Kjöbenhavn, Gyldendal, 1818. Smukt senere hldrbind med ophøjede bind på ryggen. Rygforgyldning. Forgyldt skindtitel. XII,312 pp., 1 planche. Rent velbevaret eksemplar på trykpapir.
Originaludgaven af Prisskriftet, Rasks hovedværk, og et grunlæggende arbejde i Nordisk Sprogvidenskab.First edition of Rask's main work, a founding work in Nordic Philology as he was the first to study the ancient Nordic languages systematically and discovered the correspondance of consonant relations between the Indo-European languages which led Jacob Grimm to formulate the rules underlying the Germanic as well as the High-German sound-shifts.Rask Bibliografi I,24. - Fiske I,482.
Kjöbenhavn, Gyldendal, 1818. Samt.hldrbd. med rig tidstypisk rygforgyldning. Kapitæler en smule slidt. XII,312 pp. Rent eksemplar.
Originaludgaven af Prisskriftet, Rasks hovedværk, og et grunlæggende arbejde i Nordisk Sprogvidenskab.First edition of Rask's main work, a founding work in Nordic Philology as he was the first to study the ancient Nordic languages systematically and discovered the correspondance of consonant relations between the Indo-European languages which led Jacob Grimm to formulate the rules underlying the Germanic as well as the High-German sound-shifts.
Kjöbenhavn, Gyldendal, 1818. Lidt senere hldrbd. Rygforgyldning. Skindtitel på ryg. Lille revnedannelse øverst på forreste fals. Ryg med lettere brugsspor. XII,312 pp. De første og sidste sider brunplettede. Enkelte marginalnoter i gl. hånd.
Originaludgaven af Prisskriftet, Rasks hovedværk, og et grunlæggende arbejde i Nordisk Sprogvidenskab. - Før Rasks værk er indbundet: PETER ERASMUS MÜLLER. Om det islandske Sprogs Vigtighed. Et af det kongelige Selskab for Norges Vel kronet Prisskrift. Kiøbenhavn, Sebastian Popp, 1813. (10),206,(2) pp. Lidt spredte brunpletter.First edition of Rask's main work, a founding work in Nordic Philology as he was the first to study the ancient Nordic languages systematically and discovered the correspondance of consonant relations between the Indo-European languages which led Jacob Grimm to formulate the rules underlying the Germanic as well as the High-German sound-shifts.