36 books for « pufendorf samuel »Edit

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‎PUFENDORF (Samuel, baron von)‎

Reference : 17503

‎Le Droit de la nature et des gens, ou Système général des principes les plus importants de la morale, de la jurisprudence et de la politique‎

‎ Bâles, Emanuel Thourneisen, 1771. 2 vol. in-4, [2]-CIV-[2]-680 pp. 1 pl. + [4]-613-[37]-52 pp., veau marbré brun de l'époque, dos à nerfs orné de caissons dorés, pièce de titre rubis, pièce de tomaison fauve, tranches rouges (épidermures, petits manques, quelques petites taches). ‎

‎Nouvelle édition traduite, annotée et préfacée (abondamment) par Jean Barbeyrac. Elle est ornée d'un portrait de l'auteur en frontispice gravé par Johann Rudolf Holzhalb et daté de Zurich, 1750. Elle comprend en fin du second volume deux opuscules de Barbeyrac : Oratio inauguralis de dignitate et utilitate juris ac historiarum (en troisième édition) et Oratio de magistratu (deuxième édition), qui ont leur propre pagination mais appartiennent bien, par les cahiers, à l'ouvrage. Cet ouvrage est sans doute le plus célèbre de son auteur, Samuel von Pufendorf. Il le publie alors qu'il est enseignant à l'université de Lund, au Danemark, provoquant une polémique avec des théologiens et des juristes qui finiront par obtenir l'interdiction de l'ouvrage. Voir photographie(s) / See picture(s) * Membre du SLAM et de la LILA / ILAB Member. La librairie est ouverte du lundi au vendredi de 14h à 19h. Merci de nous prévenir avant de passer,certains de nos livres étant entreposés dans une réserve. ‎

Phone number : 09 78 81 38 22

EUR300.00 (€300.00 )


Reference : 61494


‎Einleitung zu der Historie der vornehmsten Reiche und Staaten so itziger Zeit in Europa sich befinden (+) Continuirte Einleitung zu der Historie der vornehmsten Reiche und Staaten von Europa.‎

‎Franckfurt, Knochen, 1705. 8vo. Uniformly bound in two contemporary full calf bindings with four raised bands and gilt lettering to spine. Small paper-label pasted on to top of spines. Wear to extremities. Leather cracked, boards with scratches and head of spine on vol. 1 chipped. Internally with occassional light foxing, but generally internally nice and clean. Title-page in vol. 1 detached. (16), 870, (32) pp. + frontispiece. (16), 916, (13) pp. ‎

‎Later edition of this influential work by Pufendorf, first published in 1683 during his period in Sweden. Here Pufendorf examine the various nations and their individual motivations. He saw states as having distinct personalities each driven by an interest that shaped how they were governed and how they behaved. ""In 1682, Samuel Pufendorf published his treatise Einleitung zu der Historie der Vornehmsten Reiche und Staaten so itziger Zeit in Europa sich befinden (…). This book included a short reference to the early beginnings of mankind, which combined biblical and Aristotelian perspectives: 'To the time of the deluge', Pufendorf suggested, there was no magistracy, but 'the Government was lodged only in each Father of his Family, a Paternal Government', which might have continued 'for a considerable time after the deluge'. Here, the biblical account was combined with a more or less ethnographic approach. But this period was not at the centre of Pufendorf's interest, since, as the title of his book already indicated, he focused on the development of modern states and societies. For his purposes, for the analysis of present political and legal developments, biblical history was nothing more than a vague reference point"" (Godfrey 207-08). The work was published numerous times throughout the 18th century.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK7,500.00 (€1,005.91 )


Reference : 61922


‎Le droit de la nature et de gens, ou systeme general des principes le plus importans de la morale, de la jurisprudence, et de la politique. Traduit du Latin par Jean Barbeyrac. Second edition, revûé & augmentée considerablement - [THE STATE OF NATURE IS PEACE]‎

‎Amsterdam, Pierre de Coup, 1712. 4to. In contemporary full calf with five raised bands. Binding with considerable wear, scratches, wormholes and stains to boards, upper and lower compartment on spine with loss of leather, corner bumped and with loss of leather, especially upper corner on frontboard. Hinges weak. Small worm-tract to outer margin of first 250 ff., otherwise internally nice and clean. (2), CXXII, (4), 613, (1), (4), 506, (32), 28 pp. + frontispiece. ‎

