ROSETTI Gioanventura, EDELSTEIN Sidney, BORGHETTY Hector C. (translators)
Reference : 1166671
Cambridge (Mass.): M.I.T. Press, 1969 in-4, XXXVI-199 pages, illustrations. Reliure toile d'éd., lég. marques d'usage, bon état. Fac-simile de l'édition originale italienne de 1548 "Plictho de larte de tentori che insegna tenger pãni telle banbasi et sede si per larthe magiore come per la comvne", avec une introduction et la traduction anglaise.
The Plictho of Gioanventura Rosetti: instructions in the art of the dyers which teaches the dyeing of woolen cloths, linens, cottons, and silk by the great art as well as by the common. Translation of the first edition of 1548 by Sidney M. Edelstein and Hector C. Borghetty. (Cambridge (Mass.): M.I.T. Press, 1969) [M.C.: histoire des techniques, arts et métiers, textile, teinture, chimir]