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‎Richard of Saint-Victor, Aage Rydstr m-Poulsen (ed)‎

Reference : 65291

‎Richard of Saint-Victor, On the Trinity. Prologue and Six Books‎

‎, Brepols, 2021 Paperback, 304 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Language(s):English, Latin. ISBN 9782503594125.‎

‎Summary Richard of Saint-Victor's On The Trinity from the 12th century is a main source for our understanding of a leading intellectual tradition of the Western world in which love was regarded the highest and the best in the human world and therefore also was the reality in which the highest and the best, God, was to be seen. Richard understands human love as interpersonal so that love must be realized between two persons, but for being the highest love that excludes any private and selfish love, both loving persons must share their love with a third person. TABLE OF CONTENTS Acknowledgements Abbreviations Introduction 1. Richard of Saint-Victor and the 12th Century a. The Augustinian Tradition b. Human Love c. Richard's Influence 2. Richard and Saint-Victor a. The Abbey b. Monastery and School c. Internationalism d. The Death of Richard 3. The Theological Method a. Faith and Reason b. Reason and Experience c. The Augustinian-Anselmian Tradition d. The Necessary Reasons e. Reason and Mysticism 4. Love and Trinity a. Love and the Highest Love b. Caritas ordinata and amor discretus c. Condilectio d. Unity and Plurality in Love e. Anthropomorphism? Richard of Saint-Victor, De Trinitate / On The Trinity Latin Text and English Translation side by side. Bibliography Index of Names‎


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EUR55.00 (€55.00 )

‎M. Richard, J.A. Munitiz (eds.);‎

Reference : 36726

‎Corpus Christianorum. Anastasius Sinaita Quaestiones et responsiones,‎

‎Turnhout, Brepols, 2006 Hardback, LXI+287 p., 155 x 245 mm. ISBN 9782503405919.‎

‎Scholarly appreciation of the Questions and Answers attributed to Anastasios of Sinai (CPG 7746) changed radically in 1969 with the publication by Marcel Richard of his short, but very dense, article, "Les veritables 'Questions et reponses' d'Anastase le Sinaite". By investigating the manuscript tradition Richard was able to establish that the version published by the German Jesuit, Jacob Gretser (1617), represented a revised version of the original and could not be much earlier than the eleventh century, whereas Anastasios had died shortly after 700. Richard further suggested that various other versions had existed before this and had been used by the later compiler, notably a collection of 88 questions. Gretser had also drawn on one of only 15 questions. Richard identified one other collection that seemed indebted to the original. Although Richard was the first to claim that he had discovered the original collection, from the time of Gretser all who had come across "Anastasian" quaestiones et responsiones had been aware that the published collection did not reflect the evidence of the manuscripts. Already in 1575 the French scholar Gentianus Hervet had published a Latin translation of what was in fact the collection of 88 questions. This collection had attracted wide attention because of its presence - in translation - in the Slavonic Izbornik of 1073. The present editor, Joseph A. Munitiz was asked by Richard shortly before his death in 1976 to complete the edition of the original collection. One might have hoped that since 1976, and in particular with the collation of the manuscripts discovered by Richard - for he himself had not drawn up any apparatus criticus for his proposed edition - it would have been possible to establish a text that was reasonably close to that first composed by the monk of Sinai. But it became clear over the years that some uncertainty was likely to remain. The many revisions and adaptations suffered by the original text meant that very few uncontaminated witnesses had slipped through the sieve created by Byzantine librarians and copyists. Only two manuscripts preserving a large proportion of the original collection have survived. Fortunately, a small number of partial manuscripts, and the evidence of the other Collections, allows one to build up a likely text. The haphazard nature of the content of the Original Collection does suggest that the whole collection may have originated after the death of Anastasios. A disciple or group of admirers may have felt that it would be helpful to publish the various questions and answers that had been composed during the author's lifetime and found in a dossier among his papers. At present this Original Collection contains the answers to certain groups of answers (e.g. concerning providence, alms giving, salvation of the non-baptised, wonders and prophecies, sexual ethics, forgiveness of sins), but intercalated among them are isolated problems with no obvious connection (e.g. concerning capital punishment, Paradise, dreams, female infertility). They all fall under the general heading of pastoral theology and are clearly intended to deal with the preoccupations of a lay, rather than a monastic, audience, even if their preservation was ensured by largely monastic compilations. Languages: Greek, French.‎


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EUR198.00 (€198.00 )

‎Richard Meier , Kenneth Frampton‎

Reference : 56598

‎Richard Meier, Architect Volume 5‎

‎, Rizzoli International Publications 2009, 2009 Paperback, 432 pages, English, 255 x 250 mm, book is in new state, with dustjacket, . ISBN 9780847832736.‎

‎Richard Meier, Architect: Volume 5 comprehensively documents Meier's work since 2004. This extensively illustrated presentation vividly conveys the purity and power of Meier's vision. Thirty residential, commercial, and civic projects are featured, including the Ara Pacis Museum in Rome, the Burda Collection Museum and Arp Museum in Germany, San Jose City Hall, the Broad Art Center at UCLA, apartment towers in Manhattan and Brooklyn, and master plans for Newark, New Jersey, and Manhattan's East Side. Richard Meier received his architectural training at Cornell University and began his career in the early 1960s designing private residential projects whose elegant modernist style and white facades have become icons of modern architecture. Since that time, his international practice has included museums, courthouses, city halls, corporate headquarters, educational facilities, and public housing, in addition to private houses. He has received numerous awards for his work, including the Pritzker Prize for Architecture and the Gold Medal of the American Institute of Architects.‎


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EUR28.50 (€28.50 )

‎Richard Oram (ed)‎

Reference : 64334

‎With Our Backs to the Ocean': Land, Lordship, Climate Change, and Environment in the North-West European Past. Essays in Memory of Alasdair Ross‎

‎, Brepols, 2023 Hardback, xii + 326 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:1 b/w, 5 col., 7 tables b/w., 2 maps b/w, 1 maps color, Language: English. ISBN 9782503596990.‎

