement passée et annotée.. Avec Jaquette. . . Classification Dewey : 420-Langue anglaise. Anglo-saxon‎

‎What I have lived for. Childhood. Adolescence. Cambridge. 'Principia Mathematica'... Classification Dewey : 420-Langue anglaise. Anglo-saxon‎


Phone number : 05 57 411 411

EUR19.80 (€19.80 )

‎RUSSELL Bertrand‎

Reference : RO60123608



‎George Allen & Unwin Ltd. 1956. In-8. Relié. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 227 pages. Tranche en tête bordeaux. Jaquette manquante.. . . . Classification Dewey : 420-Langue anglaise. Anglo-saxon‎

‎Six autobiographical talks. How to grow old. G.B. Shaw. H.G. Wells. J. Conrad. Lord John Russell. History as an art... Classification Dewey : 420-Langue anglaise. Anglo-saxon‎


Phone number : 05 57 411 411

EUR19.80 (€19.80 )

‎RUSSELL Bertrand A-W.‎

Reference : 44088

‎Essai sur les Fondements de la Géométrie‎

‎Gauthier-Villars.1901.In-8 demi-relié.274 p.Traduction par A.Cadenat.TBE.‎


Phone number : 33 05 56 81 68 79

EUR105.00 (€105.00 )

‎Russell (Bertrand, 1872-1970 - Prix Nobel de Littérature 1950) :‎

Reference : 14989


‎Pourquoi je ne suis pas chrétien. Traducteur Guy Le Clec'h.‎

‎Paris, Guilde Ernest Renan (Genève, Krundig), collection "Raison et Croyance" dirigée par le Professeur Louis Rougier, 1960 ; in-8, plein skinvertex vert, décor de grecque dorée au dos, titre doré (reliure éditeur) ; 380, (6) pp., imprimé sur vélin fin.‎

‎Un des grands textes "philosophiques" de Russell : la négation de l'existence de Dieu ! ‎

Librairie Ancienne Clagahé - Saint Symphorien d’Ozon

Phone number : 06 60 22 21 35

EUR60.00 (€60.00 )

‎RUSSELL Bertrand‎

Reference : RO60105209



‎Simon and Schuster. 1962. In-8. Broché. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos plié, Intérieur frais. 266 pages.. . . . Classification Dewey : 420-Langue anglaise. Anglo-saxon‎

‎Edited with an Appendix on the 'Bertrand Russel Case' by Paul EDWARDS. Classification Dewey : 420-Langue anglaise. Anglo-saxon‎


Phone number : 05 57 411 411

EUR29.80 (€29.80 )

‎Russell, Bertrand‎

Reference : SVALIVCN-9782228881722

‎Problèmes de philosophie‎

‎Payot (2/1989)‎


Bookit! - Genève
EUR42.61 (€42.61 )

‎Russell Bertrand‎

Reference : R300330023


‎"Histoire de mes idées philosophques - ""Les essais"" - C"‎

‎Gallimard. 1961. In-12. Broché. Etat d'usage, Couv. légèrement passée, Dos plié, Papier jauni. 349 pages. Page de garde légèrement déchirée. Mors légèrement fendus en coiffe de tête.. . . . Classification Dewey : 100-PHILOSOPHIE ET DISCIPLINES CONNEXES‎

‎Trad. de l'anglais par Georges Auclair. Classification Dewey : 100-PHILOSOPHIE ET DISCIPLINES CONNEXES‎


Phone number : 05 57 411 411

EUR10.95 (€10.95 )
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