(London, Taylor and Francis, 1869-70). 4to. No wrappers as extracted from ""Philosophical Transactions"" 1868 - Vol. 158. Pp. 1-27. A small tear to top of first leaf, no loss. (+) Vol. 159. Pp. 679-692.
First appearance of this importent paper in which Roscoe announces the isolation of vanadium.""The final step in the discovery of vanadium was accomplished by the English chemist, Sir Henry Enfield Roscoe...In about 1865 he found that some of the copper veins of the Lower Keuper Sandstone of the Trias in Chesire contained vanadium and that one of the lime precipitates from this ore contained about two percent of it. It was from this unpromishing material that Roscoe and Sir Edmund Thorpe laboriously prepared the pure vanadium compounds needed for a thorughout study of the element. When Roscoe investigated these compounds he found that vanadium is a trivalent element of the phosphorous group. He also discovered that what Berzelius had taken for the metal was really the mononitride, VN, and that most of the vanadium compounds studied by the Swedish chemists had contained oxygen.""(Weeks. ""Discovery of the Elements"", p. 93).
Joseph Butterworth and Son, London. 1825. In-8. Relié plein cuir. Etat passable, Plats abîmés, Manque en coiffe de tête, Mouillures. 351 pages. Dos à faux-nerfs et sur lequel une seule pièce de titre noire demeure (tomaison et filets dorés). Dos frotté avec des manques en coiffe de tête et sur le mors droit. Fortes taches et épidermures sur les plats. Page de garde salie. Ex-libris illustré en noir et blanc (Armoiries, Phénix, Nihil Amanti Durum) encollé au dos du 1er plat.. . . . Classification Dewey : 420-Langue anglaise. Anglo-saxon
(Rare) By Henry Roscoe, Esq., of the Inner temple. In 2 volumes (here vol. 1 only). Comprising the following titles: 1. Real Actions, 2. Actions on the Case for Nuisance and Disturbance, 3. Action on the Case in the Nature Waste, 4. Action on the Case for Dilapidations, etc. Classification Dewey : 420-Langue anglaise. Anglo-saxon
Ottava edizione italiana estesa e aggiornata per Ettore Ricci. Hoepli, Milano, 1924. In-24 gr., cartonato editoriale, pp. X,(6),262. Ben conservato.
London, Macmillan and Co., 1878. Small 8vo. Contemp. hcalf. Gilt spine, gilt lettering. Stamp on title-page. VI,416 pp., richly textillustrated. 1 folded chromolithographed plate of spectra.
Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown & Green, London. 1830. In-12. Relié. Etat d'usage, Tâchée, Mors arrachés, Intérieur acceptable. 428 pages. Gravure en noir et blanc en page de titre. Ex-libris illustré en noir et blanc (Armoiries, Arthur William Patrick Buchanan, Montreal) encollé au dos du 1er plat. Annotations d'époque au dos du 1er plat et en page de garde.. . . . Classification Dewey : 420-Langue anglaise. Anglo-saxon
The Cabinet Cyclopaedia, Conducted by the Rev. D. Lardner. Classification Dewey : 420-Langue anglaise. Anglo-saxon
Reference : 43322
Leipzig, Johann Ambrosius Barth, 1855, 1857, 1859, 1862. Without wrappers as issued in ""Annalen der Physik und Chemie. Hrsg. von J.C. Poggendorff"". In 6 orig. parts (Heften) from vols. 96, 100 (2 Papers), 101, 108 a. 117. all with titlepage to the respective volumes. - The parts: pp. 373-512 a. 2 folded engraved plates - pp. 1-176 a. 2 engraved plates - pp. 481-660 a. 2 engraved plates. - pp. 161-320 a. 1 engraved plate. - pp. 193-368 a. 3 engraved plates. - pp. 529-660 a. 2 engraved plates.The Bunsen & Roscoe papers: pp. 373-394 - pp. 43-88 - pp. 481-516 - pp. 235-263 - pp. 193-273 - pp. 529-562. A small tear to one titlepage. All issues fine and clean.