‎Summary This collection of ten essays celebrates the life and career of Dr Alasdair Ross, one of Britain's foremost environmental historians, who died in 2017. Inspired by Ross' own research interests, the chapters gathered here explore interlinked themes of land management and property rights, terrestrial and aquatic resource exploitation, mortality crises, and environmental change, viewed largely through the lens of the Scottish experience within the broader context of the eastern North Atlantic region and covering a chronology that spans from the sixth century CE up to the present. Including a previously unpublished paper by Ross himself, which overturns long-held perceptions of fiscal regimes in medieval Scotland, the contributors present radically revisionist or wholly new analyses of key documents and datasets, mostly through applying an interdisciplinary 'environmental turn' to primary record and narrative sources, or advancing new methodological approaches to systems analysis. From saintly interactions with nature to monastic exploitation of natural resources, charter records of land-ownership to the physicality of the landscapes recorded on parchment, and the human cost of subsistence and mortality crises, these papers humanize the discourse around historical climate and environmental change. TABLE OF CONTENTS List of Illustrations Abbreviations Introduction: Alasdair Ross and the Environmental History of Medieval and Early Modern Scotland Richard Oram Saints on the Shore: Coastal Encounters in the Early Medieval West Ellen Arnold 'Verbalist Ingenuity' and the Evidential Basis for Virgin-Soil Smallpox Epidemics in the Sixth Century: From Iona to ?an??? Timothy P. Newfield 'Away was sons of alle and brede': The Decline of the Medieval Climate Anomaly and the Myth of the Alexandrian Golden Age in Scotland Richard Oram A Post-Plague Golden Age? Scotland, Antiqua Taxatio, and Thirteenth-Century Climate Change Alasdair Ross 'To the abbottis profeit': The Cistercian Abbey of Coupar Angus and the Scottish Export Economy Victoria Hodgson A New Theoretical Approach to the Study of Medieval Scottish Park Emergence and Resource Management Kevin Malloy From Kestrels to Foul Marshes: Light on a Parish in the Merse c.1200 Simon Taylor The Tale of Two Wandering Charters: Towards the Political and Environmental Background of the Mac-D mhnaill-Mhic an T isich Alliance in the 1440s Philip Slavin Salmon Variability Related to Phases of the Little Ice Age: Consilience from Arctic Russia to Scotland? Richard C. Hoffmann Pathos and Poverty: Fuel Economies of the Poor in the British Isles in the Late Medieval and Early Industrial Periods Ian D. Rotherham Works Cited Index‎


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EUR80.00 (€80.00 )

‎VENLET, Richard.‎

Reference : 33026

‎Richard Venlet : OO. Paramount basics.‎

‎Antwerpen, Muhka, 2002 Softcover met stofomslag, 232pp., 21.5x27.5cm., 207 ills. in z/w., goede staat. Gedrukt op 1300 exemplaren. ISBN 9789072828279.‎

‎Tweetalige (Eng-Ned) catalogus bij de gelijknamige tentoonstelling. Deze catalogus bevat naast het werk van Richard Venlet ook werken van Dirk Braeckman, Manon De Boer, Dany Deprez, Christoph Fink, Geert Goiris, Ann Veronica Janssens, Aglaia Konrad, Willem Oorebeek, Christophe Terlinden, Koen Theys, Harald Thys, Joelle Tuerlinckx, Michael Van den Abeele en Gert Verhoeven.‎


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EUR49.98 (€49.98 )

‎Elie Richard, Kees Meerhoff (ed.);‎

Reference : 37791

‎Door ballingen onthaald. Verslag van reizen in Frankrijk, Vlaanderen, Nederland en Duitsland 1708,‎

‎Nijmegen, Vantilt, paperback, geillustreerd (deels in kleur), ? 416 pagina's. ISBN 9789460041112.‎

‎De hugenotenzoon Elie Richard leidt een rustig leven in het Franse La Rochelle, maar belandt na het overlijden van zijn vader in een crisis. De kans om met zijn tante mee te gaan naar Nederland laat hij daarom niet lopen. Onderweg doet Elie Parijs aan en ziet de pracht van het hof van Versailles. Frankrijk is in oorlog met een alliantie van staten waarvan ook de Republiek deel uitmaakt. Dat weerhoudt hem er echter niet van de grens over te steken en het gebied van de vijand te doorkruisen. Via Brussel en Antwerpen bereikt hij Nederland. In Amsterdam verblijft hij bij verwanten - namen noemt hij niet - en verkent van daaruit de Republiek. Al zijn ervaringen beschrijft Elie Richard in een bijzonder reisverslag, dat nu voor het eerst wordt uitgegeven in een rijk geillustreerde editie. Families als die van Elie Richard zijn er veel in het Nederland van de vroege achttiende eeuw. Na het afschaffen van de godsdienstvrijheid ont? vluchten Franse hugenoten hun vaderland en vestigen zich in de Republiek. Zij vormen een veelal onzichtbaar, maar effectief netwerk, waarvan Elie dankbaar gebruikmaakt. Discreet laat hij in zijn verslag ongenoemd wie zijn gastheren zijn, maar onbedoeld biedt hij een fascinerend inkijkje in een verborgen wereld. ‎


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EUR30.00 (€30.00 )

‎A. Wohlfeld, Jan Boterenbrood, H. Th. (Hendrik) Wijdeveld, Pieter Lodewijk (Piet) Kramer, De Hooge Brug, Richard Roland Holst, Hendrik Albertus van den Eijnde, Jacobus Wilhelmus (Jaap) (Jacobus Wilhelmus) Gidding, Jan Frederik Staal, Johannes Ludovicus Mattheus (Jan) Lauweriks, Drukkerij A. Wohlfeld, Jan Boterenbrood, H. Th. (Hendrik) Wijdeveld, Pieter Lodewijk (Piet) Kramer, De Hooge Brug, Richard Roland Holst, Hendrik Albertus van den Eijnde, Jacobus Wilhelmus (Jaap) (Jacobus Wilhelmus) Gidding, Jan Frederik Staal, Johannes Ludovicus Mattheus (Jan) Lauweriks‎

Reference : 64658

‎Wendingen jaargang 4, nummer 6, 1921: Landhuis te Oostvoorne van architecten Vorkink en Wormser.‎

‎Amsterdam, De Hooge Brug, 1921 Softcover, Japanse binding, 26 pagina's, 33.5 x 33.2 cm.‎

‎Een exemplaar van het tijdschrift Wendingen. Nummer 6, 1921 uit de derde jaargang. Thema van dit nummer: Landhuis te Oostvoorne van architecten Vorkink en Wormser. Wendingen is het maandblad voor bouwen en sieren van architectura et amicitia. Redactie , J.G. Boterenbrood, H.A. van den Eynde, J.F. Staal, P.L Kramer, J.L.M. Lauweriks, R.N. Roland Holst, H. Th. Wijdeveld, Hoofdredacteur. Uitgegevens door Uitgevers-mschij "De Hooge brug", Druk: Drukkerij A. Wohlfeld Omslag ontwerp door Jaap Gidding. ‎


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EUR150.00 (€150.00 )