‎Second edition of the first French translation of Pufendorf's magnum opus, one of the fundamental works of natural law. In this milestone work of political and legal thought, Pufendorf presents his system of universal law, which profoundly revised the natural law theories of Hobbes and Grotius. In his teaching, that the will of the state is but the sum of the individual wills that constitute it, he shows himself a precursor of Rousseau and of the ""Social Contract"".""It is a complete system of public, private and international law. Against Hobbes's view he contended that the state of nature was one of peace, not war, and heurged the view that international law... existed between all nations... [a work] of great importance"" (David Walker, The Oxford Companion to Law).""In the 'De jure naturae et gentium' Pufendorf took up in great measure the theories of Grotius and sought to complete them by means of the doctrines of Hobbes and of his own ideas. His first important point was that natural law does not extend beyond the limits of this life and that it confines itself to regulating external acts. He disputed Hobbes's conception of the state of nature and concluded that the state of nature is not one of war but of peace. But this peace is feeble and insecure, and if something else does not come to its aid it can do very little for the preservation of mankind.As regards public law Pufendorf, while recognizing in the state (civitas) a moral person (persona moralis), teaches that the will of the state is but the sum of the individual wills that constitute it, and that this association explains the state. In this a priori conception, in which he scarcely gives proof of historical insight, he shows himself as one of the precursors of Rousseau and of the Contrat social. Pufendorf powerfully defends the idea that international law is not restricted to Christendom, but constitutes a common bond between all nations because all nations form part of humanity."" (Encyclopedia Brit.).Graesse V, 504Brunet only mention the later 1720- and 1734-edition.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK3,000.00 (€402.37 )


Reference : 54537


‎De Jure Naturae et Gentium Libri octo. Cum Gratia & Privilegio S. Caesareae Majestatis. - [THE STATE OF NATURE IS PEACE]‎

‎Londini Scanorum (Lund), Adami Junghaus - Vitus Haberegger, 1672. 4to. Contemporary full calf with double blindstamped borders to boards. Spine restored and hinges weak. Otherwise very nice. Title-page dusty and with a little weakness in the paper, presumably from a removed book-plate on the blank part of verso. Last secion of leaves with some light worming to upper blank margin, far from affecting text. All in all a very nice and clean copy with unusually good margins. Old owner's name to top of title-page. Title-page printed in red/black. (20), 1227,(9) pp.‎

‎Scarce first edition of Pufendorf's magnum opus, one of the fundamental works of natural law. In this milestone work of political and legal thought, Pufendorf presents his system of universal law, which profoundly revised the natural law theories of Hobbes and Grotius. In his teaching, that the will of the state is but the sum of the individual wills that constitute it, he shows himself a precursor of Rousseau and of the ""Social Contract"".""It is a complete system of public, private and international law. Against Hobbes's view he contended that the state of nature was one of peace, not war, and heurged the view that international law... existed between all nations... [a work] of great importance"" (David Walker, The Oxford Companion to Law).""In the 'De jure naturae et gentium' Pufendorf took up in great measure the theories of Grotius and sought to complete them by means of the doctrines of Hobbes and of his own ideas. His first important point was that natural law does not extend beyond the limits of this life and that it confines itself to regulating external acts. He disputed Hobbes's conception of the state of nature and concluded that the state of nature is not one of war but of peace. But this peace is feeble and insecure, and if something else does not come to its aid it can do very little for the preservation of mankind.As regards public law Pufendorf, while recognizing in the state (civitas) a moral person (persona moralis), teaches that the will of the state is but the sum of the individual wills that constitute it, and that this association explains the state. In this a priori conception, in which he scarcely gives proof of historical insight, he shows himself as one of the precursors of Rousseau and of the Contrat social. Pufendorf powerfully defends the idea that international law is not restricted to Christendom, but constitutes a common bond between all nations because all nations form part of humanity."" (Encyclopedia Brit.).Collijn: p. 744.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK95,000.00 (€12,741.59 )


Reference : 57075


‎De Jure Naturae et Gentium Libri octo. Cum Gratia & Privilegio S. Caesareae Majestatis. - [THE STATE OF NATURE IS PEACE]‎