First printing of these 6 papers constituting the classical photochemical researches, - the papers laid the foundation for the science of quantitative photochemistry.""Between 1852 and 1862 Bunsen collaborated with Sir Henry Roscoe on photochemical research involving the chemical combination of equal volumes of hydrogen and chlorine when they were illuminated.For this experiment they altered a reaction vessel devised by John Draper in 1843. Bunsen and Roscoe found that for some time after the experiment started - a time they called the induction period - no reation took place"" then the reaktion rate slowly increased until a constant rate, proportional to the intensity of the light source used, was reached. The effect of the incident light was related to the wavelenght and followed a law of inverse squares.....(they) determined that the energy of light radiated by the sun in one minute is equivalent to the energy needed for the conversion of 25x10 with a potens of 12 cubic miles of a hydrogen-chlorine mixture into hydrogen chloride.""(DSB II, pp. 589).The papers contains the description of the ACTIONOMETER, which measures the heating power of electromagnetic radiation. The main use is to measure solar energy for meteteorological applications, Bunsen and Roscoe made this invention in order to carry out their researches here.The famous ""BUNSEN BURNER"" is first described here (in vol. 100 pp. 84-86). This invention furnished Bunsen & Kirchhoff with a non-luminous gas-flame of failrly high temperature, in which chemical substances could be vaporized and a spectrum could be obtained, due purely and simply to the luminous vapour.Leicester & Klickstein ""A Source Book in Chemistry"", pp. 355-360).
Braunschweig, Friedrich Vieweg, 1873, in-8vo, X + XVI + 300 S., mit 80 Holzstichen + 1 Bl. + 8 (6 doppelblattgrosse) Tafeln, etwas stockfleckig hauptsächlich am Rand, Halblederband auf Bünden, gold- und blindgepr. Rücken, marbr. Schnitt, schönes Exemplar.
Sir Henry Roscoe aus London promovierte 1854 bei Bunsen in Heidelberg. 1858-86 lehrte er in Manchester anorgan. und physikal. Chemie, zunächst am Owens College, danach an der neugegründeten Universität. “Roscoe führte wesentl. Arbeiten auf dem Gebiet der Spektralanalyse durch. Er benutzte dieses Verfahren als einer der ersten zum Bestimmen von Spurenbeimengungen in Metallen im Hüttenwesen, so auch beim Bessemer-Verfahren, das mit seiner Hilfe verbessert werden konnte ... Sein hauptsächl. Verdienst für die Chemie in Gross Brit. bestand in den Bemühungen um eine Reform der Hochschulausbildung in den Naturwissenschaft” (Pötsch 369).Second, enlarged German edition, illustrated with two plates of "Huggins Map of Mettalic Spectra"; three double plates of "Kirchhoff's & Angstrom's maps", in sepia tones; two double page chromolithographic Spectral-Tables, and one foldout table showing protuberances of the Sun, plus 80 text-illustrations including a number of scientific instruments. Some foxing mainly marginal. Half leather binding on bands, gold- and blindtooled spine, slight insignif. rubbing, marbled edges.The first English edtion of «Spectrum Analysis. Six lectures, delivered in 1868, before the Society of Apothecaries of London» was published in 1869. Image disp.
Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808
Reference : 42633
(London, Taylor and Francis, 1860). 4to. No wrappers as extracted from ""Philosophical Transactions"" 1859 - Vol. 149 - Part II. Pp. 879-926. Clean and fine.
First appearance in English of a classic paper in the investigations of chemical reactions produced by lightrays. Their joined work - from 1855-59 - founded scientific photochemistry, by determining the phenomena of induction, deduction and extinction. They found that the beginning of light reaction takes place at first very slowly and that the velocity increases gradually until it attains a constant value, observing also that steam accelerates the action and that air retards it. They also gave proofs of the ""Law of Reciprocity