‎A. Wohlfeld, Frits Lensvelt, Richard Roland Holst, Pieter Lodewijk (Piet) Kramer, Jan Frederik Staal, De Hooge Brug, Hendrik Albertus van den Eijnde, Jan Boterenbrood, Johannes Ludovicus Mattheus (Jan) Lauweriks, H. Th. (Hendrik) Wijdeveld, Drukkerij A. Wohlfeld, Frits Lensvelt, Richard Roland Holst, Pieter Lodewijk (Piet) Kramer, Jan Frederik Staal, De Hooge Brug, Hendrik Albertus van den Eijnde, Jan Boterenbrood, Johannes Ludovicus Mattheus (Jan) Lauweriks, H. Th. (Hendrik) Wijdeveld‎

Reference : 64663

‎Wendingen, serie 4, nr. 9/10: Internationale Theater Tentoonstelling Amsterdam‎

‎Amsterdam, De Hooge Brug, 1922 Oorspronkelijke uitgeversomslag, Japanse binding, 56 pagina's, 33 x 33 cm. Scheurtjes in cover en beschadigingen .‎

‎Wendingen, serie 4, nr. 9/10: Internationale Theater Tentoonstelling Amsterdam‎


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EUR100.00 (€100.00 )

‎Richard Kremer, Mathieu Husson, Jos Chab s (eds)‎

Reference : 64568

‎Alfonsine Astronomy: The Written Record‎

‎, Brepols, 2022 Hardback, 426 pages, Size:178 x 254 mm, Illustrations:56 col., 15 tables b/w., Language: English. ISBN 9782503595207.‎

‎Summary Compiled between 1262 and 1272 in Toledo under the patronage of Alfonso X, the Castilian Alfonsine Tables were recast in Paris in the 1320s, resulting in what we now call the Parisian Alfonsine Tables. These materials circulated widely and fostered astronomical activities throughout Europe. This resulted in a significant number of new works, of which there are a few hundred, extant in more than 600 manuscript codices and dozens of printed editions. These manuscripts and imprints, broadly contemporary to the works they witness, comprise the written record of Alfonsine astronomy and provide the focus of this volume. A first series of essays examines individual manuscripts containing Alfonsine works. The authors seek to reconstruct, from the manuscript evidence, the cultural, astronomical and mathematical worlds in which the manuscripts were initially copied, compiled, used and collected. A second series of essays turns from the particular codex to the individual work or author. These contributions ask how particular works have been transmitted in surviving manuscript witnesses and how broader manuscript cultures shaped the diffusion, over two centuries, of Alfonsine astronomy across Europe. A final essay reflects on the challenges and opportunities offered by digital humanities approaches in such collective studies of a large manuscript corpus. TABLE OF CONTENTS Richard L. Kremer, Matthieu Husson and Jos Chab s, Introduction Part I Laura Fern ndez, The Libro de las tablas alfonsies: New Documentary and Material Source Jean-Patrice Boudet, Laure Miolo, Alfonsine Astronomy and Astrology in Fourteenth-Century Oxford: The Case of MS Bodleian Library Digby 176 Richard L. Kremer, Exploring a Later Fifteenth-Century Astrologer's Toolbox: British Library Add Ms 34603 Alexandre Tur, From Computus Material to Preacher's Toolbox: Manufacturing a Bat-Book Almanac in the Fifteenth Century Eric Ram rez-Weaver, Bohemian King Wenceslas IV's Copy of the Alfonsine Tables and Their Place within his Astronomical and Astrological Corpus Part II Jos Chab s, Marie-Madeleine Saby, Editing the Tables of 1322 of John Lign res Alena Hadravov , Petr Hadrava, John of Lign res Quia ad inveniendum loca planetarum: An Edition and Translation Jos Chab s, New Texts and Tables Attributed to John of Lign res: Context and Analysis Mathieu Husson, Work Cohesion as a Test of Manuscript Transmission: The Case of John of Lign res' Tabule magne Laure Miolo, Retracing the Tradition of John of Genoa's Opus astronomicum through Extant Manuscripts Glen Van Brummelen, All In: Manuscripts of the Works of Giovanni Bianchini in the Fifteenth Century Galla Topalian, Mathieu Husson, From Document to Data: The Digital Projects of ALFA‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR85.00 (€85.00 )

‎Cristina Dondi, Dorit Raines, Richard Sharpe (eds)‎

Reference : 64569

‎How the Secularization of Religious Houses Transformed the Libraries of Europe, 16th-19th Centuries‎

‎, Brepols, 2022 Hardback, 720 pages, Size:216 x 280 mm, Illustrations:16 b/w, 9 col., Language(s):English, French, Italian. ISBN 9782503593920.‎

