Sage , Social Studies of Science Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1979 Book condition, Etat : Bon paperback In-8 1 vol. - 138 pages
Contents, Chapitres : Roy and Kay MacLeod: the contradictions of professionalism, scientists, trade unionism and the first world war - Klauz Buchholz: Vehfahrenstechnik, chemical engineering, its development, present state and structure - discussion, Michael Mulkay: knowledge and utility, implications for the sociology of knowledge - notes and letters, Imre Ruff: citation analysis of a scientific career, a case study - country report, Sefan Kachaunov and Kostadinka Simeonova: social studies of science in Bulgaria - Erik P. Hoffmann: contemporary Soviet theories of scientific, technological and social change - Frank R. Pfetsch: the finalization debate in Germany, some contents and explanations - Social assesment of science, Bielefeld, 26-28 May 1978) - Anie Rip: Science, society and education, Amsterdam, 14-17 August 1978 few word annotated on the cover
Sage , Social Studies of Science Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1975 Book condition, Etat : Bon paperback In-8 1 vol. - 125 pages
Contents, Chapitres : G.N. Cantor: the Academy of Physics at Edimburgh, 1797-1800 - Gilbert F. Whittemore: World war I, poison, gas research, and the ideals of American chemists - R.G.A. Dolby: what can we usefully learn from Velikovsky affair ? - Philip D. Lowe and Michael Worboys: the teaching of social studies of science and technology in British Polytechnics - William Leiss: ideology and science - Larry W. DeWitt: On Bloor's transformation of Popper's pluralism Bohdan Walentynowicz: the science of science in Poland, present state and prospects of development - Derek de Solla Price: Nakayama Shigeru, David L. Swain, Yagi Eri (eds), Science and society in Modern Japan, selected historical sources, book review - bibliography, Andrew Jamison in collaboration with Aant Elzinga: Science, its theory and practice, an introduction for doctoral students working copy from Pierre Thuillier, annotations at ink and pencil
Sage , Social Studies of Science Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1980 Book condition, Etat : Bon paperback In-8 1 vol. - 131 pages
Contents, Chapitres : J. Scott Long, Robert McGinnis and Paul D. Allison : The problem of junior-authored papers in constructing citation counts - Notes and letters : Duncan Lindsey : Production and citation measures in the sociology of science, problem of multiple authorship - Paul D. Allison : Inequality and scientific productivity - Country report : Aant Elzinga : Science studies in Sweden - Essay review : Mary B. Anderson and Peter Buck : Scientific development, the development of science, science and development, and the science of development - Course bibliography : Steven Shapin : A course in the social history of science few word annotated on the cover, otherwise fine copy
Sage , Social Studies of Science Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1980 Book condition, Etat : Très Bon paperback In-8 1 vol. - 147 pages
Contents, Chapitres : Stephen G. Brush : The chimering cat, philosophy of quantum mechanics in historical perspective - Edward Nadel : Multivariate citation analysis and the changing cognitive organization in a specialty of physics - Discussion paper : Nathan Reingold : Through paradigm-land to a normal history of science - Responses and replies : Andy Pickering : Exemplar and analogies, a comment on Crane's study of Kuhnian paradigms in high energy physics - Dania Crane : Reply to Pickering - Pickering : Reply to Crane - C.L. Hardin : Rationality and disconfirmation - Michael J. Mahoney : Rationality and authority, on the confusion of justification and permission - Essay review : W.R. Albury : Politics and rhetoric in the sociobiologyb debate - Cumulative decennial index of Science Studies, volume 1-4 (1971-74) and Social Studies of Science, volumes 5-10 (1975-80)
Sage , Social Studies of Science Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1978 Book condition, Etat : Très Bon paperback In-8 1 vol. - 130 pages
Contents, Chapitres : Thomas R. Dunlap : Science as a guide in regulating technology, the case of DDT in the United States - John Krige : Popper's epistemology and the autonomy of science - Discussion papers : Two-Tier-Thinking, philosophical realism and historical relativism - Notes and letters : Henry G. Small : Cited documents as concept symbols - S.V. Ashton and C. Oppenheim : A method of predicting Nobel prizewinners in chemistry - Duncan Lindsey : The corrected quality ratio, a composite index of scientific contribution to knowledge - Response and replies : Wallace Kantor : Pseudo-effects in experimental physics, a study in mistaken identity - George Magyar : Reply to Kantor - Country report : Jarlath Ronayne : Scientific research, science policy and social studies of science and technology in Australia - Course bibliography : David Wield and Carol Barker : Science, technology and development, a course taught at the University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Sage , Social Studies of Science Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1980 Book condition, Etat : Très Bon paperback In-8 1 vol. - 132 pages