‎Londini Scanorum (Lund), Adami Junghaus - Vitus Haberegger, 1672. 4to. Contemporary or slightly later full mottled calf five raised bands to richly gilt spine. Edges of boards gilt. Very neat restorations to corners and hinges, barely noticeable. Blank front free end-paper with a few restorations. A mostly faint damp stain inner margin of first section of leaves. Some brownspotting. Title-page printed in red/black. (20), 1227,(9) pp.‎

‎Scarce first edition of Pufendorf's magnum opus, one of the fundamental works of natural law. In this milestone work of political and legal thought, Pufendorf presents his system of universal law, which profoundly revised the natural law theories of Hobbes and Grotius. In his teaching, that the will of the state is but the sum of the individual wills that constitute it, he shows himself a precursor of Rousseau and of the ""Social Contract"".""It is a complete system of public, private and international law. Against Hobbes's view he contended that the state of nature was one of peace, not war, and heurged the view that international law... existed between all nations... [a work] of great importance"" (David Walker, The Oxford Companion to Law).""In the 'De jure naturae et gentium' Pufendorf took up in great measure the theories of Grotius and sought to complete them by means of the doctrines of Hobbes and of his own ideas. His first important point was that natural law does not extend beyond the limits of this life and that it confines itself to regulating external acts. He disputed Hobbes's conception of the state of nature and concluded that the state of nature is not one of war but of peace. But this peace is feeble and insecure, and if something else does not come to its aid it can do very little for the preservation of mankind.As regards public law Pufendorf, while recognizing in the state (civitas) a moral person (persona moralis), teaches that the will of the state is but the sum of the individual wills that constitute it, and that this association explains the state. In this a priori conception, in which he scarcely gives proof of historical insight, he shows himself as one of the precursors of Rousseau and of the Contrat social. Pufendorf powerfully defends the idea that international law is not restricted to Christendom, but constitutes a common bond between all nations because all nations form part of humanity."" (Encyclopedia Brit.).Collijn: p. 744.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK78,000.00 (€10,461.51 )


Reference : 56361


‎Sieben Bücher von den Thaten Carl Gustavs Königs in Schweden, Mit Vortrefflichen Kupffern ausgezieret und mit nöthigen Registern versehen aus dem Lateinischen ins Hoch=Teutsche übersetzet von S.R.‎

‎Nürnberg, Christoph Riegels, 1697. Folio. Bound in a nice (a bit later, ca. 1740) full calf. Raised bands. Richly gilt compartments. Titlelabel with gilt lettering. Gilt borders on covers. Covers richly blindtooled with a curved decoration of rococco-stamps. Large goldstamped cornerpieces. Edges of covers gilt. a stamp on htitle and title-page.(10),734,(66) pp. Having 1 engraved portrait (Carolus XI), many engraved vignettes. Fine and clean, but WITHOUT THE PLATES.‎

‎Scarce first German edition of Pufendorf's ""De rebus a Carolo Gustavo gestis commentario..Nürnberg, 1696."" The writing of this official history of the Swedish wars with Poland and Denmark from 1655 to 1660 was enthrusted by the King Charles XI to Samuel Pufendorf, a German historian and expert on international law.Swedish Books No 38 - Warmholtz: 4840.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK9,500.00 (€1,274.16 )


Reference : 54188


‎De Rebus a Carolo Gustavo Sveciae Rege Gestis commentariorum libri septem. Elegantissimis Tabulis aeneis exornati cum triplici Indice. (2 Parts). - [THE MAGNIFICENT ILLUSTRATION OF THE SWEDISH WARS 1655-60]‎

‎Nürnberg, Christopher Riegel, 1729. Folio. (38x25 cm.). Bound in two unifrom later half vellum with handwritten titles and line bands on spine, all in black ink. Bound partly uncut. Half-title, (8), 362, (363-367), 368-626 pp. + Tractatus Praecipui 53 pp. + Index (9) pp. + Informatio pro Bibliopegis &c (2) pp. Engraved allegorical frontispiece (by Jean Boulanger after D.K. Ehrenstrahl). 12 engraved portraits and 115 fine engraved plates (numbered up to 112, some numbers omitted, some unnumbered, some double-numb - COMPLETE). Plates are double-page, but some of the plates folded three times and made from more than one copperplate" the plate with the view of Stockholm, showing the procession of the funeral of Carl X Gustav, is printed from 13 plates and is 450 cm. long. One plate (Expeditio Gloriosa... qua Mare Balticum) shaved in left and right margins, loosing part of the printed frame. Many engraved vignettes, coins and medals in the text. Although the binding is rather new, it is the copy's first binding, thus the first and last few leaves in both volumes have some brownspots and some soiling, otherwise rather clean with some scattered brownspots, mainly to margins. A few corners with minor repairs (no loss). 7 plates in part I having a wormtract in upper right corners, not affecting the engravings.‎