‎Summary The closure of religious houses, in varying circumstances, affected all of Europe at some point between the sixteenth and nineteenth century. At different times and in different countries the consequences were widely varied, in some cases preserving medieval and early modern collections intact, in others abandoning books to their fate, or transferring them piecemeal into new ownership to serve different cultural purposes. Integral preservation or dispersal may each be viewed in positive or negative terms. For religious and political history there are many, and bigger, factors involved, and the effects of secularization worked on many things beside libraries and books. None the less, by focusing on books and libraries through these changes a particular narrative emerges of great cultural importance. It is the most important book-historical story for the survival and accessibility of Europe's heritage of the written word, one that interacts with major historical themes and still connects with future issues for the continuing role of books and libraries in the European heritage. A conference held in Oxford in 2012 brought together thirty experts in different aspects of this process or with knowledge of its impact in different countries and at different periods. The result was to bring together and share for the first time the similar and different experiences of different European countries, from Portugal and Spain in the west to Poland and Ukraine in the east, from Finland and Sweden in the north to Naples in the south, with ramifications stretching to North and South America. While reading this volume of collected essays, the reader may notice a disparity in the evidence that each author has been able to bring to bear upon their subject. Provenance research is well advanced in some territories, less so in others. In the decade since the conference and this publication, there have been some attempts to bridge certain gaps. But in general, there has been little new work in the years since the conference took place. The editors anticipate that this publication will stimulate further research, bridging some of the gaps visible in the evidence presented in this volume. Multiple avenues for further investigation open up, indeed, in historical and cultural studies, such as the impact of the secularization on nonreligious libraries, and the change in attitude with respect to certain disciplines and even to erudition itself. TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction Chronology Part 1: The territorial and temporal map of the dissolved collections Fiorenzo Landi (University of Bologna) - The dissolution of monasteries and convents in Europe. An overview of the economic implications Richard Sharpe (? University of Oxford) - Dissolution and dispersion in sixteenth-century England: understanding the remains Rudolf Gamper (Vadianischen Sammlung St. Gallen) - Klosteraufhebungen und das Schicksal ihrer Bibliotheken in der Deutschschweiz Jeffrey Garrett (formerly Northwestern University) - The expropriation of monastic libraries in German-speaking Europe, 1773-1817 Javier Ant n Pelayo (Universidad Aut noma de Barcelona) - The Secularization of Spanish religious libraries (1767-1836): The Catalan case Lu s Cabral (formerly Biblioteca P blica Municipal do Porto) - Case study 1: Portugal, Porto - State policy concerning the dissolution of monastic book collections in Portugal, especially during the nineteenth century Mar a Luisa Lopez Vidriero (formerly Royal Library of Madrid) - Case study 2: Spain, Seville and Madrid - The formation of new libraries Pedro Rueda Ram rez (University of Barcelona) - The secularization of religious houses in Latin America from independence to the new republics: the continuity and fragmentation of library collections Part 2: State policy toward book collections Dorit Raines (University of Venice) - The dissolution of the Venetian religious houses and the keeper of the library of St Mark, Jacopo Morelli, under Venetian, French, and Austrian governments (1768-1819) Vincenzo Trombetta (University of Salerno) - La politica delle soppressioni e le nuove biblioteche a Napoli tra illuminismo regalista e restaurazione (1767-1815) Marie-Pierre Laffitte (formerly Biblioth que nationale de France) - Napol on et les confiscations de livres dans les monast res italiens Part 3: Sequestration, redistribution, or contribution to the foundation of public libraries Jos A. A. M. Biemans (formerly University of Amsterdam) - The foundation of the city library of Amsterdam (1578) and the confiscation of manuscripts and printed books from ecclesiastical and monastic libraries. Fact or fiction? Emmanuelle Chapron (Universit Aix-Marseille) - Biblioth ques et suppressions eccl siastiques en Toscane de Pierre-L opold Napol on Andreina Rita (Vatican Library) - La Biblioteca Vaticana e la dispersione delle biblioteche dei religiosi romani nella prima Repubblica Romana e nell'et napoleonica Marina Venier (formerly National Central Library of Rome) - The dispersal of monastic libraries in Rome. The laws of suppression during the Roman Republic of 1849 and after the annexation of the city as the capital of the Kingdom of Italy in 1873 Marek Derwich (formerly Wroclaw University) - The dissolution of monasteries in Silesia and Poland Oleh Dukh (National University of Lviv, Ukraine) - The dissolution of Roman-Catholic and Uniate monasteries in the western guberniyas of the Russian Empire and the fate of their libraries Part 4: Impact on book trade and the emergence of private collections Dominique Varry (formerly University of Lyon) - Le commerce du livre d'antiquariat en France apr s la R volution Marino Zorzi (formerly National Marciana Library of Venice) - The book market in nineteenth-century Venice Bettina Wagner (Bamberg Staatsbibliothek) - ?Duplum Bibliothecae regiae Monacensis?: the Munich court library and its book auctions in the nineteenth century Richard A. Linenthal (London antiquarian bookseller) - Monastic collections and the nineteenth-century English book trade: the new interest in printed fragments Part 5: Migration of books, access to new publics Bart op de Beeck (Royal Library of Belgium) - Jesuit libraries in the Southern Netherlands and their dispersal after 1773 Antonella Barzazi (University of Padua) - Before Napoleon. Change and continuity in Italian religious book collections William P. Stoneman (formerly Houghton Library at Harvard University) - North American collection-building: gathering monastic books from long ago and far away Part 6: Destruction of books, spoils of war, and clandestine exportation Tuomas Heikkil (University of Helsinki) - The fate of medieval religious book collections in the Swedish realm during the Reformation Martin Germann (formerly Burgerbibliothek Bern) - Zurich and the books of the monasteries: from the Reformation to the 19th Century Part 7. Tools for Research James Willoughby (New College, Oxford) - Medieval libraries of Great Britain: MLGB3 Cristina Dondi - Material Evidence in Incunabula (MEI) and other tools for searching the provenance of early printed books Giovanna Granata (University of Cagliari) - The RICI Database. A tool for the history of religious libraries in Italy at the end of the sixteenth century Cristina Dondi (University of Oxford), Lavinia Prosdocimi (formerly University Library of Padua), Dorit Raines (University of Venice) - The incunabula collection of the Benedictine library of S. Giorgio Maggiore in Venice. Formation, use and dispersal according to documentary and material evidence (from MEI) Index of Names Index of Places‎


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EUR98.00 (€98.00 )

‎Katja Krause, Richard C. Taylor (eds)‎

Reference : 64224

‎Albert the Great and his Arabic Sources. Medieval Science between Inheritance and Emergence‎

‎, Brepols, 2024 Hardback, 473 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:2 tables b/w., Language: English. ISBN 9782503609379.‎

‎Summary Albert the Great created a new programme of science in the thirteenth-century Latin world by extensively commenting upon Aristotle's philosophical corpus and supplementing that corpus with works of his own wherever he saw gaps. What were the preconditions for the emergence of such a comprehensively new scientific agenda and its centuries of success at the University of Paris and Dominican study houses across Europe? One answer is found in the rich Arabic sources that Albert had at his disposal in Latin translation, including Alfarabi, Avicenna, and Averroes, as well as Isaac Israeli, Maimonides, and more. Never before in the history of Albert scholarship has there been a collected volume that examines this inheritance from the Arabic-speaking lands in its role as a major condition for the emergence of Albert's scientific programme. In the present volume, twelve leading scholars in the field offer studies that range from Albert's early theological works to his late philosophical writings. The volume focuses on the teachings that Albert actively inherited from the Arabic sources, the ways in which he creatively implemented those teachings into his scientific corpus, and the effects that these implementations had on his own programmatic take on scientia. TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter 1. Introduction: Albert's Philosophical scientia: Origins, Geneses, Emergences KATJA KRAUSE AND RICHARD C. TAYLOR Chapter 2. Albert the Great's Definition of the Good: Its Arabic Origins and Its Latin Transformations JORGE USCATESCU BARR N Chapter 3. Albert the Great and Two Momentous Early Misconstruals in the Interpretation of Averroes RICHARD C. TAYLOR Chapter 4. Albert's Invocations of Averroes in His Account in Super Ethica of the Relation between Philosophical and Theological Ethics MARTIN J. TRACEY Chapter 5. Albert and 'the Arabs': On the Eternity of Movement JOSEP PUIG MONTADA Chapter 6. Albert the Great's Treatment of Avicenna and Averroes on a Universal Flood and the Regeneration of Species IRVEN M. RESNICK Chapter 7. Against Averroes's Naturalism: The Generation of Material Substances in Albert the Great's De generatione et corruptione and Meteorologica IV ADAM TAKAHASHI Chapter 8. Albert the Great's Use of Averroes in His Digressions on Human Intellectual Knowledge (De anima III.3.8-11) LUIS XAVIER L PEZ-FARJEAT Chapter 9. Is There an Intellectual Memory in the Individual Human Soul? Albert the Great between Avicenna and Aquinas J RN M LLER Chapter 10. What Makes a Genius? Albert the Great on the Roots of Scientific Aptitude HENRYK ANZULEWICZ Chapter 11. Source Mining: Arabic Natural Philosophy and experientia in Albert the Great's Scientific Practices KATJA KRAUSE Chapter 12. Inheritance and Emergence of Transcendentals: Albert the Great between Avicenna and Averroes on First Universals AMOS BERTOLACCI Chapter 13. The Emanation Scheme of Albert the Great and the Questions of Divine Free Will and Mediated Creation DAVID TWETTEN Index of Subjects and Names Index of Books, Ancient and Premodern‎


