, Brepols, 2021 Hardback, lxxxv + 788 pages, Size:155 x 245 mm, Illustrations:3 b/w, 1 col., Language(s):Latin, Spanish. ISBN 9782503586779.
Summary This work by Ramon Llull, originally composed in Catalan ('Art de fer e solre questions'), was written in Rome in 1295. It is also known as Lectura super Artem inventivam et Tabulam generalem, as it attempts to make the Ars inventiva veritatis (op. 44) and Tabula generalis (op. 53) more approachable. In the prologue Llull expresses his wish for this work to be translated into Latin. It belongs to the so-called encyclopaedic writings in the Lullian production, and the author announces a thousand questions related mainly to theology. The present work aims to provide a general technique applicable to any subject, a practical usage of the Ars inventiva veritatis and the Tabula generalis. In general, Llull develops some aspects dealt with in op. 44 and op. 53 in order to solve possible objections or to experiment with new procedures. It is another step in the great epistemological project of the Majorcan: to establish a new general science that overcomes the difficulties inherent in scholastic-Aristotelian science, to apply its method to the articles of the Christian faith, and to create a universal scientific system as a solid basis for the other sciences.