.: 2. Louvain, Union Internationale contre le cancer, 1962, in-4°, pp 313-511, b/w ills., publisher's stiff wrapper, sewn. Contains 23 articles on the subject by e.g.S. Rothman, A.G. Oettlé, J.N.P. Davies, P.E.S. Palmer, F. Roulet, B. Becker and others....Published as issue number 3 of volume XVIII of ''Acta. Unio Internationalis contra Cancrum''.
.: 2. Basel, New York, Karger A.G. 1963, in-4°, 205 pp, index, b/w ills., publisher's cloth with dustjacket. Contains 23 articles on the subject by e.g. S. Rothman, A.G. Oettlé, J.N.P. Davies, P.E.S. Palmer, F. Roulet, B. Becker and others....