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EUR130.00 (€130.00 )

‎Sara De Bondt / De Baerdemaeker, Jo Ceuleers, Jan Van Haute, Katrien Hollis, Richard Meyers, Jean-Michel Pauwels, Hilde Puttaert, Hugo Serulus, Katarina‎

Reference : 62317

‎Off the Grid: Histories of Belgian Graphic Design.‎

‎, Occasional Papers , 2022 Softcover, 272 pages , kleur illustraties, 24 x 17 cm, English Text. ISBN 9780995473089.‎

‎In Off the Grid onderzoekt grafisch ontwerpster Sara De Bondt de beginselen van grafisch ontwerp in Belgi in de jaren 60 en 70, een geschiedenis die tot op heden weinig aandacht heeft gekregen. De tentoonstelling presenteert een brede waaier van drukwerk, logo-objecten, boekobjecten en posters ? velen nooit eerder tentoongesteld ? van ontwerpers zoals Off the grid : histories of Belgian graphic design Auteur De Bondt, Sara De Baerdemaeker, Jo Ceuleers, Jan Van Haute, Katrien Hollis, Richard Meyers, Jean-Michel Pauwels, Hilde Puttaert, Hugo Serulus, Katarina Paul Ibou, Corneille Hannoset, Boudewijn Delaere, Sofie Alouf, Rob Buytaert, Herman Lampaert en Jeanine Behaeghel. ----- This book offers a collaborative panorama of Belgian graphic design history from a multiplicity of perspectives, with essays on type design, colonisation and labour relations among other subjects. Contributors include historians, practicing designers, teachers and first-hand accounts. With hundreds of previously unpublished illustrations such as posters, signage, typography, book design, logos and archival photographs. Interviews with Sophie Alouf-Bertot, Rob Buytaert, Boudewijn Delaere, Paul Ibou, and Herman Lampaert. Essays by Jo De Baerdemaeker, Pia Jacques and Leroy Meyer (Belgian Institute Graphic Design), Sara De Bondt, Jan Ceuleers, Katrien Van Haute, Richard Hollis, Jean-Michel Meyers, Hilde Pauwels, Hugo Puttaert, and Katarina Serulus.‎


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EUR24.99 (€24.99 )

‎Richard Shone ; Molly Sisley ; Jane Shone‎

Reference : 60395


‎, Phaidon, 2004 Softcover, 240 pages, Texte en Francais, Tres belle exemplaire, 290 x 250 x 22 mm, illustrations en couleur / n/b. ISBN 9780714894119.‎

‎Alfred Sisley (1839-1899) fut l'un des plus grands peintres de paysages du XIXe si cle et l'un des chefs de file du mouvement impressionniste. Cette monographie d taill e fournit des informations in dites sur sa vie et son oeuvre. Accompagn de nombreuses reproductions de ses peintures, le texte r v le l'?uvre d'un artiste original la puissance ind niable. Sisley a consacr toute sa production aux paysages. Ses c l bres peintures des villes de la banlieue parisienne sous la neige, des inondations de la Seine Port-Marly ou des r gates sur la Tamise sont remarquables par l' quilibre des tons et l'atmosph re po tique qui s'en d gage, en m me temps que par la description pr cise des sujets repr sent s. Le critique Kenneth Clark consid re d'ailleurs la s rie des peintures de la Tamise comme l'un des " moments parfaits de l'impressionnisme ". Pourtant, comme le dit de lui son ami Ars ne Alexandre : " Sisley a v cu fier et est mort pauvre. " L'?uvre de Sisley n'a t pleinement reconnue qu'apr s sa mort pr matur e et reste encore de nos jours injustement m connue. Dans cette monographie, Richard Shone, s'appuyant sur sa connaissance de l'Ile-de-France, apporte un nouveau regard et analyse les diff rentes phases du travail de Sisley. Ses recherches ont mis jour certains aspects de la vie de l'artiste : sa nationalit anglaise, le d but de sa carri re, son combat pour gagner sa vie, l'isolement des derni res ann es. La vie priv e de Sisley apporte en effet un clairage particulier sur son volution artistique. Richement illustr , cet ouvrage pr sente notamment d'importantes s ries de peintures jamais publi es auparavant ensemble en aussi grand nombre-les inondations, les paysages sous la neige, l' glise de Moret-sur-Loing et la c te galloise. Cet ouvrage propose l'image d'un peintre qui s'est constamment renouvel , s'est ouvert aux influences et a offert une vision personnelle de la campagne fran aise, aussi forte et s duisante que celle des autres impressionnistes. Le livre de Richard Shone confirme la justesse du jugement de Pissarro pour qui Sisley tait " un grand et magnifique artiste ".‎


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EUR42.00 (€42.00 )

‎Richard Cork‎

Reference : 48496

‎Stephen Snoddy Looking Out‎

‎, Roberto Polo Gallery , 2015 Hardcover ,95pages, Illustrated. ISBN 9791092599121.‎

‎Stephen Snoddy, Looking Out consists of approximately fifty paintings in acrylic, gouache, monotype, and watercolour on paper mounted on blockboard. The exhibition is accompanied by a 98-page illustrated catalogue, featuring an essay by Richard Cork, the innovative British art historian, author, broadcaster, critic, and curator. Stephen Snoddy was born in Belfast, Northern Ireland, in 1959. He lives and works in Manchester. Snoddy graduated from the Belfast School of Art. Despite his undeniable artistic talent, for twenty years, Snoddy has pursued a career as Director of important British museums and contemporary art centres: the BALTIC in Gateshead, where he was the Founding Director; Milton Keynes Gallery; Southampton City Art Gallery; and The New Art Gallery Walsall. In 2012, inspired by the discovery of sixty-four monoprints, which he had created thirty years earlier, Snoddy assiduously resumed his artistic activity. Snoddy is stimulated by a passion for pictorial renewal: he incessantly seeks new shapes and structures to enrich the language of abstract painting. Particularly fascinated by the work of Henri Matisse and Richard Diebenkorn, as well as the Minimalism of Brice Marden and Mark Rothko, Snoddy invites us to consider structure as the absolute key to contemplate visual art. His compositions are determined by a high standard of exactingness in what is a complex conceptual process ? one that must be, neither purely formal, nor totally accidental. The painting must evolve naturally, organically, and by subtle gestural mastery. Snoddy?s paintings ? although mostly modest in format ? nevertheless possess great breath. By using layers of paint to create pentimento, he applies delicate glazes, thus avoiding impasto, and resulting in exceptionally lyrical surfaces. Divulging a passionate and yet methodical will to play on permutations of lines and geometric shapes, Snoddy?s paintings thus generate multiple possibilities. Alternating between vertical and horizontal compositions, the artist invites the viewer to observe the relationship between his canvases and discern the slight variations from one to the other. Snoddy?s paintings work as polyptychs and series, according to specific architectural structures and clearly defined colour schemes. Fascinated by architecture, Stephen Snoddy meticulously treats proportions and the disposition of pictorial elements. The finished work springs from an intelligent balance between line, shape and space.‎


