1901 (reprint n.d.) xiv, 602 p., 34 coloured plates, 4to, hardbound (gilt title on spine and front cover).In all Romanoff published 9 volumes, but of volume 8 nearly all copies were destroyed by fire. Nowadays only 10 original copies remain. This was the main reason for making this facsimile reprint. This is the ''Monographie des Phycitinae et des Galleriinae''.
Delarue. Non daté. In-12. Broché. Etat d'usage, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Papier jauni. 176 pages. 1er page légèrement collée au contreplat. Les plats ne sont pas d'origine. Page de titre collée sur le 1er plat.. . . . Classification Dewey : 630-Agriculture et techniques connexes
Classification Dewey : 630-Agriculture et techniques connexes
1891-1892 276 p., 4 hand-coloured pls, paperbound (spine reinforced with paper strip). Ann. Soc. Ent. France. Library stamps on blank end paper and verso plates. Front cover with chipped edges. Complete in 2 parts and the ''note supplémentaire et rectificative''. Scarce.
1891-1892 276 p., 4 hand-coloured pls, paperbound (new covers with original front cover laid on). Annales Société Entomologique France. Complete in 2 parts and the ''note supplémentaire et rectificative''. Good unmarked and partly unopened copy of this scarce title.
P., Audot, 1844. In 12 broché, couverture illustrée, dos renforcé, 94 pp. et 4 planches en couleurs.