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Reference : 47024


‎Loi générale de congélation des dissolvants, Mémoire de... (Extrait par l'auteur). (+) Loi générale des tensions de vapeur des dissolvants. (2 Papers).‎

‎(Paris, Gauthier-Villars), 1882. 4to. No wrappers. In: ""Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de L'Academie des Sciences"", Tome 95, No 22 a. Tome 104 No 21 (entire issues offered). Pp. 1017-1076 and pp. 1387-1462. Raoult's papers: pp. 1030-33 (tome 95) and pp. 1430-1433 (tome 104).‎

‎First appearance of Raoult's two importent papers in which described a method for finding the molecular weight of an organic compound by the determination of the lowering of the freezing point of water that resulted from dissolving that compound in water and the law governing the relation between solutes and vapor pressure.""Then in 1882, F.-M. Raoult published his results on the effects of nondissociating organic solutes, from which he deduced a general law controlling the lowering of freezing points (the first paper offered). Four years later he extended this work to show the effect of solutes on vapor pressure (the second paper offered). Having established the effect of nondissociating compounds, he was in position to show that salts produced an eeffect which, though anomalous, could nevertheless be explained by the supposition that a dissolved molecule broke up into other molecules. This work was of great value in supplying a new method for determining molecular weights, since the depression of freezing point and vapor pressure (as well a the related rise in boiling point later discovered) are proportional to the moleculat concentrations ofthe solutions"" it was of equal value in supporting the ideas of van't Hoff on osmotic pressure. With the announcement of the dissociation theory of Arrhenius, the anomalies were explained and the full significance of the generalizations of Raoult was recognized. Raoult published the formulations of his laws in the ""Comptes Rendus"" for 1882 and 1887 (the papers offered)"" (Leicester a. Klickstein ""A Source Book in Chemistry"", pp. 471 ff).‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK3,800.00 (€509.66 )


Reference : 46033


‎Sur les Tensions de Vapeur des Dissolutions.‎

‎Paris, G. Masson, 1890. Contemp. hcalf. Light wear along edges. Two small stamps on verso of titlepage. In ""Annales de Chimie et de Physique"", 6. Series - Tome XX. 576 pp. The entire volume offered. Raoult's paper: pp. 297-371. Clean and fine.‎

‎First printing of an importent paper in which Raoult gives further applications of his own discovery, ""Raoult's Law""""Raoult soon turned to the anomalous results with salts in water, which had puzzled previous investigators. He classified the salts he used according to the valence of the radicals and found that the lowering of the freezing point could be accounted for by assigning certain numbers to these radicals. He demonstrated that the freezing point lowering obtained with these salts was consistent with the hypothesis that the salt radicals themselves acted as if they existed independently in the solution, and that certain radicals were more effective than others in lowering the freezing point of water. With the statement that ""the neutral salts of mono and di-basic salts act as if the electropositive and electronegative radicals of these salts when dissolved in water solution do not combine, but remain as simple mixtures (in the paper offered), Raoult showed that he had come to accept much of Arrhenius’ work on ionization.""(DSB).‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK1,500.00 (€201.18 )


Reference : 44784


‎Recherches sur les forces electromotrices et les quantités de chaleur dégagées dans les combinaisons chimique. Premier-Deuxieme Partie. (1. Étude des forces électromotrices. 2. Mesure de la chaleur dégagée par les courants ou absorbée par les actions ...‎

‎Paris, Victor Masson et Fils, Imprimerie Gauthier-Villars, 1864-65. 8vo. Bound in 2 contemp. hcalf, raised bands, gilt spine. Light wear along edges, spines slightly rubbed.. Small stamps on verso of titlepage. In ""Annales de Chimie et de Physique"", 4e Series - Tome 2 a. 4. 512 pp. and 2 folded engraved plates. + 512 pp. and 3 folded engraved plates. (The entire volumes offered). Raoult's papers: pp. 317-372 a. pp. 392-426.‎

