RommÃ, Barbara et al: Gegen den Strom. Meisterwerke niederrheinischer Skulptur in Zeiten der Reformation 1500-1550. Exhibition: Aachen, Suermont-Ludwig-Museum, 1996. 386pp with 88 colour and 207 monochrome illustrations. Hardback. An in-depth analysis of early 16th century sculpture in the Lower Rhine region, offering eight essays on altarpieces and sculpture techniques, specific works & a study of piety and economy of the region. Text in German.
An in-depth analysis of early 16th century sculpture in the Lower Rhine region, offering eight essays on altarpieces and sculpture techniques, specific works & a study of piety and economy of the region. Text in German
RommÃ, Barbara: Elisabet Ney: Herrin ihrer Kunst. Bildhauerin in Europa und Amerika. 2008. 301pp with 301 colour and monochrome illustrations. Boards. 30x21.5cms. Ney 1833-1907 was the first female artist to study sculpture at the Munich Academy, she is largely known for her portrait busts. Commissions by well-known figures such as Schopenhauer, Alexander von Humboldt, Justus von Liebig, Bismarck, Garibaldi, King George V and Ludwig II of Bavaria enabled her to have an independent life as an artist. Following her marriage to Edmund Montgomery she was based in the United States from 1871 with her studio in the remote natural setting of Hyde Park, Austin, Texas. Text in German.
Ney 1833-1907 was the first female artist to study sculpture at the Munich Academy, she is largely known for her portrait busts. Commissions by well-known figures such as Schopenhauer, Alexander von Humboldt, Justus von Liebig, Bismarck, Garibaldi, King George V and Ludwig II of Bavaria enabled her to have an independent life as an artist. Following her marriage to Edmund Montgomery she was based in the United States from 1871 with her studio in the remote natural setting of Hyde Park, Austin, Texas. Text in German