1842 22 p., 1lithographed plate (somewhat browned), roy. 4to, disbound (no covers). Published in: Nova Acta Physico-Medica Acad. Caes. Leop.-Carol. German. Natur. Curios.
1842 Vordhaufen & Leipzig, Schmidt, 1842 : in-8, relié xxxiv, 246 pp., 2 gravures in-texte, 4 tableaux dépliants et 8 gravures dont 6 finement coloriées in fine, traduit de l'allemand par le Comte de Corberon, reliure à la bradel avec les couvertures vertes contrecollées, titrage manuscrit au dos. Très bon état, manque de papier au dos, quelques brunissures au texte, de la bibliothèque de Jacques d'Aguilar avec son ex-libris en page de garde, de toute rareté !
1844-1848 Two parts (of three) in two. 477 p., 4 folding tables, 7 folding plates, contemporary boards with green labels. Rare.The first two parts - a third part was published later but is not included. This publication was intended as a supplement to the series on Forst-Insekten by the same author and it is rare in any state. In it we find extensve descriptions of new genera and species, and tables of which wasp genus preys on which type of harmful insect. Some marginal foxing in the text, some plates foxed too. Cream paper pasted on both front boards. Horn-Schenkling 17693; Nissen ZBI, 3308
Berlin, Nicolaische Verlagsbuchhandlung 1869, 230x160mm, XVI - 457Seiten, Verlegereinband. Name des Eigentümers, sonst in gutem Zustand.
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