ROGGEN D. - A. DE SCHRYVER - R.A. D'HULST (editors) - L. Speleers - D. Roggen - L. Lebeer a.o.(authors). :[ ] GHENDT UNIVERSITY (Art Department) - GENTSE BIJDRAGEN TOT DE KUNSTGESC:HIEDENIS :
Reference : 25441
".: 0. Antwerpen, De Sikkel, 1941, small in-4°, publisher's half cloth, 251 pp, 43 b/w ills. Yearbook on art history which contains several scholarly articles and longer essays. Most texts are in Dutch with sometimes a summary in French. Speleers, Egyptische oudheidkunde en bepalingstekens in de Pyramidetexten (ca. 96 pp). Roggen, J. Bosch (20 pp). De Keyser, Het Hooi en den Hooiwagen (12pp). Grauls, Bosch en Bruegel (20 pp). Lebeer, De Blauwe Huyck (72p). (We can quote you also for a complete run of the first 22 volumes; 1934 -1972)."