‎First printing of these pioneering papers in thermochemistry and electrochemistry.""Raoult’s work may be divided into three stages: physical, chemical, and physicochemical. During the first stage, which lasted until Raoult moved to Grenoble, he discovered that the chemical heat of reaction of galvanic cells of the Daniell type was generally different from the heat equivalent of the electrical work done in these cells. He also used a voltameter, an instrument that measures the quantity of electricity by the amount of electrolysis, to study the heat evolved in voltaic cells. Raoult was one of the first to recognize that the electrical work done by voltaic cells was not equal to the heat evolved by the chemical reaction driving these cells. He showed that whenever the electrical work done in voltaic cells was less than the heat of all reactions, heat was evolved. Moreover, he stated that changes in concentration, oxidation, and in acid-base relationships, but not changes in aggregation such as dissolving, melting, or solidifying, were the sources of the electromotive force of voltaic cells.""(DSB).‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK1,850.00 (€248.13 )


Reference : 7902

‎Etude des forces électromotrices des éléments voltaïques -- EDITION ORIGINALE‎

‎P., Mallet-Bachelier, 1863, un volume in 4, broché, couverture muette moderne, 100pp., 2 planches dépliantes‎

‎---- EDITION ORIGINALE de la thèse présentées à la Faculté des Sciences de Paris par François RAOULT ---- "RAOULT discovered that the chemical heat of reaction of galvanic cells of the Daniell type was generally different from the heat equivalent of the electrical work dne in these cells. He also used a voltameter, an instrument that measures the quantity of electricity by the amount of electrolysis, tostudy the heat evolved in voltaic cells. RAOULT was one of the first to recognize that the electrical work done by voltaic cells was not equal to the heat evolved by the chemical reaction driving these cells. He showed that whenever the electrical work done in voltaic cells was less than the heat of all reactions, heat was evolved. Moreover, he stated that changes in concentration, oxidation, and in acid-base relationships, but not changes in aggregation such as dissolving, melting or solidifying, wre the sources of the electromotive force of voltaic cells... The appreciation of his pioneering work had to wait until the theoretical sutidies of Gibbs, Helmholtz, Van't Hoff, Arrhenius, and Nernst made its value apparent ot all". (DSB XI pp. 297/299)**7902/M7DE‎

Phone number : 01 43 25 51 73

EUR90.00 (€90.00 )


Reference : 46024


‎Methode universelle pour la Détermination des Poids moléculaires.‎

‎Paris, G. Masson, 1886. Bound with the original printed wrappers to all 4 issues (8 wrappers) in contemp. hcalf. Wear to top of spine. Light wear along edges. Two small stamps on verso of titlepage. In ""Annales de Chimie et de Physique"", 6. Series - Tome VIII. 576 pp. and 1 folded engraved plate. The entire volume offered. Raoult's paper: pp. 317-339.‎

‎First printing. In a brilliant paper in 1886, Raoult derived an expression for the relative lowering of the vapor pressure of solutions in ether, which is still in use.Also containing another paper by Raoult ""Influence du Degré de Concentration sur le Poilt de Congélation des Dissolutions"", pp. 289-317.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK850.00 (€114.00 )


Reference : 46034


‎Sur les Tensions de Vapeur des Dissolutions faites dans L'Éther.‎

‎Paris, G. Masson, 1888. Contemp. hcalf. Light wear along edges. Two small stamps on verso of titlepage. In ""Annales de Chimie et de Physique"", 6. Series - Tome XV. 576 pp. and 2 folded engraved plates. The entire volume offered. Raoult's paper: pp. 375-407. lean and fine.‎

‎First printing of an importent paper in which Raoult gives further applications of his own discovery, ""Raoult's Law""‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK1,500.00 (€201.18 )

‎RAOULT François-Marie‎

Reference : 37826


‎Influence de l'acide carbonique sur la respiration des animaux ; mémoire soumis à l'Académie des sciences ‎

‎Paris Imprimerie Gauthier-Villars s.d. [1876] in-8 broché sous couverture factice de papier bleu, abondantes rousseurs ‎

