, Mechelen, Cultureel Centrum A.Spinoy, 1989.**, softcover originele geillustreerde uitgeversomslag in kleur, 29x25cm, 73p, geillustreerd in kleur en z/w.
Een oeuvrecatalogus.
2. Mechelen, Cultureel Centrum A. Spinoy, 1989, in-4°, 73 pp, colour ills., describes 160 works, softcover. Tentative oeuvre catalogue published on the occasion of an exhibition .
Mechelen, Cultureel Centrum A. Spinoy, 1989, in-4°, 73 pp, colour ills., describes 160 works, softcover. Tentative oeuvre catalogue published on the occasion of an exhibition . Text in Dutch. Boek in het Nederlands.
2. Mechelen, Cultureel Centrum A. Spinoy, 1989, in-4°, 73 pp, colour ills., describes 160 works, softcover. Tentative oeuvre catalogue published on the occasion of an exhibition . Text in Dutch. Boek in het Nederlands.