‎Scarce second Latin edition - the first published 1696 - having the same plates as the first, of this magnificent and profusely illustrated work on the Swedish Wars, which also appeared in translations into German and French. The writing of this official history of the Swedish Wars with Poland and Denmark from 1655 to 1660 was entrusted by King Charles XI to Samuel Pufendorf, the famous and important German jurist, political philosopher, economist, statesman and historian, who was made a baron in 1694, shortly before he died. Pufendorf played a decisive role in the development of the philosophy of law and political history. His famous work on the Swedish Wars is also famed for its impressive and excellent illustrations, - not least the 450 cm. long procession-plate. To illustrate the history of the Swedish Wars, use was made of the original drawings by Erik Dahlberg, the Quarter-Master general of the Swedish Army, who was an eye-witness. The drawings were engraved by the same artists that Dahlbergh employed in Paris and later in Sweden for his ""Suecia Antiqua"", e.g. Boulanger, Cochin, Jean le Pautre, Perelle etc. etc. They includes views from Poland, Denmark, Germany and Norway. It is easy to trace the influence of Callot, as well as of Rubens in these splendid Cavalry scenes. Swedish Books No 38 - Warmholtz: 4840 (1696-edition).‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK85,000.00 (€11,400.37 )

‎PUFENDORF (Samuel von)‎

Reference : 026865


‎INTRODUCTION A L HISTOIRE DES PRINCIPAUX ETATS DE L EUROPE, QUI COMPREND L HISTOIRE DE SUEDE , Les guerres qu belle a euës avec ses voisins ; & où l auteur fait voir quels sont les interêts de ce Roiaume à l'égard des autres Puissances de l Europe, Traduite de l'original Allemand de SAMUEL PUFENDORF. Tome III. ‎

‎Amsterdam Aux depens de la Société 1710 un volume (160 x 90mm), [22] ff. (feuillet blanc, titre, envoi, avis, table, feuillet blanc) 416 pp. Reliure en pleine basane brune, dos à nerfs orné, pièces de titre et tomaison en maroquin rouge, roulette dorée sur les coupes, tranches rouges, gardes de papier " Grand tourniquet " (reliure époque). (volume légèrement frotté, coiffe en pied manquante, auréole sombre sur le second plat, rousseurs pâles). Tome consacré à l' histoire de la Suède. Vignette de titre. ‎

Aparté - Pézenas

Phone number : 33 04 67 98 03 04

EUR100.00 (€100.00 )

‎PUFENDORF (Samuel von), [suivi de : ] BARBEYRAC (Jean)‎

Reference : 20464

‎Le Droit de la Nature et des gens ou système général des principes les plus importants de la morale, de la jurisprudence et de la politique [suivi de : ] Oratio Inauguralis de Dignitate et Utilitate Juris ac historiarum‎

‎ Amsterdal, Pierre de Coup, 1712. 2 vol. in-4, [2]-CXXII-613 pp. + [6]-506-[34]-28 pp., vélin rigide moucheté à petits rabats, dos long, tranches mouchetées (manques et décollements au dos, quelques rousseurs et taches). ‎

‎Deuxième édition de la traduction française faite par Jean Barbeyrac. [suivi de : ] Deuxième édition du traité de Barbeyrac. Ex-libris du séminaire de Saint Irène de Lyon, gravé par Durand. * Membre du SLAM et de la LILA / ILAB Member. La librairie est ouverte du lundi au vendredi de 14h à 19h. Merci de nous prévenir avant de passer,certains de nos livres étant entreposés dans une réserve. ‎

Phone number : 09 78 81 38 22

EUR150.00 (€150.00 )