‎10 pp., une planche dépliante.Au CCF, exemplaires seulement à l'Institut et à Pau. Très rare extrait des Annales de chimie et de physique, 5e série, tome IX.Chimiste et physicien, François-Marie Raoult (1830-1901) est le créateur de la cryométrie, de l'ébulliométrie et de la tonométrie, à propos desquelles il énonça, en 1882, les lois relatives aux solutions diluées (lois de Raoult). Doyen de la Faculté des sciences de Grenoble en 1889, il effectua aussi des travaux sur les forces électromotrices des piles.Envoi autographe de l'auteur au grand chimiste Charles-Adolphe Würtz (1817-1884), alors professeur à la Faculté des sciences de Paris ‎


Phone number : 01 47 70 84 87

EUR750.00 (€750.00 )

‎RAOULT François-Marie‎

Reference : 27176


‎Etude des forces électromotrices des éléments voltaïques. Thèse présentée et soutenue devant la Faculté des sciences de Paris ‎

‎Paris Mallet-Bachelier 1863 in-4 broché non coupé, couverture imprimée ‎

‎100 pp., 2 planches dépliantes "in fine".Rare thèse du physicien François-Marie Raoult (1830-1901), surtout connu pour ses contributions à la thermodynamique. Il fut en quelque sorte le créateur de la cryométrie, de l'ébulliométrie et de la tonométrie, à propos desquelles il énonça, en 1882, les lois relatives aux solutions diluées (lois de Raoult). Doyen de la Faculté des sciences de Grenoble en 1889, il effectua aussi des travaux sur les forces électromotrices des piles.Exemplaire d'Edmond Becquerel (1820-1891), avec envoi autographe de l'auteur sur la première couverture ‎


Phone number : 01 47 70 84 87

EUR500.00 (€500.00 )

‎Photo-ciné Club de Versailles Jacques Veslot Christian Raoult‎

Reference : 34745VPRT


‎Versailles - Images de la vie quotidienne 1880-1910‎

‎Les amis de la Bibliothèque de Versailles Broché D'occasion état correct 01/01/1980 150 pages ‎

Phone number : 01 43 29 11 00

EUR10.00 (€10.00 )

‎RAOULT, Marcel G. (sous la direction de)‎

Reference : 83824


‎Annuaire du Spectacle : Théâtre, Cinéma, Musique, Radio, Télévision. 1957 XIIe année‎

‎Publicité et éditions Raoult 1957 Fort in-8. Cartonnage éditeur havane, 1000 pp., 336 pp. de portraits photographiques, pages publicitaires. Accroc en tête de dos, sinon bn exemplaire;‎

‎ Bon état d’occasion ‎

Librairie de l'Avenue - Saint-Ouen

Phone number : 01 40 11 95 85

EUR112.00 (€112.00 )

‎RAOULT (Michel).‎

Reference : L11388

‎Les Druides. Les sociétés initiatiques celtiques contemporaines.‎

‎ Éditions du Rocher, 1992. In-8 br. Coll. " L'Homme et l'Univers ". E.O.‎


Phone number : 01 43 26 95 18

EUR23.00 (€23.00 )

‎RAOULT François.‎

Reference : 4730

‎Etude des forces électromotrices des éléments voltaïques.‎

‎Thèse de Doctorat es-Sciences Physique. P. Mallet-Bachelier, 1863. In-4 (27/21cm), 100 pages. Broché. Couvertures imprimées.‎

‎"Importante thèse de ce célèbre physicien français (1830-1901) dont le principal titre de gloire est l'étude des solutions qui le conduisit aux ""lois de Raoult"" et à la cryoscopie. 2 planches dépliantes in fine contenant 11 figures. Bon état."‎

Librairie la Devinière - Montmerle sur Saône

Phone number : 04 74 69 35 19

EUR250.00 (€250.00 )

‎Avogadro & Ampère & Raoult & Van't Hoff & Berthelot‎

Reference : 100120705


‎Détermination des poids moléculaires‎

‎Gauthier - Villars 1938 collection les classiques de la découverte scientifique. Paris. in12. 1938. Broché. 165 pages. Bon Etat intérieur propre‎

Livres-sur-sorgue - Isle-sur-la-sorgue

Phone number : 04 90 26 49 32

EUR36.00 (€36.00 )

