A Dijon et se trouve à Paris, Chez L. N. Frantin / Chez Jombert fils aîné, 1783. Petit in-8 de [4]-XIV-[2]-538-X (table) pages, plein veau blond, dos à 5 nerfs orné de filets dorés, étiquette de titre bordeaux. Reliure frottée, avec quelques épidermures et manque minime à la coiffe supérieure. Quelques passages soulignés au crayon, inscription au faux-titre.
Tableaux in-texte et 2 planches dépliantes en fin de volume. Benjamin Robins était un scientifique anglais, mathématicien newtonien et ingénieur militaire. Quant à Leonhard (mal orthographié à la page de titre) Euler, c'était un mathématicien et physicien suisse, dont nous avons tous entendu parler durant les cours de maths... Traduit de l'anglais et commenté par Euler (de l'anglais, "New Principles in Gunnery"), il est encore traduit ici, en première édition française.
Berlin, Bey A. Haude, 1745, in-8vo, (17,5 x 10,5 cm), 8 n.n. Bl. + 720 S., + 8 gef. Kupfertafeln,
Erste deutsche Ausgabe dieses bahnbrechenden ballistischen Werkes. Eulers umfangreiche Anmerkungen und Ergänzungen lassen die Übersetzung zu einem nahezu eigenständigen Werk werden und tragen wesentlich zu seinem Erfolg bei. Das Original erschien 1742 in London unter dem Titel ‘New principles of gunnery’. DSB 11, 493 (Robins); Eneström 77; Libri rari 236; Jähns III, 2391 Image disp.
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Dijon & Paris, L.N. Frantin & Jombert, 1783. Bound in fine contemp. full calf, raised bands and richly gilt compartments. Titlelabel with gilt lettering. A stamp on htitle and titlepage. (4),XIV,538,X,(1) pp. and 2 folded engraved plates. Internally clean and fine, printed on good paper.
First French edition of Robin's & Eulers work together. Robins' work New Principles of Gunnery was first issued in French in 1771 and Eulers work came together with Robins' work in the German translation of 1745. Euler's work is called ""Eulers erläuterte Artillerie.""""An inquiry from the King about the best work on artillery moved Euler to translate into German Benjamin Robin's ""New Principles on Gunnery"". Euler added his own supplements on ballistics, which were five times longer than the original text. These supplements occupy an important place in the history of ballistics..."" (DSB). - Poggendorff I:689.
Berlin, A. Haude, 1745. Small 8vo. Cont. hcalf. Gilt back. Gilt title-label in red leather on back. Upper compartment of back with a paper-label pasted on. Light scattered browning to leaves, but a good copy. Title-page with 2 rubberstamps. Engraved title-vignette. (16), 720 pp. and 8 folded engraved plates.
First German edition of Robin's famous work ""On Gunnery"" describing the compositions of gun-powders, ballistics and pyrotechnics and it is the first edition of Euler's extensive commentaries and additions. It is called ""Eulers erläuterte Artillerie.""""An inquiry from the King about the best work on artillery moved Euler to translate into German Benjamin Robin's ""New Principles on Gunnery"". Euler added his own supplements on ballistics, which were five times longer than the original text. These supplements occupy an important place in the history of ballistics..."" (DSB). - Poggendorff I:689.
Dijon, L. N. Frantin, 1783. In-8°, xiv-538-x p. Reliure plein veau caillouté d'époque, dosn à nerfs orné de fleurons dorés, tranches rouges.
Traduit de l'allemand, avec des notes par M. Lombard, Professeur royal aux Ecoles d'Artillerie à Auxonne. Avec 2 planches gravées dépliantes. L'intérieur de l'ouvrage est en parfaite condition, mais la reliure a souffert (un mors fendu, coiffe abimée, manques de cuir sur les plats).
Grenoble, Joseph-Sulpice Grabit, 1771. Contemp. full calf. Raised bands, richly gilt compartments,titlelabel with guilt lettering. A stamp on htitle and titlepage. XVI,575 pp. and 2 large folded engraved plates. Internally fine and clean. Both covers with the royal coat-of-arms of the Danish king Christian 7.
First French edition, translated from Robin's work ""Mathematical Tracts... Vol. I. London 1761"". It contains the authors New Principles of Gunnery together with some of his various mathematical tratises read before the Royal Society, his polemics on the ""vis viva"" etc. and Wilson's personal comments on the life and character of his old friend.
1974 / 402 pages. Relié avec jaquette. Editions Oxford University Press.
Good Condition.