Reference : 60539


‎Sieben Bücher von den Thaten Carl Gustavs Königs in Schweden, Mit Vortrefflichen Kupffern ausgezieret und mit nöthigen Registern versehen aus dem Lateinischen ins Hoch=Teutsche übersetzet von S.R. - [THE MAGNIFICENT ILLUSTRATION OF THE SWEDISH WARS 1655-60]‎

‎Nürnberg, Christoph Riegels, 1697. Folio (355 x 250 mm). In a contemporary full calf binding with six raised bands and gilt lettering and ornamentation to spine, edges of boards gilt. Light wear to extremeties, corner's bumped and some of gilting worn of. Small paper-label to upper compartment of spine (catalogue-number in an estate-library). The large plate depicting the funeral procession with a few repairs and tears as usual. Plates with light occassional marginal brownspotting but overall a very good copy. Engraved titlepage (Boulanger Sculp.). 4 leaves (incl. printed title), 734, (66), 24 pp. 10 engraved portraits and 114 fine double-page engraved plates (1 triple-page), including the 4,5 m. long funeral procession of King Carl X Gustaf, folded 14 times and composed of 7 plates.‎

‎Scarce first German edition, second overall (the first being in Latin published in 1696), of this profusely illustrated work on the Swedish Wars.The writing of this official history of the Swedish Wars with Poland and Denmark from 1655 to 1660 was entrusted by the King Charles XI to Samuel Pufendorf, the famous and important German jurist, political philosopher, economist, statesman and historian, who was made a baron in 1694, shortly before he died. He has played a great role in the development of the philosophy of law and political history. His famous work on the Swedish Wars is also famed for its impressive and excellent illustrations, -not least the 450 cm. long procession-plate. To illustrate the history, use was made of the original drawings by Erik Dahlberg, the Quarter-Master general of the Swedish Army, who was an eye-witness. The drawings were engraved by the same artists that Dahlbergh employed in Paris and later in Sweden for his ""Suecia Antiqua"", e.g. Boulanger, Cochin, Jean le Pautre, Perelle etc. etc. It includes views from Poland, Denmark, Germany and Norway. It is easy to trace the influence of Callot, as well as of Rubens in these splendid Cavalry scenes. Swedish Books No 38 Warmholtz: 4840Graesse V, 504‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK75,000.00 (€10,059.15 )

‎PUFENDORF [Samuel von] Mr. le Baron de:‎

Reference : 9768


‎Histoire de Suède, avant et depuis la fondation de la monarchie. Nouvelle édition, plus correcte que les précédentes, & continuée jusqu'à l'année 1743.‎

‎A Amsterdam, Chez Zacharie Chatelain, 1743. 3 volumes in-12 de [2]-XXXVIII-486-[2]; [2]-XXVI-538-[2] et XVI-481-[35-table] pages, demi-basane brune, dos lisses ornés de filets, étoiles et titre dorés, étiquettes de titre marron, de tomaison vertes, tranches jaunes. Infime accroc à une étiquette. ‎

‎Premier volume illustré d'un portrait gravé de l'auteur au frontispice, répété au volume 3, un autre frontispice, allégorique, ornant le volume 2. Vignettes de titre. L'auteur fut historiographe et conseiller du roi de Suède, c'est dire s'il maîtrisait le sujet... ‎

Phone number : +4122 310 20 50

CHF200.00 (€214.37 )


Reference : 61768


‎Introduction a l'histoire des principaux etats, tels qu'ils sont aujourd'hui dans l'Europe. Traduit de l'Alemand. ‎

‎Frankfurt, Knoch, 1688. 8vo. In contemporary full calf with four raised bands and and richly gilt spine. Wear to extremities, leather on spine cracked and head of spine chipped. Title-page with underlignings in red. First few leaves with vague dampstain otherwise internally nice and clean. (18), 670, (79) pp.‎

‎Volume 1 of the second edition of the first French translation of Pufendorf's work.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK1,200.00 (€160.95 )

‎Pufendorf, Samuel - Barbeyrac, Jean,‎

Reference : 134054


‎Le Droit de la nature et des gens, ou Système général des principes les plus importants de la morale, de la jurisprudence, et de la politique. par le Baron de Pufendorf, traduit du latin par Jean Barbeyrac.‎

