ROGGEN D.- A. DE SCHRYVER - R.A. D'HULST (editors) - L. Vanden Berghe - P. Lambrechts - H.F. Bouchery - D. Roggen a.o. (authors). :[ ] GHENDT UNIVERSITY (Art Department) - [ ] GENTSE BIJDRAGEN TOT DE KUNSTGESC:HIEDENIS :
Reference : 25449
"0. Antwerpen, De Sikkel, 1954, small in-4°, publisher's half cloth, 245 pp, b/w ills. Yearbook on art history which contains several scholarly articles and longer essays. Most texts are in Dutch with an extensive summary in French. L. Vanden Berghe, ceramiek in Voor-Azië (80 pp). P. Lambrechts, Augustus en Apollo (50 pp). H.F. Bouchery, Plato en de beeldende kunst (36 pp). (We can quote you also for a complete run of the first 22 volumes; 1934 -1972)."