Contents, Chapitres : Peter J. Leahy and Allan Mazur : The rise and fall of public opposition in specific social movements - Gwendolyn L. Lewis : The relationship of conceptual development to consensus, an exploratory analysis of three subfields - Discussion paper : Julia Bickerstaffe and David Pearce : Can there be a consensus on nuclear power ? - Notes and letters : Phillip S. Hughes : Wartime fission research in Japan - Country report : Giuliano Pancaldi : The history and social studies of science in Italy - Essay review : Michael Neve : The naturalization of science
Sage , Social Studies of Science Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1978 Book condition, Etat : Bon paperback In-8 1 vol. - 142 pages
Contents, Chapitres : Bernard Norton : Karl Pearson and Statistics, the social origins of scientific innovation - Donald MacKenzie: Statistical theory and social interests, a case-study - Brian Martin: The selective usefulness of game theory - discussion paper, Erik Millstone: a framework for the sociology of knowledge - notes and letters, Nancy Stern: age and achievement in mathematics, a case-study in the sociology of science - report, Donald MacKenzie: A Parex workshop on the sociology of mathematical knowledge and the social history of mathematics very few annotations at ink
Sage , Social Studies of Science Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1977 Book condition, Etat : Bon paperback In-8 1 vol. - 138 pages
"Contents, Chapitres : Jonathan Harwood : The Race-intelligence Controversy: a Sociological Approach, II - ""External"" Factors - Steven Shapin and Barry Barnes : Science, Nature and Control: interpretating Mechanics' Institutes - Dorothy Nelkin: Scientists and Professional Responsibility: the Experience of American Ecologists - notes and letters : Ina Spiegel-Rösing: Science Studies, Bibliometric and Content Analysis - G. Nigel Gilbert: Referencing as Persuasion - Allan Mazur: Public Confidence in Science - Mark Oromaner: The Career of Sociological Literature, a Diachronous Study - Essay review : Celia Bloor: Inductivism on Campus" working copy from Pierre Thuillier, few annotations at pencil - very light sprinkle on the side, but not on pages
Sage , Social Studies of Science Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1975 Book condition, Etat : Bon paperback In-8 1 vol. - 144 pages
Contents, Chapitres : Todd La Porte and Daniel Mettlay : Public attitudes toward present and future technologies : satisfactions and apprehensions - Peter Wright : Astrology and science in 17th century England - notes and letters : Daryl E. Chubin and Soumyo D. Moutra : Content analysis of references : adjunct or alternative to citation counting - H.M. Collins and R.G. Harrison : Building a TEA laser , caprices of communication - J.R. Jacob : The New England Company, the Royal Society and the Indians - country reports : Arie Rip and Egbert Boeker : Scientists and social responsdability in the Netherlands - R.D. Whitley : The Britsih Sociological Association 's sociology of science group - Essay review : Technology and History, by Angus Buchanan - Review : Barry Barnes 's Scientific Knowledge and Sociological Theory , by Steven Lukes - A Philosophical approach of science, by David Bloor, bibliography working copy from Pierre Thuillier, many annotations at ink and pencil on the cover and inside - mainly annotated on Peter Wright 's article
Sage , Social Studies of Science Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1987 Book condition, Etat : Bon paperback In-8 1 vol. - 186 pages
Contents, Chapitres : Edmund N. Todd: a Tale of Three Cities, electrification and the structure of choice in the Ruhr, 1886-1900 - Chunglin Kwa: Representations of Nature mediating between ecology and science policy, the case of the International Biological Programme - Andrew McKinlay and Jonathan Potter: Model discourse, interpretative repertoires in scientist's conference talk - notes and letters, David Hess: religion, heterodox science and Brazilian culture - discussion paper, Michael Aaron Dennis: accounting for research, new history of corporate laboratories and the social history of American science
Sage , Social Studies of Science Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1987 Book condition, Etat : Bon paperback In-8 1 vol. - 186 pages
Contents, Chapitres : Sheila S. Jasanoff : Contested boundaries in policy-relevant science - Michael Mulkay, Trevor Pinch, and Malcolm Ashmore : Colonizing the mind : dilemmas in the application of social science - Joan H. Fujimura : Constructing do-able problems in cancer research : articulating alignment - notes and letters : Diana Hicks : Limitations of co-citation analysis as a tool for science policy - Responses and replies : Rachel Laudan : Drifting interests and colliding continents : response to Stewart - John A. Stewart : Drifting or collinding interests ? A reply to Laudan with some new results - Stephen M. Stigler : Precise measurement in the face of error : a comment on MacRoberts and MacRoberts - Michael MacRoberts and Barbara R. MacRoberts : Reply to Stigler - reviews (David Bloor : The living foundations of mathematics, review of Livingston, The Ethnomethodological foundations of mathematics - etc..)