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EUR30.00 (€30.00 )

‎Deacon, Richard‎

Reference : 56594

‎Richard Deacon: Drawings and Prints 1968-2016‎

‎, Steidl Gerhard Verlag 2016, 2016 Hardcover, 224 pages, English, 270 x 225 mm, book in new state, with dustjacket, . ISBN 9783958292369.‎

‎Richard Deacon is one of the most important sculptors of his generation. His sculptures fascinate with their formal power and the craftsmanship with which they are made. In addition to large-scale works - not infrequently intended for public presentation - Deacon also created sculptures in a small format over the course of his four-decade career. The range of materials used is considerable: plywood and metal are used as well as plastic, leather or clay. There are usually only a few basic elements that make up the complex, intertwined structures. For the first time, one aspect of Deacon's work is at the center of an exhibition that was hardly ever seen in public before. The selection of exhibits reflects the dual function that drawing has for Deacon - showing design drawings that contributed to the mental clarification in the creation process of a particular sculpture, as well as autonomous drawings. Added to this are graphic prints - an area in Deacon's work that has become more important, especially in recent years. What repeatedly connects Deacon's work on paper with his sculptural works is the fundamental examination of the interaction between construction and free form, surface and space. Exhibition and monograph provide for the first time a representative overview of drawing and print graphics Deacons from its beginnings to the recent time on the basis of more than one hundred works. Exhibition: 26th August to 13th November 2016‎


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EUR24.00 (€24.00 )

‎ AlbertBontridder, France Borel, Alain Richard‎

Reference : 59428

‎CHARLES DUMONT : L'esprit d'un architecte ‎

‎, Prisme ditions , 2010 Softcover, 159 pages, Texte en Francais, bon etat, illustrations et pfotos en couleur et n/b. ISBN 9782930451022.‎

‎Cet ouvrage pr sente les maisons construites par Charles Dumont de 1958 1988. La maison est un organisme vivant : elle vit dans son int gralit et dans ses d tails. La maison est le derme du corps humain , pr cise l'architecte. "La m thode Dumont prend en compte le terrain, le quartier, le contexte, le budget et d'autres donn es, mais aussi et surtout avec la personne, l'habitant, l'usager." Alain Richard Les r cits et t moignages d'Albert Bontridder, Alain Richard, Andr e Rossillion et Claude Strebelle nous guident dans ce livre. Ils animent les b timents et nous r v lent l'esprit de l'architecte Charles Dumont. Le livre raconte la qu te simple, vitale et essentielle d'un homme qui se consacre l'architecture partir de rien, n'abandonne jamais et, mission apr s mission, trace un chemin qui m ne de belles r alisations. C'est le parcours d'un architecte qui rencontre d'autres personnes et les aide se d barrasser de tous les pr jug s et a priori pour finalement construire une maison, l'abri de l'espace infini et ind termin de ce monde.‎


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EUR15.00 (€15.00 )

‎MANDIN Richard ( 1909 - 2002 )‎

Reference : 552743

‎Huile sur papier marouflé: "Nature morte à la coupe et à la carafe".‎

‎S.N. S.L. (Marseille) 1951 Importante huile sur papier marouflé ( 490 X 640 mm sans cadre ) ( 790 X 935 mm avec cadre ), signée et datée en bas à gauche, sous imposant cadre de bois et plâtre doré à oreilles. Belle peinture originale de Richard MANDIN. Minimes accidents au cadre, oeuvre en bel état."Ses peintures relèvent d'un expressionnisme instinctif une pâte triturée en épaisseurs supplante un dessin sommaire". ( Bénézit T7-132 ).Bibliographie - Alauzen: Quatre siècles de peinture en Provence ( Marseille, 1963 ). - Annick Masquin et Bernard Plasse: Richard MANDIN, "le dernier peintre". Musées - Marseille ( Musée Cantini ) - ( Musée Longchamp ). - Salon-de-Provence.‎

Phone number : 04 91 42 63 17

EUR1,200.00 (€1,200.00 )

‎Diebenkorn, Richard & Mark Stevens‎

Reference : 66228

‎Richard Diebenkorn: Etchings and Drypoints, 1949-1980 ‎

‎Houston, Houston Fine Art Press, 1981 hardcover with dustjacket and acrylic sleeve, 128 pages, 35 x 29 cm. EN.‎

‎Copiously illustrated in color and black and white. Catalogue Raisonne of all Diebenkorn's intaglio prints by Chantal Guillemin. Foreword by Phyllis Plous. Text by Mark Stevens. Glossary by Kathan Brown. Lovely presentation in an oversized format. The etchings and drypoints were assembled in 1979 for their first definitive exhibition at the University Art Museum in Santa Barbara.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR45.00 (€45.00 )

‎Young Richard Kim, A. E. T. McLaughlin (eds)‎

Reference : 65760

‎Leadership and Community in Late Antiquity. Essays in Honour of Raymond Van Dam‎

‎, Brepols, 2020 Hardback, xiv + 337 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:12 b/w, 2 col., 5 graphs, Language: English. ISBN 9782503583235.‎

