CANTAGREL (Gilles),MASSIP ( Catherine ),REIBEL ( Emmanuel ),MOZART ( W.A.)
Reference : 66931
2005 Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale de France / Textuel, 2005, 25 cm x 34,7 cm, 216 pp, cartonnage d'éditeur avec jaquette illustrée,sous plastique, jamais ouvert, neuf
état neuf,.
Fayard (2/2023)
P., Fayard, 2008, in-8, br., 354 pp., musique notée, planche de 3 photos en couleurs, bibliographie, index. (SD150C)
La musique au défi du mythe. Collection Les Chemins de la musique.
2013 Paris Fayard coll Les chemins de la musique 2013 Un volume in°8 broché 463 pages LR26
Très bon état Envoi en Mondial Relay pour la France Métropolitaine, l'Allemagne, l'Autriche, Belgique, Espagne, Italie, Luxembourg, Pays-Bas et PortugalPour l'étranger, envoi en tarif "livres et brochures" pour les commandes inférieures à 50 , au dessus en colissimo international.
Paris, 2002 Belles Lettres 128 p., broché. 16 x 24
In-8 broché, Fayard, coll. "Les chemins de la musique", 2013, 462 pp. Légèrement frotté, bon état général, bel exemplaire. Poids 600 g. Envoi lettre verte. Frais d'envoi 7,50 euros sur la France, 21,50 euros pour l’étranger (tarifs de base hors envois suivis). Possibilité de remise en mains propres sur Paris, possibilité d’envoi MONDIAL RELAY ou "LIVRES ET BROCHURES", n'hésitez pas à me contacter avant de passer commande. Twitter : @Pontneuf06.
(BERLIOZ Hector) / REIBEL Emmanuel, DIDIER Béatrice & al.
Reference : MUSIQUEEEEE6661219
ISBN : 9782745351272
Paris, Honoré Champion, "Le Dialogue des Arts" n° 7, 2019, 15,5 x 23,5, 254 pages sous couverture imprimée.
, Brepols, 2024 Hardback, xv + 351 pages, Size:210 x 270 mm, Illustrations:16 b/w, Language(s):English, French, Italian. ISBN 9782503608495.
Summary The second half of the eighteenth century and the first half of the nineteenth century was a time of great historical and social upheavals ? a melting pot of events whose repercussions are still felt. The first industrial revolution, the American Revolution, the French Revolution, and the Napoleonic wars: such were events that gradually undermined the status quo of the Ancien r gime. Napoleon Bonaparte is the keystone of this period, given his role as an innovator of aspects of the military, political, civil, artistic and cultural life of his time. This book explores the musical changes brought on by the multifaceted pre- and post-Napoleonic sonic world. It focuses on the politicised dramaturgy at the Paris Opera, on the incredible diffusion of French opera in the German-speaking world, and on the question of national identity in Italian, Polish, Spanish and Portuguese contexts during this politically critical period. Beyond operas and cantatas in praise of Napoleon, this book also highlights the mechanical soundscape of the Empire, the repertoire of incidental music and the varied fortunes of the music business at that time. Finally, it analyses the place of female singers or composers from a gendered perspective. TABLE OF CONTENTS FEDERICO GON - EMMANUEL REBEIL, Preface POLITICS AND NATIONAL IDENTITY 1. GALLIANO CILIBERTI, Francesco Morlacchi, Napoleone I e il sound imperiale tra Italia e Germania 2. MAGDALENA OLIFERKO-STORCK, Napoleonic Warsaw: The Emperor's Sojourns and the French Culture in the Soundscape of the Capital of Poland before Chopin 3. ERIC BOARO, Non essendovi pi capelle in veruna chiesa? . Finanziamento e impiego musicale nella Modena giacobina e la stagione al Teatro Rangone tra il 1798 e il 1799 4. FEDERICO GON, 'Feast, Flour, and Gallows': Haydn's Creation in Naples (1821) and the Politics of Restoration 5. MATTHIEU CAILLIEZ, tude des transferts musicaux franco-allemands l' poque napol onienne travers le prisme de l' Allgemeine musikalische Zeitung OPERA, THEATRE AND PERFORMANCE 6. MARIA BIRBILI, The Sound of Empire: Politicised Dramaturgy in French Opera from the French Revolution to Napoleon 7. MARTIN BARR , Dans l'ombre de Paris. Circulation et diffusion de la musique de sc ne sous l'Empire: l'exemple du th tre de Versailles 8. ANNELIES ANDRIES, Caroline Branchu: A Model of Nineteenth-Century Womanhood? 9. CLAUDIA CHIBICI-REVNEANU, Moving towards Exclusion: A Case Study of the 'Female Viennese School' MUSIC PUBLISHING AND TEACHING 10. HENRI VANHULST, Les relations entre Jean-J r me Imbault et ses compositeurs d'apr s des lettres de Jean-Louis Duport et Ferdinando Pa r 11. DAVID ROWLAND, Music Publishing and Markets c. 1750-1830 SOUNDSCAPES AND AESTHETICS 12. EMMANUEL REIBEL, The Empire's Mechanical Musics: From Soundscape to Reception 13. INES THOMAS ALMEIDA, Imaginary Soundscapes: The Sounds of Portuguese Music as Captured by German Travellers at the End of the Ancien R gime 14. ALBAN RAMAUT, Le Napol on d'Hector Berlioz, proposition de lecture