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‎REGNAULT, Henri-Victor.‎

Reference : 34084


‎Cours élémentaire de chimie. Quatrième édition.‎

‎Paris : Masson, Langlois et Leclercq, 1853 Quatre volumes in-12, (4)-419-(4)-405-(4)-460-(4)-554 pages. Nombreuses illustrations dans le texte. Demi-basane verte de l'époque, dos lisse orné (frotté).‎

‎ Henri Victor Regnault (1810-1878) entre à l’Ecole polytechnique en 1830, puis à l'Ecole des mines. Répétiteur de Gay-Lussac en 1836, il succède à celui-ci en 1840 comme professeur de chimie à l'Ecole polytechnique. La même année, il entre à l'Académie des sciences, puis il devient professeur de physique au Collège de France en 1841. En 1847, il est promu ingénieur en chef des mines puis il devient directeur de la manufacture de Sèvres en 1854. Il fut aussi un photographe remarquable. ‎


Phone number : +33 (0)1 46 34 64 53

EUR100.00 (€100.00 )


Reference : 48079


‎Mémoire sur les Forces élastiques dela vapeur d'eau.‎

‎Paris, Victor Masson, 1844. No wrappers. Extracted from ""Annales de Chimie et de Physique"", 3me Series - Tome 11. Pp. 273-335 and 1 large folded engraved plate (apparatus). With the halftitlepage to volume 11.‎

‎First printing of an importent paper in which Regnault found the connection between vapour pressure of steam at different temperatures.Henri Victor Regnault improved the method of Dalton to measure the elastic force of vapours at saturation. At the boiling point of a liquid, the elastic force of its vapour is equal to the supported pressure. Thus, if one boils water in an enclosure under increasing pressure conditions, water will reach increasing boiling temperatures at the same time. For each case, the elastic force of vapour will be equal to the imposed pressure.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK1,000.00 (€134.12 )


Reference : 47829


‎Recherches sur les chaleurs spécifiques des fluides élastiques (3).‎

‎(Paris, Bachelier), 1853. 4to. No wrappers. In: ""Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de L'Academie des Sciences"", Tome 36, No 16. Pp. (669-) 707. (Entire issue offered). Regnault's paper: pp. 676-687. A few marginal brownspots.‎

‎First apperance of this very importent paper where Regnault declared his acceptance of the conservation of energy.""Speculation and discussions of theory are noticeably absent from Regnault’s published work, as they are from his surviving notebooks. But in 1853 he declared his acceptance of the principle of the conservation of energy"" and later he measured the mechanical equivalent of heat, although with only moderate success. In declaring his support for the principle, Regnault stated that he had subscribed to the mechanical theory of heat “for a long time” and that he had been led to it independently through his own experiments ""Comptes rendus... de AcademiE des sciences..."" (The paper offered). ""(DSB).Roberts & Trent ""Bibliotheca Mechanica"", p. 275.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK1,800.00 (€241.42 )

‎REGNAULT, V. (Henri-Victor) (1810-1878):‎

Reference : 67133aaf

‎Cours élémentaire de chimie. A l'usage des facultés, des établissements d'enseignement secondaire, des écoles normales et des écoles industrielles. deixième (2e) édition. En 4 volumes.‎

‎Paris, (imprimerie Crapelet pour) Victor Masson, Langlois et Leclercq, s.d. (env. 1849), pt. in-8vo, 2 ff. + 470 pp. + 1 p. / 2 ff. + 396 pp. / 2 ff. + 430 pp. / 2 ff. + 523 pp., illustré de au total 689 fig. gravées dans le texte + 1 planche repl. grav. + 1 double planche grav. , rousseurs princip. marg., gardes en papier marbré, exlibris ms. sur gardes ‘Ernest Ceppi’, reliures en demi-cuir rouge, dos à faux nerfs, dos ornés en or et à froid, qqs lég. frottements aux bords.‎

‎Henri Victor Regnault entra à l’Ecole polytechnique en 1830, puis à l'Ecole des mines. Répétiteur de Gay-Lussac en 1836, il succède à celui-ci en 1840 comme professeur de chimie à l'Ecole polytechnique. La même année, il entra à l'Académie des sciences, puis il devenait professeur de physique au Collège de France en 1841. En 1847, il était promu ingénieur en chef des mines puis il devenait directeur de la manufacture de Sèvres en 1854. Il fut aussi un photographe remarquable. Image disp.‎


Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808

CHF100.00 (€107.19 )


Reference : 48916


‎Recherches sur la chaleur spécifique des corps simples et des corps composés.‎

‎(Paris, Bachelier), 1840. 4to. No wrappers. In: ""Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de L'Academie des Sciences"", Tome 10, No 16. Pp. (671-) 670. (Entire issue offered). Regnault's paper: pp. 658-663. A few small inkspots on first page.‎

‎Regnault announced here that he has found experimental evidence for the approximate nature of Dulong & Petit's Law for both elements and compounds.""His first results on the specific heat of solids were presented to the Academy of Sciences on April 3, 1840. One finds there the first experimental demonstration of the approximate law of Dulong and Petit, which had been ypothesized, rather than established, by these physicists. For 24 pure elements, Regnault demonstrated that this law was only partially true mostly because there was no accepted table of atomic weights at that time."" (Laurie Dahlberg)‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK1,000.00 (€134.12 )


Reference : 46006


‎Recherches chimiques sur la Respiration des Animaux des diverses Classes.‎

‎(Paris, Victor Masson, 1849). Without wrappers. In: ""Annales de Chimie et de Physique"", Troisieme Series - Tome 26. Cahier 3-4. Pp. 299-528 a. 2 folded engraved plates, showing apparatus used.(Entire issues offered). The joint paper takes up both issues. With half-title to tome 26.‎

‎First appearance of this classic paper, which contains extensive comparative studies of respiration and calorimetry. They refined Lavoisier's experiments on measuring the oxygen uptake and carbon dioxide production of animals and calculated the first good ratios of what came to be called the ""RESPIRATORY QUOTIENT"". It was the use of the apparatus and methods developed here, that enabled scientists the world over to gain some understanding of utilization of energy by many different animals.The inspiration for the space age scientific novel by JULES VERNE ""De la Terre a la Lune"" (1865) was based on the methods described by Regnault and Reiset in this paper to provide oxygen and remove carbon dioxide produced by men, dogs and chickens in the ""projectile"". The paper is cited several times in this famous novel.The species study in the Regnault and Reiset collaboration included warm-blooded animals, such as dogs, cats, and rabbits as well as hibernating and non-hibernating marmots. Cold-blooded animals , such as frogs, salamanders, reptiles and lizards were also described...In over 100 experiments their assays included the effects of temperature, season, diet, level of nutrition, compositionof air, sex, hibernation, age, body weights and other variables onrespiratory exchange and nitrogen exhalation or absorption (Based on W. Flatt & W. Payne).Garrison & Morton: 932.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK3,500.00 (€469.43 )
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