Amsterdam, Rodopi 1988 284pp. + 2pp. theses, 22cm., text in Spanish, Doctoral Dissertation (Rijksuniversiteit te Leiden, the Netherlands), softcover, stamp at verso of title page, text is clean and bright, good condition, T112519
2. Madrid, Real Diputación San Andrés de los Flamencos, 1989, lg in-8°, 130 pp, 75 ills., bibl., stiff paper wrapper. Publ. on the occasion of an exhibition in Madrid, 25 June-25 July, 1989. Main text in Spanish.
, Fundaci n Carlos de Amberes,1989, 1989 Paperback, 139 paginas, Spanish, 260 x 210 mm, bueno exemplare,. ISBN 9788487369001.