".: Photo L'EPI, F. De Volder, Bruxelles, (1935), Two Albums; 1) Album, 24,5 x 32 cm, with 10 mounted original photographs, ( pictures of the Persil Pavillion at the Brussels' World Exhibition of 1935 , with the caption '' Persil à l'Exposition Universelle et Internationale de Bruxelles 1935''.) Photo size 17 x 22 cm. Interesting example of interbellum publicity album of the soap factory in Herent ( Leuven Louvain ). 2) Album, size 24,5 x 32 cm, with 9 photographs , size 16 x 21 cm, of the Persil training centre in Brussels ( interior and exterior ) with the Album title '' Cours Persil Bruxelles ''.."