‎Summary Throughout a distinguished career, Raymond Van Dam has contributed significantly to our understanding of Late Antiquity and the early Middle Ages with ground-breaking studies on Gaul, Cappadocia, and the emperor Constantine. The hallmarks of his scholarship are critical study of a wide variety of written and material sources and careful historical analysis, insightfully rooted in sociological and anthropological methodologies. The essays in this volume, written by Van Dam's former students, colleagues, and friends, explore the dynamics between leaders and their communities in the fourth through seventh centuries. During this period, people negotiated profound religious, intellectual, and cultural change while still deeply enmeshed in the legacy of the Roman Empire. The memory of the classical past was a powerful and compelling social and political force for the denizens of Late Antiquity, even as their physical surroundings came to resemble less and less the ideals of the Greco-Roman city. These themes - leadership, community, and memory - have been central to Van Dam's work, and the contributors to this volume build on the legacy of his scholarship. Their papers examine how leaders exercised their authority in their communities, at times exhibiting continuity with ancient patterns of leadership, but in other cases shifting toward new paradigms characteristic of a post-classical world. Taken together, the essays produce a fuller picture of the Mediterranean world and add further nuance to our understanding of Late Antiquity and early Middle Ages as a time of both continuity and transformation. TABLE OF CONTENTS List of Images Acknowledgements Introduction: Leadership and Community - YOUNG RICHARD KIM AND A. E. T. MCLAUGHLIN Abstract Social Network Modelling and the Rise of Singular Bishops: Textual Guidance from Three Urban Roman Settings - ADAM M. SCHOR Leadership and Community in Late Antique Poitiers - LISA BAILEY Go Set a Watchman: The Bishop as Speculator - BRENT D. SHAW Attitudes about Social Hierarchy in a Late Antique City: The Case of Libanius and John Chrysostom's Antioch - JACLYN MAXWELL The Authority of Tradition: Governors and their Capitals in Late Antique Asia Minor - GARRETT RYAN Peter Beyond Rome: Achilleus of Spoleto, Neon of Ravenna, and the Epigramma Longum - DENNIS TROUT Remembering Constantina at the Tomb of Agnes and Beyond - VIRGINIA BURRUS Roofing Rome: Church Coverings and Power in the Postclassical City - BENJAMIN GRAHAM AND PAOLO SQUATRITI How Was a 'New Rome' Even Thinkable? Premonitions of Constantinople and the Portability of Rome - ANTHONY KALDELLIS The Sack of Rome in 410: The Anatomy of a Late Antique Debate - SHANE BJORNLIE Hagiography, Memory, and the Fall of Rome in Ostrogothic Italy - JONATHAN J. ARNOLD Conclusion: Leadership and Community in Late Antiquity - NOEL LENSKI Select Curriculum Vitae, Raymond Van Dam Index‎


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EUR95.00 (€95.00 )

‎ Richard H. Rouse, Mary A. Rouse‎

Reference : 65895

‎Renaissance Illuminators in Paris. Artists & Artisans 1500-1715‎

‎, Brepols - Harvey Miller, 2019 Hardback, 280 pages, Size:220 x 280 mm, Illustrations:65 col., Languages: English, Latin, French. ISBN 9781912554287.‎

‎Summary The commercial manuscript book-trade in Paris, that had begun as early as the mid-12th century, was severely disrupted by the arrival of the first printing presses in Paris around 1475. This new invention converted a traditional system of book production that had developed and flourished over the centuries from a handcraft to the mechanical printing press. It was a change that affected not only the livelihood of those who wrote the books and the artists who decorated them, but also the social life of the whole workforce involved in the production of books. This publication traces the activities to which 16th- and 17th-century book artisans had to turn, faced as they were with a dwindling market for manuscripts. Those most affected were the illuminators and scribes who now had to seek alternative ways of making a living and so devise strategems for finding employment in other trades that would benefit from their skills. Thus the reader will discover well-known artists and illuminators finding jobs like adding illustrations to printed books, colouring wood-block prints and designing patterns and motifs for embroideries, tapestries and even glass and metal objects. A most interesting opportunity for illuminators was to get involved with the decorating of fans, a new fashion promoted late in the 17th century by the Sun King Louis XIV himself. In addition to the richly illustrated text, the volume also includes a Register of more than 500 named Illuminators in alphabetical order, giving also their affiliation to their alternative trades and listing personal details including family members and professional associates. The authors Richard and Mary Rouse, who are already widely known for their thorough research into the medieval book trade in Paris with their volume Manuscripts and their Makers, published a similar biographical Register of documented book producers up to the year 1500. With the present publication they are able to reconstruct how much the younger members and relatives of whole families of previous manuscript illuminators were able to continue to contribute to the now newly developing book-trade. This volume is therefore not only a contribution to the history of art and that of the book, but also provides a vivid glimpse into the social history of the period. TABLE OF CONTENTS Acknowledgements Publisher's Note Introduction PART ONE - Paris Illuminators in the Age of Print- a M tier Redefined Chapter 1: The Continuation in the Illuminator's Trade in Renaissance Paris I. An Uncertain Community II. Illuminators, Painters and Illuminator/Painters III. Redefinition by Qualification IV. Lesser Hyphenations V. Community or not? The Location of the Illuminator's Trade VI. Common Threads Chapter 2: Beyond Definition: Other Survival Strategies in the Illuminator's Trade I. Illuminating the Printed Book II. Second Jobs III. Multi-Tasking IV. Partnerships V. Family VI. Family Diversity Chapter 3: Contracts and Inventories I. Contracts II. Post-mortem Inventories Chapter 4: Apprenticeships I. Norms of Apprentice Training II. Apprenticing of Illuminator's Sons-and Daughters? III. Why Did Apprenticeships Continue? Chapter 5: The Vanishing Point? Appendixes 1. University Supp ts, c. 1505-1518 2. Denial of an Illuminator's Guild, 1608 3. A Parisian Illuminator Hired at Chartres, 1546 4. An Apprenticeship Contract, 1541 PART TWO - The Register Register of Parisian Illuminators and Artisans of the Manuscript Book 1500-1715 Glossary Abbreviations Bibliography Handlist of Books and Documents Index of the Manuscripts cited List of Illustrations General Index‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR140.00 (€140.00 )

‎Stefan Figenschow, Richard Holt, Miriam Tveit (eds)‎

Reference : 65476

‎Myths and Magic in the Medieval Far North. Realities and Representations of a Region on the Edge of Europe‎

‎, Brepols, 2021 Hardback, 280 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:1 b/w, 7 col., 2 maps color, Languages: English, Latin, Old Norse. ISBN 9782503588230.‎

