RASSENFOSSE Armand (Liège 1862 - 1934) - [ ] ETS - GRAVURE- ENGRAVING :
Reference : 51568
.: 3. Original engraving published in 1906 by the ''Société Royale des Aquafortistes Belges'' à Bruxelles and printed by J.B. van Campenhout in an edition of approx. 100 copies. With the blindstamp of the Society. Printed on heavy laid paper. Nice copy.
RASSENFOSSE Armand (Liège 1862 - 1934) - [ ] ETS - GRAVURE- ENGRAVING :
Reference : 51569
.: 3. Original engraving ( pointe sèche) published in 1895 by the ''Société Royale des Aquafortistes Belges'' à Bruxelles and printed by J.B. van Campenhout in an edition of approx. 100 copies. Nice copy.