Paris, Pierre-Guillaume Cavelier, 1778
In-8 (200 x 135 mm), xij - 582 pp. - (1) ff., basane marron, dos à cinq nerfs orné, pièce de titre de maroquin rouge, tranches rouges (reliure d'époque). Première édition de la traduction française par Le Febvre de Villebrune. L'auteur, Nils Rosen de Rosenstein (1706 - 1773), médecin suédois, est considéré comme le fondateur de la pédiatrie. Ex-libris manuscrit "Pitat chirurgien" sur le titre. (reliure restaurée, quelques traces, défauts d'usage, rousseurs). // Octavo (200 x 135 mm), xij - 582 pp. - (1) ff., brown roan, spine tooled raised on five bands, red morocco title label, red edges (contemporary binding). First edition of this french translation by Le Febvre de Villebrune. The author, Nils Rosen de Rosenstein (1706 - 1773), Swedish physician, is considered the founder of modern pediatrics. Handwritten ex-libris on title page, "Pitat chirurgien". (binding is restored, some rubbings, defects of use, foxing).
[Chez Pierre-Guillaume Cavelier] - ROSEN DE ROSENSTEIN, Nils ; LE FEBVRE DE VILLEBRUNE, M.
Reference : 64214
Traduit du Suédois, de feu M. Nils Rosen de Rosenstein, Chevalier de l'Etoile-Polaire, Président de l'Académie Royale des Sciences de Stockholm, Médecin de la Famille Royale, 1 vol. in-8 reliure de l'époque pleine basane marbrée, dos à 5 nerfs orné, Chez Pierre-Guillaume Cavelier, Paris, 1778, XII-582 pp. et 1 f.
First french translation of this work, considered by Sir Frederic Still as "the most progressive which had yet been written". "It gave an impetus to research which influenced the future course of paediatrics. Rosen was the founder of modern paediatrics and was particularly interested in infan feeding" (Garrison & Morton, 6323). Première traduction française de cet ouvrage, considéré par Sir Frederic Still comme "le plus avancé qui ait jamais été écrit". "Cela a donné une impulsion à la recherche qui a influencé l'évolution future de la pédiatrie. Rosen a été le fondateur de la pédiatrie moderne et s'est particulièrement intéressé à l'alimentation des nourrissons." (Garrison & Morton, 6323). Etat très satisfaisant (coiffe sup. arasée, mq. au dos en queue, coins frottés, bon état par ailleurs).
Stockholm, Wennberg et Nordström, 1771. 8vo. Uncut in a very nice recent full calf binding (by Henning Jensen) with four raised bands, gilt lettering and ornamentation to spine and blindstamped frames to boards. A very fine copy. (4), 540, (34) pp.
The improved and expanded third edition of this seminal treatise on paediatrics. “Sir Frederic Still considered this work ‘the most progressive which had yet been written’ it gave an impetus to research which influenced the future course of paediatrics. Rosen was particularly interested in infant feeding. The Underrattelser were originally published in the calendars of the Academy and were later collected and issued in book form in 1764” (Garrison-Morton). It is widely recognized as the inaugural textbook of pediatrics. The book addresses various subjects such as smallpox, smallpox inoculation, teething, measles, breastfeeding frequency, and the impact of breastfeeding on infant health. It displayed foresight as it recommended feeding young children diluted cow's milk through a sucking bottle, and advocated for covering children's food to prevent insect contact, emphasizing other hygienic precautions. Nils Rosén's insights extended to accurate descriptions and prescriptions for scarlet fever, whooping cough, diarrhea, and other illnesses. Nils Rosén lived and worked during a period when Sweden struggled with poverty, a low average life span, and a child mortality rate exceeding fifty percent. In 1753 Rosén initiated the publication of articles in small almanacs by the Royal Academy of Sciences. These articles covered children's diseases, breastfeeding, nursing, and preventive medical treatments, presenting novel findings from empirical research. Eventually compiled and edited, these articles formed the basis of the work. The book achieved widespread influence, translated into numerous European languages and becoming the most widely disseminated Swedish textbook globally. Over the 18th and 19th centuries, it underwent twenty-six editions in ten different languages. Anders Sparrman, one of Linné's 'apostles,' translated it into English during a circumnavigation with Captain James Cook on The Resolution (1772-75). (Garrison & Morton 6323 - the first edition).
