Philosophy of Science Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1971 Book condition, Etat : Bon paperback grand In-8 1 vol. - 168 pages
Contents, Chapitres : R. Duncan Luce : Similar systems and dimensionally invariant laws - James Child : On the theoretical dependence of correspondence postulates - James A. Blachowicz : Systems theory and evolutionary models of the development of science - Ronald Munson : Biological adaptation - Fred I. Dretske : Reasons, knowledge and probability - Alfred Landé : The decline and the fall of quantum dualism - C.A. Hooker : Sharp and the refutation of Einstein, Podolsky, Rosen paradox - Laurence Fox : Art as cognitive : beyond scientific realism - Lowell Nissen : Neutral functional schemata - William F. Barr : A syntactic and semantic analysis of idealizations in science - DISCUSSIONS : David Hawkins : On the self-consistency of the steady state cosmology, reply by Richard Schlegel - Theodore Guleserian : On two aspects of eliminative materialism - Richard Butrick : Putnam's revolution - Alex C. Michalos : Hilpinen's rules of acceptance and inductive logic - Risto Hilpinen and Jaakko Hintikka : Rules of acceptance, indices of lawlikeness and singular inductive inference, reply to a critical discussion - Ronald C. Hopson : Angel's symmetry thesis - J.R. Lucas : Metamathematics and the philosophy of mind : a rejoinder - Book reviews, recent books working copy from Pierre Thuillier, annotations at ink and coloured ink (mainly on Blachowicz and Foss articles) - few words hanwritten on the wrappers
Revue Philosophy of Science - Maxwell (Nicholas) - Sharvy (Richard) - Uchii (Soshichi) - Lincicome (David) - Scoledes (Aristotle G.M.) - Wright (Larry) - Daniels (Norman) - Achinstein (Peter) - Giril (T.R.) - Schwartz (Robert) - Miettinen (Seppo K.) - Lazslo (E.) and Margenau (H.) - Torretti (Roberto) - Agassi (Joseph)
Reference : 27880
Philosophy of Science Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1972 Book condition, Etat : Bon paperback Grand In-8 1 vol. - 152 pages
Contents, Chapitres : Pages 131 to 283 - Nicholas Maxwell : A critique of Popper 's views on scientific method - Richard Sharvy : Three types of referential opacity - David Lincicome : Reporting, evaluating, describing - Soshichi Uchii : Inductive logic with causal modalities, a probabilistic approach - Aristotle G.M. Scoledes : The determinism of quantum-mechanical probability statements - Larry Wright : Explanation and teleology - Norman Daniels : Thomas Reid 's discovery of non-Euclidean geometry - Discussion : Peter Achinstein : Models and analogies, a reply to Girill - T.R. Girill : Analogies and models revisited - Robert Schwartz : Paradox and projection - Seppo K. Miettinen : On Omer 's model of scientific explanation - E. Laszlo and H. Margenau : The emergence of integrative concepts in contemporary science - Roberto Torretti : Remarks on Salmon 's paradox of primes - Joseph Agassi : The interface of philosophy and physics - Books reviews - Recent books working copy from Pierre Thuillier, very few annotations at pencil, inside and on the cover