, Editions de la Martiniere, 2009 Relie sous jaquette illustree, 230 x 335mm., 172pp., illustration profonde en couleurs. ISBN 9782732438368.
La porcelaine de Limoges passe pour etre la plus delicate, la plus blanche, la plus reputee au monde. Belle a admirer et pratique au quotidien, elle s'impose avec audace et elegance dans nos interieurs et sur nos tables les plus inventives. Porcelainier depuis 160 ans, la maison Raynaud a su, a travers trois generations de dirigeants et d'ouvriers, perpetuer, transmettre et enrichir un savoir-faire ancestral herite des manufactures du XVIIIe siecle. Limoges' porcelain is considered the purest, most delicate, and most illustrious in the world. Both beautiful to the eye and practical for everyday use, it reigns over the most inventive tables and interiors with audacity and elegance. The Raynaud family has been making porcelain for 160 years. During three generations of managers and craftspeople, it has succeeded in perpetuating, imparting and enriching the ancestral savoir faire inherited from 18th century manufacturers. Edition bilingue. Good condition.