Stockholm, Lars Salvius, 1764. 8vo. In recent half calf with gilt lettering, endpapers renewed. Marginal repairs throughout (primarily to title-page), no loss of text. (2), 363, (11) pp.
First edition in book form of this seminal treatise on paediatrics. “Sir Frederic Still considered this work ‘the most progressive which had yet been written"’ it gave an impetus to research which influenced the future course of paediatrics. Rosen was particularly interested in infant feeding. The Underrattelser were originally published in the calendars of the Academy and were later collected and issued in book form in 1764” (Garrison-Morton). It is widely recognized as the inaugural textbook of pediatrics. ""In 1764 a very important work on the diseases of children and their treatment was published in Stockholm by a physician who had already become famous” (Still). The book addresses various subjects such as smallpox, smallpox inoculation, teething, measles, breastfeeding frequency, and the impact of breastfeeding on infant health. It displayed foresight as it recommended feeding young children diluted cow's milk through a sucking bottle, and advocated for covering children's food to prevent insect contact, emphasizing other hygienic precautions. Nils Rosén's insights extended to accurate descriptions and prescriptions for scarlet fever, whooping cough, diarrhea, and other illnesses. Nils Rosén lived and worked during a period when Sweden struggled with poverty, a low average life span, and a child mortality rate exceeding fifty percent. In 1753 Rosén initiated the publication of articles in small almanacs by the Royal Academy of Sciences. These articles covered children's diseases, breastfeeding, nursing, and preventive medical treatments, presenting novel findings from empirical research. Eventually compiled and edited, these articles formed the basis of the present book. An improved and expanded edition followed in 1771. The book achieved widespread influence, translated into numerous European languages and becoming the most widely disseminated Swedish textbook globally. Over the 18th and 19th centuries, it underwent twenty-six editions in ten different languages. Anders Sparrman, one of Linné's 'apostles,' translated it into English during a circumnavigation with Captain James Cook on The Resolution (1772-75). Garrison-Morton 6323Norman 1849Waller 8215
Stockholm, Wennberg et Nordström, 1771. 8vo. In contemporary haf calf. Wear to extremities, hindges and head and foot of spine missing some of the leather. Corners bumped and boards missing parts of the marbled paper. Two stamps to pasted down front and back end-paper and three stamps to title-page and previous owner's name crossed out, otherwise internally fine. (4), 540, (34) pp.
Third edition of Rosenstein's seminal work on pediatrics. ""Sir Frederic Still considered this work “the most progressive which had yet been written”"" it gave an impetus to research which influenced the future course of pediatrics. Rosén was particularly interested in infant feeding. The Underrättelser were originally published in the calenders of the Academy and were later collected and issued in book form in 1764. English and German translations were published in 1776."" (Garrison & Morton 6323). (Garrison & Morton 6323 - the first edition).
Neueste Auflage. Wien, Trattner 1787. 8°. 652 S., 1 Bl. Inhalt, 7 n.n. Bl. Register. Brauner Pappband der Zeit mit Kleisterpapierbezügen und goldgeprägtem bordeauxrotem Rückenschild.
Blake 387. - Hirsch-H. V, 878. - Garrison-Morton 6323 (für die schwedische Erstausgabe von 1764). - Häufig aufgelegtes Hauptwerk des berühmtesten schwedischen Arztes des 18. Jahrhunderts. Rosenstein begründete die Pädiatrie als wissenschaftliches Spezialgebiet. - Titelblatt mit Knitterspuren. Papier leicht fleckig. Vorsatz mit zeitgenössischem Besitzerstempel des "Canton. Physicus Dr. Kottmann, Solothurn".
Paris, 1778. 8vo. Contemporary full mottled calf with five raised bads to gilt spine. Old paper label to top of spine. Overall wear to extremities, especially top capital. Light brownspotting. XII, 582, (2) pp.