‎Londres, chez Jean Nours 1740 3 volumes in-4, plein veau brun époque, dos à nerfs caissons ornés, dentelles en coupes, CLXXII- 359- 576- 541 pp, Deux beaux portraits gravés de l'auteur et du traducteur. par Petit? Coins lég. émoussés. Très bon exemplaire.‎

‎Traduction française par Barbeyrac, revue et augmentée, de cet ouvrage majeur pour l'histoire du droit naturel, inspirateur des Lumières et de Rousseau en particulier. Très bon état d’occasion ‎

Librairie de l'Avenue - Saint-Ouen

Phone number : 01 40 11 95 85

EUR812.00 (€812.00 )

‎PUFENDORF, Samuel.‎

Reference : 44021


‎Les devoirs de l'homme et du citoien, Tels qu'ils lui sont prescrits par la Loi Naturelle. Traduits du Latin de feu Mr. Le Baron de Pufendorf.‎

‎Amsterdam : Pierre de Coup, 1718 Deux volumes in-12. Basane de l'époque, dos à nerfs orné.‎

‎ Cet ouvrage est un résumé du "Droit de la nature et des gens". La première édition française a paru en 1707. "Juridique, politique, sociologique. Obligations quotidiennes de la vie humaine pour le simple citoyen et pour le souverain." (INED) INED : 219 (édition de 1718)‎


Phone number : +33 (0)1 46 34 64 53

EUR280.00 (€280.00 )

‎PUFENDORF Samuel (& SURBUCHEN Simone, ed.)‎

Reference : J101293


‎The Divine Feudal Law : Or, Covenants with Mankind, Represented‎

‎Indianapolis, Liberty Fund 2002 xix + 246 pp., 24cm., publisher's hardcover, dustwrapper, in the series "Natural Law and Enlightenment Classics", ISBN 0-86597-372-5, [Contains the English translation of Pufendorf's "Jus feciale divinum", with introduction, bibliography and index], J101293‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR32.00 (€32.00 )

‎PUFENDORF Samuel (& SURBUCHEN Simone, ed.)‎

Reference : J101294


‎Of the Nature and Qualification of Religion in Reference to Civil Society‎

‎Indianapolis, Liberty Fund 2002 xx + 158 pp., 24cm., publisher's hardcover, dustwrapper, in the series "Natural Law and Enlightenment Classics", ISBN 0-86597-370-9, [Contains the English translation of Pufendorf's "De habitu religionis Christianae ad vitam civilem", with introduction, bibliography and index], J101294‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR32.00 (€32.00 )

‎"PUFENDORF, Samuel;"‎

Reference : CLL-76


‎Le Droit de la nature et des gens. Ou Système général des principes les plus importants de la morale, de la jurisprudence, et de la politique.‎

‎Leyde, Wetstein, 1771 2 volumes in-4, veau marbré, dos à nerfs orné de caissons dorés avec fleurons dorés au centre, pièce de titre de maroquin havane, double filet doré et chevrons dorés sur les coupes, tranches rouges (reliure de l'époque).‎

‎Belle édition en français de ce classique de la théorie du droit naturel. Portrait gravé de l'auteur en frontispice. Allemand mais longtemps pensionné par le roi de Suède, Pufendorf prolonge, en les contredisant sur de nombreux points, les réflexions de Hobbes sur le contrat liant le peuple au souverain. Il n'admet pas, comme le fera Locke, l'idée de révolte légitime contre une éventuelle oppression, mais fixe en principe des bornes à l'exercice de l'absolutisme. En ce qui concerne le droit international, ou droit des gens, il approfondit les concepts de guerre juste et injuste, tout en préconisant le maintien de la paix dans l'intérêt général.‎


Phone number : + 33 (0)1 42 89 51 59

EUR750.00 (€750.00 )

‎PUFENDORF, Samuel.‎

Reference : 44296


‎Les devoirs de l'homme et du citoien, Tels qu'ils lui sont prescrits par la Loi Naturelle. Traduits du Latin de feu Mr. Le Baron de Pufendorf par Jean Barbeyrac.‎

‎Amsterdam : Pierre de Coup, 1715 In-12, LII-(4)-424 pages. Basane de l'époque, dos à nerfs orné.‎