‎RAOULT Fernand (Dr) ‎

Reference : 101598


‎Vie subie, vie voulue, vie rêvée.‎

‎Couverture souple. Broché. 388 pages. Couverture légèrement tachée. Papier bruni.‎

‎Livre. Editions Spes, 1935.‎

Librairie et Cætera - Belin-Beliet

Phone number : +33 (0) 5 56 88 08 45

EUR10.80 (€10.80 )

‎RAOULT Michel ‎

Reference : 74343


‎Les druides. Les sociétés initiatiques celtiques contemporaines.‎

‎Couverture souple. Broché. 344 pages.‎

‎Livre. Editions du Rocher (Collection : Documents), 1983.‎

Librairie et Cætera - Belin-Beliet

Phone number : +33 (0) 5 56 88 08 45

EUR13.50 (€13.50 )

‎[Cami ] - ‎ ‎Dranem,Aimos,Livert,Raoult René,Nossam,Hyé Raymond,Granval - Pearly Fred,Gabaroche Gaston - Phylo‎

Reference : 101102


‎Partition de la chanson : Yeux dans les yeux (Les) Chanson comique ‎

‎ Gabaroche 1918 approx.‎

‎ Très bon état Petit format ‎

Phone number : 06 12 41 09 89

EUR8.00 (€8.00 )

‎Nibor,Livert,Raoult René,Delsonn Noël,Vanrois,Nossam,Bastard Géo - Pearly Fred,Gabaroche Gaston - Phylo‎

Reference : 101104


‎Partition de la chanson : Robe grenat (La) ‎

‎ Gabaroche 1917‎

‎ Bon état Petit format ‎

Phone number : 06 12 41 09 89

EUR8.00 (€8.00 )

‎Raoult-Wack, Anne-Lucie‎

Reference : SVALIVCN-9782070761241

‎'Dis-moi ce que tu manges ...'‎

‎Gallimard (5/2001)‎


Bookit! - Genève
EUR30.51 (€30.51 )

‎Raoult René,Dornay,Sibert,Mylos - - Bordeaux Gaston‎

Reference : 14020


Phone number : 06 12 41 09 89

EUR5.00 (€5.00 )

‎[Delgrange ] - ‎ ‎Polin,Charland,Raoult René,Fréjol,Vanyll,Duval,Bouchevil,Vial René - Spencer Emile,Rimbault - Rimbault Eugène‎

Reference : 32421


Phone number : 06 12 41 09 89

EUR6.00 (€6.00 )

‎Polin,Raoult René,Fréjol,Moraize,Duval,Vial René,Jul-Hien,Croidel - Christiné - Rimbault Eugène,Desmarets‎

Reference : 32422


Phone number : 06 12 41 09 89

EUR8.00 (€8.00 )

‎RAOULT Michel ‎

Reference : 054689

ISBN : 2268002152

‎DRUIDES. Les sociétés celtiques contemporaines ‎

‎Monaco Editions du Rocher 1983 in 8 (22,5x14) 1 volume broché, couverture illustrée, 344 pages [2], avec des illustrations dans le texte. Bon exemplaire ‎

‎Bon Jaquette en bon état Couverture rigide ‎

Librairie Rouchaléou - Saint André de Sangonis

Phone number : 06 86 01 78 28

EUR15.00 (€15.00 )


Reference : SVBLIVCN-9782379313158




Bookit! - Genève
EUR42.86 (€42.86 )

‎Polin,Charland,Raoult René,Fréjol,Moraize,Vanyll,Duval,Bouchevil,Vial René - Christiné - Rimbault Eugène‎

Reference : 12220


Phone number : 06 12 41 09 89

EUR6.00 (€6.00 )

‎[Laporte ] - ‎ ‎Polin,Raoult René,Devilsert,Fréjol,Moraize,Duval,Vial René,Jul-Hien,Resse,Croidel - Christiné - Rimbault Eugène,Desmarets‎

Reference : 32423


Phone number : 06 12 41 09 89

EUR8.00 (€8.00 )
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