Leuven, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven - Seminarie voor muziekwetenschap 1969 322pp.with ills. + portrait, 27cm., in the series "Musicologica Lovaniensia" vol.1, hardback (cloth), dustwrapper, very good condition, [contributions in English, Dutch, German, French, Italian and Spanish], M74612
PHILIPPUS DE MONTE (MAAS Chris, NUTEN Piet & ROBIJNS Jozef, eds. & LENAERTS Rene Bernard, general ed.)
Reference : M75885
Leuven, Leuven University Press 1976-1979 Series B complete in 2 volumes: viii,114 + xi,122pp.(of which most pages contain music sheets) + 5 facsimile plates, 34cm., softcover, very good condition, [VOLUME I: Four masses from Liber I Missarum, Antverpiae, ex officina Christophori Plantini 1587 (1: Missa ad te levavi oculos meos (5 voc.). 2: Missa Emitte Domine (5 voc.). 3: Missa Si ambulavero (6 voc.). 4: Missa Deus Deus meus (6 voc.)). VOLUME II: Three masses for 5, 6 and 8 voices (1: Missa Mon coeur se recommande à vous (5 voc.). 2: Missa ad modulum Benedicta es (6 voc.). 3: Missa Confitebor tibi Domine (8 voc.))], M75885
PHILIPPUS DE MONTE (NUTEN Piet & ROBIJNS Jozef, eds. & LENAERTS Rene Bernard, general ed.)
Reference : M75884
Leuven, Leuven University Press 1979 xi + 122pp.(of which pp.1-122: music sheets), 34cm., softcover, very good condition, [contains 3 masses: 1: Missa Mon coeur se recommande à vous (5 voc.). 2: Missa ad modulum Benedicta es (6 voc.). 3: Missa Confitebor tibi Domine (8 voc.)], M75884