Sage , Social Studies of Science Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1978 Book condition, Etat : Très Bon paperback In-8 1 vol. - 126 pages
Contents, Chapitres : Nancy Stepan : The interplay between socio-economic factors and medical science, yellow fever research, Cuba and the United States - R.F. Bud : Strategy in American cancer research after World War II : a case study - Ron Westrum : Science and social intelligence about anomalies : the case of meteorites - Discussion papers : Francis Sandbach : The rise and fall of the limits to growth debate - Notes and letters : Dean Keith Simonton : Independent discovery in science and technology, a closer look at the Poisson distribution
Sage , Social Studies of Science Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1985 Book condition, Etat : Bon paperback In-8 1 vol. - 170 pages
Contents, Chapitres : 1. Articles : Gary Bowden : The social construction of validity in estimates of US crude oil reserves - Michael Aaron Dennis : Drilling for dollars : The making of US petroleum reserve estimates, 1921-25 - Marshall Missner : Why Einstein became famous in America - John Irvine and Ben R. Martin : Basic research in the East and West : A comparison of the scientific performance of high-energy physics accelerators - 2. Discussion paper : Joan Solomon : Learning and evaluation : A study of school children's views on the social uses of energy - 3. Responses and replies : David Collindrige : Controlling technology (Response to Johnson) - Ron Johnson : The social character of technology ex-library copy, stamp on the first page, else near fine copy
Sage , Social Studies of Science Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1990 Book condition, Etat : Bon paperback In-8 1 vol. - 190 pages
Contents, Chapitres : 1. Articles : Alberto Cambrosio, Camille Limoges and Denyse Pronovost : Representing biotechnology : An ethnography of Quebec science policy - Marcos Cueto : The Rockfeller Foundation 's medical policy and scientific research in Latin America : The case of physiology - Paolo Palladino : Ecological theory and pest control practice : A study of the institutional and conceptual dimensions of a scientific debate - Helen Watson : Investigating the social foundations of mathematics : Natural number in culturally diverse forms of life - Steven Yearley : Researching the Precambrian biosphere : Constructing knowledge and shaping the organization of scientific work - 2. Discussion paper : Bruce Bimber : Karl Marx and the three faces of technological determinism - 3. Comment : Gad Freudenthal : Science study in France, a sociological view - 4. Responses and replies : John A. Daly : Comments on Turnbull's Push for a malaria vaccine - David Turnbull : Transporting technoscientific knowledge / practice, the case of malaria vaccine Pierre Thuillier's working copy, few annotations at ink on Watson's article, few words handwritten on the wrappers also, otherwise near fine copy
Sage , Social Studies of Science Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1975 Book condition, Etat : Bon paperback In-8 1 vol. - 130 pages
Contents, Chapitres : Peter Buck : Order and control, the scientific method in China and in the United States - Lyndsay A. Farrall : Controversy and conflict in science, a case study, the English biometry school and Mendel's law - Loren R. Graham : The formation of Soviet research institutes, a combination of revolutionary innovation and international borrowing - Discussion paper : Amulya Kumar N. Reddy : Alternative technology, a viewpoint from India - Notes and letters : Lyle Groeneveld, Norman Koller and Nicholas C. Mullins : The advisers of the United States National Science Foundation - Maria Luisa Rodriguez Sala de Gomezgil : Mexican adolescents' image of the scientist - Daryl E. Chubin : Trusted assessorship in science, a relation in need of data working copy from Pierre Thuillier, many annotations at ink and pencil on the 2 first articles
Sage , Social Studies of Science Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1990 Book condition, Etat : Bon paperback In-8 1 vol. - 189 pages
Contents, Chapitres : W. Bernard Carlson and Michael E. Gorman: Understanding inventions as a cognitive process, the case of Thomas Eddison and early motion pictures, 1888-91 - Barak Gaster: Assimilation of scientific change, the introduction of Molecular Genetics into biology textbooks - D. Raina and S.I. Habib: Ramchandra's Treatise through the haze of the golden sunset - A.J. Junqueira Botelho: the professionalization of Brazilian scientists, Brazilian Society for the Progress of Science, SBPC - Léa Velho: sources of inlfluence on problem choice in Brazilian University Agricultural Science - Stephen Hilgartner: The dominant view of popularization, conceptual problems, political uses - Philip Gummett: Issues for STS raised by Defence science and technology policy - book review