‎Summary The history of the Far North is tinged by dark fantasies. A remote location, harsh climate, a boundless and often mountainous wasteland, complex ethnic composition, and strange ways of life: all contributed to how the edge of Europe was misunderstood by outsiders. Since ancient times, the North has been considered as a place that exuded evil: it was the end of the world, the abode of monsters and supernatural beings, of magicians and sorcerers. It was Europe's last bastion of recalcitrant paganism. Many weird tales of the North even came from within the region itself, and when newly literate Scandinavians began to re-work their oral traditions into written form after 1100 AD, these myths of their past underlay newer legends and stories serving to support the development to Christian national monarchies. The essays in this volume engage closely with these stories, questioning how and why such traditions developed, and exploring their meaning. Through this approach, the volume also examines how historiographical traditions were shaped by authors pursuing agendas of nation-building and Christianization, at the same time that myths surrounding and originating among the multi-ethnic populations of the Far North continued to dominate the perception of the region and its people, and to define their place in Norwegian medieval history. TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction 'Bearded Women and Sea Monsters: European Representations of the Far North in the Early and High Middle Ages' - MIRIAM TVEIT Myth, Magic and Rituals in the Nordic World 'On the View of "the Other" - Abroad and At Home: The Geography and Peoples of the Far North, according to Historia Norwegiae' - LARS IVAR HANSEN 'The Ice Giant Cometh: The Far North in the Old Norse-Icelandic Sagas' - ELEANOR ROSAMUND BARRACLOUGH 'Fishermen in Trouble - Gr mnism l and Elf Islands in Northern Norway' - PETTER SNEKKESTAD 'S mi Myths and Medieval Heritage' - MARTE SPANGEN '"I Hurl the Spirits of Gandul". Pleasure, Jealousy and Magic: The Witchcraft Trial of Ragnhild Tregagaas in 1325' - RUNE BLIX HAGEN 'The Meaning of Ale in the North: From Ale Rituals to Ale as a Subject in Political Conflicts' - KAROLINE KJESRUD Myths and Representations in the Political Consolidation of the North 'The Origins of Political Organization in the Far North? The Historical and Material Remains of Finnm rk, H logaland and the Mythical Om ' - YASSIN KAROLIUSSEN 'Norwegian or Northern: The Construction and Mythography of H leygr Identity, c. 800-1050' - BEN ALLPORT 'The Formation of a Norwegian Kingdom: A Northern Counter-Narrative?' - RICHARD HOLT 'Approaches to Mythologized "Others" in Norwegian Expansion to the North' - STEFAN FIGENSCHOW‎


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EUR75.00 (€75.00 )

‎Richard R. Brettell, Natalie Henderson Lee‎

Reference : 14111

‎Monet to Moore : the millennium gift of Sara Lee Corporation‎

‎, Yale University Press, 1999 Paperback, original illustrated wrappers, 29x25cm, 206pp, illustrated in color and b/w. ISBN 9780300081343.‎

‎One of the most significant?and least studied?forms of postwar art collecting in the United States has been the corporate collection. This beautiful book documents one of the most important and widely exhibited of these holdings: the collection of Sara Lee Corporation, fifty-two works selected from the personal collection of Sara Lee?s founder, Nathan Cummings.With major masterpieces ranging from an 1872 painting by Claude Monet to a 1964 bronze by Henry Moore, the Sara Lee Collection was assembled in 1980, five years before Cummings?s death. Since then it has been exhibited in or made loans to many museums throughout the world. In 1998, the corporation announced an unprecedented gift of the entire collection to a group of forty art museums, twenty-five in the United States and fifteen in international cities in which Sara Lee Corporation has a major presence. This Millennium Gift is the largest single gift to the arts in American history and the first to include institutions outside the United States. This book discusses the Nathan Cummings Collection, the Sara Lee Collection, and the Millennium Gift. It also includes an essay on each of the fifty-two works that places the work in the context of the artist?s oeuvre, proposes new interpretations, and discusses the position of the art in the collections of the recipient museums throughout the world. Lavishly illustrated, the book also provides more than 200 comparative photographs.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR24.00 (€24.00 )

‎KNIES, Richard;‎

Reference : 19262


‎, Antwerpen/ Eindhoven, Leeslust/ Lecturis, 1928, Softcover, mooi geillustreerde kartonomslag, 125 x 165mm., 220pp.‎

‎Uit het Duitsch vertaald door Anna Vander Hallen. In goede staat.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR18.00 (€18.00 )

‎MILAZZO, Richard.‎

Reference : 17478


‎, Brussels, Alain Noirhomme, 2003 Bound, white cardboard, dustjacket, picture - frontispice, 245 x 335mm., 48pp., beautiful color reproductions. ISBN 9788570810045.‎

‎Alessandro Twombly is an Italian artist best known for his organic, textured sculptures. The son of famed American abstractionist Cy Twombly is also a painter with a fondness for flora, as he often paints flowers in his signature broad and expressive strokes. Born Cyrus Alessandro Twombly in December 1959 in Rome, Italy, the Neo-Expressionist followed his father to a career as an artist and has been exhibiting regularly since the 1980s. He currently lives and works in Rome, Italy.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR22.50 (€22.50 )

‎Alain Richard & C cile Vandernoot ‎

Reference : 58989

‎Archidoc 05, Georges- ric Lantair : (Im)Pertinence Expo Livre‎

‎, Archidoc, 2021 softcover, 256 pages planche depliantes, Texte en Francais, illustrations en noir et blanc et en couleurs. ISBN 9782960192254.‎

‎Sous l'acronyme GEL, cette triple r trospective partielle presque paradoxale montre le travail d?architecte mais pas seulement de Georges- ric Lantair, dans deux salles du Mus e Wittert l?Universit de Li ge, du 25 septembre au 23 d cembre 2021, puis quand vous voulez en ligne et dans les bonnes librairies. La titraille sugg re une n buleuse, alors pour a rer les paragraphes : g n rique ! Commen ons par la fin, savoir le livre, qui restera, et m me par la fin du livre, la quatri me de couv confi e Jean Glibert, et sa derni re phrase : Rien n?a abouti, mais quels changes ! Si l?architecture de GEL n?appelle pas vraiment d?Int gration d??uvre d?Art, parce qu?elle en court-circuiterait le process tout bout de champ, sa sensibilit visuelle et plastique s?accomplit dans ce qu?il construit gr ce ce que montre le cabinet de curiosit s imagin par C dric Libert. Face l?impossibilit de tout placer dans de trop petites salles, de tout montrer dans un film trop court et de tout expliciter dans un livre de trop petit format, tout a dans un budget trop troit malgr un g n rique de superproduction, l?exposition est cependant all g e par la compilation du livre, qui comprend des souvenirs de C dric Libert sur l?atelier de la rue Ch ri, un survol de l?inventaire HLM par Thomas Moor, l?enseignement racont par Aloys Beguin, et la donn e transatlantique par R jean Legault, plus un inventaire 1981-2020 ainsi qu?un atlas de 38 pages d?esquisses en pleine page bords perdus et un autre de 40 photographies compensant malgr tout les visuels en timbres-poste, certains d? peine 0,0005 m2 ! Centrale dans le livre, l?analyse lucide, complice et fouill e d?Alain Richard et de C cile Vandernoot appelle un d codage pour qui n?est pas de la partie, mais elle rel ve d?un d cryptage de haut vol clairant la force et les sp cificit s de chaque projet.‎


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EUR20.00 (€20.00 )
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