‎ Cet ouvrage est un résumé du "Droit de la nature et des gens". La première édition française a paru en 1707. "Juridique, politique, sociologique. Obligations quotidiennes de la vie humaine pour le simple citoyen et pour le souverain." (INED) INED : 219 (édition de 1718)‎


Phone number : +33 (0)1 46 34 64 53

EUR180.00 (€180.00 )


Reference : 144290



‎Euerardus Otto, Jctus, Repetita prælectione recensuit & adnotationibus illustravit.... Accedunt Cl. Titii ad eosdem libros Observationes. apud Joannem Broedelet, Trajecti ad Rhenum (Utrecht), 1740. In-8 p. (mm. 202x120), 2 voll., piena pergamena coeva, fregi e tit. oro su tasselli al dorso, pp. (46),392; 636 (numeraz. continua),(26),273. Vignetta inc. in rame al frontespizio del vol. I (stampato in rosso e nero) e vignetta inc. su legno nel 2° vol. Nell'opera utilitas Juris Naturae in studio Juris Civilis, & hujus in illo abusus ostenditur. Esempl. brunito.‎


Phone number : +39 02 804607

EUR150.00 (€150.00 )

‎PUFENDORF Samuel (HUNTER Ian & SAUNDERS David, eds.)‎

Reference : J101124


‎The Whole Duty of Man, According to the Law of Nature‎

‎Indianapolis, Liberty Fund 2003 xviii + 382pp., 24cm., publisher's hardcover, dustwrapper, in the series "Natural Law and Enlightenment Classics", ISBN 0-86597-374-1, very good, [This book was edited and with an introduction by Ian Hunter and David Saunders, with two discourses and a commentary by Jean Barbeyrac translated by David Saunders], J101124‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR45.00 (€45.00 )


Reference : J101373


‎De Officio Hominis et Civis juxta Legem Naturalem libri duo [2 volumes] I: Photographic reproduction of the Edition of 1682, II: Translation (into English)‎

‎New York, Oxford University Press 1927 Complete in 2 volumes, I: 30 + xxii + 167pp., II: 27 + xii + 152pp., 26cm., publisher's hardcover bindings in brown cloth with some traces of use, in the series "The Classics of International Law" vol.10 (Publicatons of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Division of International Law, Washington), good condition, J101373‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR100.00 (€100.00 )


Reference : 14202


‎Commentariorum de Rebus Suecicis libri XXVI. Ab expeditione Gustavi Adolfi Regis in Germaniam ad abdicationem usque Christinæ.‎

‎Ultrajecti (Utrecht), Johannem Ribbium, 1686. Folio. Later full fabrikoid. Engraved Portrait, engr. title (with small tears at foot). (14),1044,(24) pp. Slight soiling to margins of first 13 leaves and to lower corners of the 2 engravings, a little to the top.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK4,500.00 (€603.55 )


Reference : 48732


‎Commentariorum de Rebus Suecicis libri XXVI. Ab expeditione Gustavi Adolfi Regis in Germaniam ad abdicationem usque Christinæ.‎

‎Ultrajecti (Utrecht), Johannem Ribbium, 1686. Folio. Contemp. hvellum. First inner hinge a bit loose. Corners bumped and worn, some loss of coverpaper at edges. Some scratches to covers. Old names on titlepage. Engraved Portrait. (14),1044,(24) pp. Light yellowing to margins. A few brownspots. The engraved titlepage missing.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK4,000.00 (€536.49 )

‎PUFENDORF Samuel, baron de. ‎

Reference : 469


‎Le Droit de la nature et des Gens, ou Système général des principes de la morale, de la jurisprudence et de la politique. ‎

‎Londres, [Paris], Jean Nours, 1740 ; 3 vol. in-4, veau moucheté de l'époque, dos à nerfs ornés, pièces sable, tranches rouges.‎

‎Traduction française par Barbeyrac d'un des textes fondateurs du droit public, inspirateur des Lumières et de Rousseau en particulier. L'édition, qu'on rencontre rarement, est revue et « très augmentée » d'après la page de titre. Deux beaux portraits gravés par Petit : l'auteur et son traducteur. Coiffe du tome I élimée, quelques minimes frottements, sinon bon exemplaire.‎


Phone number : 33 0 1 42 24 11 41

EUR650.00 (€650.00 )
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