Sage , Social Studies of Science Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1979 Book condition, Etat : Bon paperback In-8 1 vol. - 124 pages
Contents, Chapitres : James C. Petersen and Gerald E. Markle: politics and science in the Laetrile controversy - Ian I. Mitroff and Daryl E. Chubin: Peer review at the NSF, a dialectical policy analysis - Ronald Brickman and Arie Rip: science policy advisory councils in France, the Netherlands and the United States, 1957-77, a comparative analysis - notes and letters, J. Davidson Frame: National economic resources and the production of research in lesser developed countries - essay review, Barry Barnes: vicissitudes of belief, review of Laudan, Progress and its problem few word annotated on the cover
Sage , Social Studies of Science Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1979 Book condition, Etat : Bon paperback In-8 1 vol. - 126 pages
Contents, Chapitres : Carolyn Kopp : The origins of the American scientific debate over fallout hazards - Augustine Brannigan : The reification of Mendel - Discussion paper - Timothy Lenoir : Quantitative foundations for the sociology of science, on linking blockmodelling with co-citation analysis - Notes and Letters : J. Davidson and Mark P. Carpenter : International research collaboration - Rabkin, Eisemon, Lafitte-Houssat and McLean Rathgeber : Citation visibility of Africa's science - Charles Oppenheim : Could the 1978 Nobel prizewinner in chemistry have been predicted ? - Responses and replies : R. Westrum, Keith Simonton and E. Constant : The notion of independent simultaneous invention or discovery - Essay review : Russell Moseley : From avocation to job, the changing nature of scientific practice few words handwritten on the front-wrapper - near fine copy
Sage , Social Studies of Science Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1977 Book condition, Etat : Bon paperback In-8 1 vol. - 133 pages
Contents, Chapitres : Charles E. Rosenberg: Rationalization and reality in the shaping of American agricultural research, 1875-1914 - Russell Moseley: Tadpoles and frogs, some aspects of the professionalization of British physics, 1870-1939 - E.H. Beardsley: Secrets between friends, applied science exchange between the Western allies and the Soviet Union during World War II - discussion papers: John C. Marshall: Minds, machines and metaphors - Hugo Meynell: On the limits of the sociology of knowledge - notes and letters: J. Davidson Frame, Francis Narin, and Mark P. Carpenter: the distribution of world science - Herbert Inhaber: scientists and economic growth - Mel Gorman: electric illumination in the Franco-Prussian war - index to volume 7 working copy from Pierre Thuillier, few annotations at ink and pencil
Sage , Social Studies of Science Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1981 Book condition, Etat : Très Bon paperback In-8 1 vol. - 115 pages
Contents, Chapitres : David Holloway : Entering the nuclear arms race, the Soviet decision to build the atomic bomb, 1939-45 - Gordon L. Rocca : A second party in our Midst', the history of the Soviet scientific forecasting association - Responses and replies : C.L. Hardin : Table-turning, parapsychology and fraud - Trevor Pinch : Reply to Hardin - Essay review : David Holloway : The politics of Soviet science and technology
Sage , Social Studies of Science Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1991 Book condition, Etat : Bon paperback In-8 1 vol. - 189 pages
Contents, Chapitres : Ingemar Bohlin : Robert M. Young and Darwin historiography - Kyung-Man Kim : On the reception of Johannsen 's Pure Line theory : toward a sociology of scientific validity - Christopher P. Toumey : Modern creationism and scientific authority - Brian P. Bloomfield : The role of information system in the UK National Health Service : action at a distance and the fetish of calculation - Andrew Cross : The crisis in physics : dialectical materialism and Quantum theory - Notes and letters : Walter G. Vincenti : The scope for social impact in engineering outcomes, a diagrammatic aid to analysis - responses and replies : Alberto Cambrosio - Camille Limoges - Denyse Pronovost
Sage , Social Studies of Science Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1980 Book condition, Etat : Bon paperback In-8 1 vol. - 125 pages
Contents, Chapitres : John Law : Fragmentation and investment in sedimentology - Diana Crane : A exploratory study of Kuhnian paradigms in theoterical high energy physics - Lowell L. Hargens, Nicholas C. Mullins and Pamela K. Hecht : Research areas and stratification processes in science - Norman Clark : The economic behaviour of research institutions in developin countries, some methodological points - notes and letters : Stanley Presser, Collaboration and the quality of research - Essay review, Peter W.G. Wright, The radical sociology of medicine