Scarce first French edition of Rosenstein's pioneering work on paediatrics, the founding work on modern paediatrics and ""the most progressive which had yet been written"". ""[I]t gave an impetus to research which influenced the future course of paediatrics... The ""Underrättelser"" (the original Swedish title) were originally published in the calendars of the Academy and were later collected and issued in book form in 1764."" (G&M)Garrison & Morton: 6323.
Neueste Auflage. Wien, Trattner 1787. 8°. 652 S., 1 Bl. Inhalt, 7 n.n. Bl. Register. Brauner Pappband der Zeit mit Kleisterpapierbezügen und goldgeprägtem bordeauxrotem Rückenschild.
Blake 387. - Hirsch-H. V, 878. - Garrison-Morton 6323 (für die schwedische Erstausgabe von 1764). - Häufig aufgelegtes Hauptwerk des berühmtesten schwedischen Arztes des 18. Jahrhunderts. Rosenstein begründete die Pädiatrie als wissenschaftliches Spezialgebiet. - Titelblatt mit Knitterspuren. Papier leicht fleckig. Vorsatz mit zeitgenössischem Besitzerstempel des "Canton. Physicus Dr. Kottmann, Solothurn".
Montpellier Chez Joseph-François TOURNEL 1792 un volume in-8°, XV 544 XI pp. Reliure d'époque en plein veau marbré, dos à nerfs à caissons fleuronnés dorés et pièce de titre, roulette sur les coupes, tranches mouchetées de rouge, gardes de papier caillouté, manque de cuir à la coiffe supérieure, fente de 10 cm au premier plat, IL MANQUE DEUX FEUILLETS DE LA TABLE, rousseurs peu soutenues dans l'ensemble). Nouvelle édition de ce traité du fondateur de la Pédiatrie. Bon exemplaire. IL MANQUE 2 FEUILLETS A LA TABLE DES MATIÈRES.
P., P.-G. Cavelier, 1768 ; in-8. XII-582pp.-1f. Basane brune marbrée, dos ç nerfs orné, pièce de titre en maroquin rouge, tranches rouges. Coiffe sup. frottée avec manque, trou de vers à la charnière du second plat, tâche bune marginale en pied de l'ensemble du volume (sans atteinte au texte).
Ce savant suédois a été un important propagateur de la technique de l'inoculation et fit avancer la science médicale dans son pays. son traité sur les maladies des enfants (publié en 1766 à Goettingue) contient le premier traité complet sur le croup (laryngo-trachéo-bronchite).
Göttingen und Gotha, Johann Christian Dieterich, 1774. 8°. 28 n.n. Bl., 722 S. 7 n.n. Bl. Register. Halblederband der Zeit mit blindgeprägtem Rücken.
Blake 387. - Grulee 709. - Hirsch-H. V, 878. - Waller 8173. - Garrison-M. 6323 (für die schwedische Erstausgabe von 1764). - Häufig aufgelegtes Hauptwerk des berühmtesten schwedischen Arztes des 18. Jahrhunderts. Rosenstein begründete die Pädiatrie als wissenschaftliches Spezialgebiet. - Durchgehend etwas gebräunt und fleckig. Titelblatt mit altem, handschriftlichem Besitzvermerk. Fliegender vorderer Vorsatz mit grösserem Ausriss. Einband bestossen und stark beschabt.
A Paris, chez Pierre Guillaume Cavelier, 1778. In/8 reliure plein veau du temps, dos à nerfs à caissons dorés et pièce de titre, 12 f., 582 pages. 1 f. Coiffes manquantes , mors supérieur très partiellement ouvert, petites usures aux coins, Tampon de bibliothèque, bon exemplaire cependant. traduit du Suédois par M. Le Febvre de Villebrune, D. M.
L’auteur (1706 - 1773) enseigna à l’université d’Upsala, est considéré comme le fondateur de la pédiatrie. Le présent ouvrage originellement titré “De morbis infantum” connut un réel succès lors de sa parution en 1772. Il traite dans un langage simple et accessible au plus grand nombre, des affections touchant l’enfant du 18è, de conseil d’éducation sanitaires, de la nutrition des enfants ; un chapitre est consacré à la variole dont l’inoculation était encore controversée à l’époque.