New York Pyramid Books 1976
Three volumes in the "Illustrated Fiction" series published by Pyramid books. All are first editions Softback. Full colour adult graphic novels. Byron Preiss wrote Schlomo Raven Public Detective with art by Tom Sutton. "Smarter than Marlow! Shorter than Spade!" Schlomo is described as being in the footsteps of the Maltese Falcon. Byron Preiss also wrote Starfawn, with illustrations by Stephen Fabian. (An adventure in the Star Trek tradition with a fantastic multinational crew on the Starship Destiny). Red Tide was illustrated by Steranko and is an illustrated Chandler novel. All three are in good clean condition, with just a touch of edgewear / handling. Vol 1 unpaginated but approximately 128 pages. Volume 2 is approximately 128 pages. Volume 3 is 128 numbered pages. 170 by 125mm (6Ÿ by 5 inches).