1887 (2nd ed.) Magdeburg, Creutz'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1887 : in-12, relié 2° édition, xx, 457 pp., demi-toile grenée noire à la bradel. Bon état, couverture usagée, signature de l'auteur en page de titre, quelques annotations au crayon de papier.
Magdeburg, 1879-88. Lex8vo. 4 solid cont. hcalf, gilt backs. With 36 fine chromolithographed plates (numb. I-XXXV, 1 unnumb., all). Faint brownspottings on some plates.
Anker No 436. Nissen 803. From 1875 to 1879 the number of birds imported for the market of cage-birds as pets increased from 250 species to ab. 700. These 4 volumes on exotic cage-birds and their maintenance in captivity were the life-work of the author. It is probably the standard work on the subject(Wood).
Hannover, 1871-73. 2 cont. modest hcloth. orig. wrappers as covers. Back on vol. I defective, repaired with tape. Uncut. Annotations mostly in vol. I. (4),377,XXVI,464 pp.
Wood p. 546 (only vol.I). First edition.