Jena, G. Fischer, 1905, in-8vo, 2 Bl. + 100 (101) S. mit 7 Fig. + 9 Taf., zu Beginn mit sauberen Bleistiftunterstreichnungen, verstempelt und Name am Einbaddeckel, Hlwd. mit Bibl.-Sign.
Erste deutschsprachige Ausgabe. - R. Ross, Prof. für Tropenmedizin in Liverpool, entdeckte, daß die Moskitos für die Übertragung der Malaria verantwortlich sind. Er erhielt dafür 1902 den Nobelpreis. - Garrison & Morton 5247 und 5251 : " Ross proved that the mosquito was responsible for the transmission of malaria. In 1897 he found Laveran's Plasmodium in the stomach of the Anopheles mosquito after he had fed on the blood of malaria patients. Ross provided the last link in the chain demonstrating the complete life-cycle of the parasite of bird malaria. He found that mosquitoes which had fed on malaria infected birds, and which had allowed the parasites to develop and lodge in their salivary glands, could then infect healthy birds, which in turn became malarious. Ross was awarded the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 1902."
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